Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 11, 2024
Oh really saying what, imagine a company going on a live and slagging of members of the public and vav is away to use them for a boot lift what a clown, what a company I am actually laughing.
I’ve sent the screen recording to soph, I thought it was only fair letting her see it first. She is doing a video on it now though I think ❤️ disgusting from the company, she actually laughs and makes a joke about soph complaining. It’s embarrassing tbf, she had 5 people in the live and all she done wa talk about her
Mar 8, 2024
The state of them pjs. They look so cheap. And the frills are just ridiculous. “Excuse the mess guys.. I’ve sew many parcels.. I’m so important and famous I get so much parcels.. and I’m sew busy I haven’t uwnpacked yet. Look at all my pr. let me just pan the camera around to shew you all how much I got.” What an absolute prick. She just has to be a show off. It’s embarrassing how much she craves this celebrity lifestyle and status. Yet she’s just some thief with a massive arse. Get a grip you are a dickhead staff


Aug 23, 2024
Proud of what? You are sitting on stairs posing like you’re squeezing out a turd.. can’t even smile cus you’re posing so hard. You actually think you’re something. You have done nothing to be proud of. You absolute fing muppet. I’d be embarrassed looking at myself posing like this. She’s acting like it’s a photo shoot.. it was an event.. that you didn’t need to be at. Stop making out it was this exclusive thing. It’s embarrassing. The tracky you were flogging as yours.. that’s never been seen again 😂😂 another thing you made out to be exclusive. This is why you’re sew tired, all these delusional tales you tell and make up. Your brain must be constantly thinking of new ways to make your life seem amazing. We know it isn’t. You’re a s mum. Not a home bird. You can’t wait to get away from your kids. Mainly max cus he stresses you out and is too loud for you. You are a t. Not anything to be proud of. You have absolutely talked yourself up to yourself that you’re convinced you are amazing. You’re not. You’re a fing prick.
Omg that open mouth cum face 😂😂😊 that's embarrassing