Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


May 10, 2024
Stop commenting on her weight? Aw ffs!! 😡Have heard it all now.
Did you not comment on that poor guy who had the misfortune to sit beside you on a plane and not only take a photo of "the fattest man in the world", (your quote little miss innocence), but blast him on social media.
Did you not also s off a poor girl who was on the big side (like yourself, but Hey Ho! Karmas a b eh?), because she had the audacity to, in your black soulless beady eyes, wear leggings and put that on you caring, sharing social media also for others to laugh at?
Tell your wee rabid huns that hen, fing dare you.You clown 😡😡
Mar 8, 2024
Stop commenting on her weight? Aw ffs!! 😡Have heard it all now.
Did you not comment on that poor guy who had the misfortune to sit beside you on a plane and not only take a photo of "the fattest man in the world", (your quote little miss innocence), but blast him on social media.
Did you not also s off a poor girl who was on the big side (like yourself, but Hey Ho! Karmas a b eh?), because she had the audacity to, in your black soulless beady eyes, wear leggings and put that on you caring, sharing social media also for others to laugh at?
Tell your wee rabid huns that hen, fing dare you.You clown 😡😡
And her and ailment commenting on famous peoples weight saying they don’t eat they just do drugs and being too skinny. It’s ok when they talk about others weight but no one should talk about theirs even when they share about it and look for attention about weight loss. Pathetic fs


Mar 10, 2024
Watched it earlier, you definitely handled that well, she opened up those gates of hate towards you with her 400 viewers on her live being a cocky fy but was acting all concerned fake concerned by sounds of things with her patronising messages back to you, she knew what she was doing and now she’s 100 Percent squirming in her knickers knowing she’s fed up by breaching gpdr by publicly naming and saying you called her company
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Mar 19, 2024
Stop commenting on her weight? Aw ffs!! 😡Have heard it all now.
Did you not comment on that poor guy who had the misfortune to sit beside you on a plane and not only take a photo of "the fattest man in the world", (your quote little miss innocence), but blast him on social media.
Did you not also s off a poor girl who was on the big side (like yourself, but Hey Ho! Karmas a b eh?), because she had the audacity to, in your black soulless beady eyes, wear leggings and put that on you caring, sharing social media also for others to laugh at?
Tell your wee rabid huns that hen, fing dare you.You clown 😡😡
Wasn’t that when she hit her wee spell of the gym and was lifting weights around pip mansion for us all to see . Saying the trolls will be raging when she’s ripped !! What a t ! Please stop talking about my weight , why’s that ?? Cos you can’t admit you use skinny jags so nobody ask ! Stop standing in mirrors looking for compliments then and why pin comments about it !
May 24, 2024
The World
Wasn’t that when she hit her wee spell of the gym and was lifting weights around pip mansion for us all to see . Saying the trolls will be raging when she’s ripped !! What a t ! Please stop talking about my weight , why’s that ?? Cos you can’t admit you use skinny jags so nobody ask ! Stop standing in mirrors looking for compliments then and why pin comments about it !
Back when she was slamming a slam ball off the floor blowing out her arse and the videos in black and white so we can’t see how beetroot she is from bending down to pick a ball up??
Why would we be raging at her being ripped… she has no idea what my body looks like? She just automatically assumes she’s better, the narc rips out her. Beefy, you’d love mine babe 😛

She’ll just put it all back on because she hasn’t fixed the psychological reasons behind her binging. As per, her actions are always to get one up on ‘trolls’, never for genuine reasons
Mar 8, 2024
She just moans.. moans about everything.. back to London today flog more se. I use L’Oréal so it’s annoying they work with her. Should she not have max in physio? And be doing exercises at home to help the tightness in his legs. Why must she make a video soon as she’s up? Just to fing moan. Oh poor me I’m up at five to four, five to four, 3.55.. she repeats herself.. she’s like fing Groundhog Day. Constantly moaning and being negative. She’s such a drainer.
Im sew busy guys. My life is just sew busy. I have to jetset off again to London. Leaving my kids again. Even though the job works a round my kids I leave them a lot. Cus I’m just sew busy. do off staff. It’s embarrassing the way you cosplay a busy person. t
Jul 7, 2024
Why pin a comment then not even mention it or reply to it! Why bring attention to weight related comments when you don’t want people to talk about weight on social media! She does it just to confuse / annoy people and get engagement! People talking about weight on social media isn’t the issue. It’s all the fakeness and manipulation that has ruined social media.


Aug 16, 2024
Why even reply to someones comment like that, detailing their own personal struggles and not even address them or offer any sympathy or empathy? Oh aye, because you are the biggest (not weight wise not allowed to mention weight), most self centered, narcissistic cockwomble!!

And the sniffing 🤢 get a tissue and blow your nose you absolute midden!!
Mar 8, 2024
Why pin a comment then not even mention it or reply to it! Why bring attention to weight related comments when you don’t want people to talk about weight on social media! She does it just to confuse / annoy people and get engagement! People talking about weight on social media isn’t the issue. It’s all the fakeness and manipulation that has ruined social media.
She didn’t even acknowledge the persons commment. It’s just to keep her weight loss being talked about on her terms. She wants it to be noticed but doesn’t want people to talk about it cus she’s triggered. All for attention


Aug 16, 2024
She just moans.. moans about everything.. back to London today flog more se. I use L’Oréal so it’s annoying they work with her. Should she not have max in physio? And be doing exercises at home to help the tightness in his legs. Why must she make a video soon as she’s up? Just to fing moan. Oh poor me I’m up at five to four, five to four, 3.55.. she repeats herself.. she’s like fing Groundhog Day. Constantly moaning and being negative. She’s such a drainer.
Im sew busy guys. My life is just sew busy. I have to jetset off again to London. Leaving my kids again. Even though the job works a round my kids I leave them a lot. Cus I’m just sew busy. do off staff. It’s embarrassing the way you cosplay a busy person. t
My child (not to be confused with HER child HER CHILDDDDDDD) often gets tightness in his legs from tiptoe walking. I was told some basic exercises to help ease it from the paediatrician. They did not involve dragging him around the floor by his ankles. But obviously EVERY child is different and vavgina knows everything and knows best.
Mar 8, 2024
Why even reply to someones comment like that, detailing their own personal struggles and not even address them or offer any sympathy or empathy? Oh aye, because you are the biggest (not weight wise not allowed to mention weight), most self centered, narcissistic cockwomble!!

And the sniffing 🤢 get a tissue and blow your nose you absolute midden!!
Her sniffing in knocks me sick. She’s vile. Can’t she blow her nose before filming. Just another way to get sympathy. It’s sad the lengths she will go to
Mar 8, 2024
My child (not to be confused with HER child HER CHILDDDDDDD) often gets tightness in his legs from tiptoe walking. I was told some basic exercises to help ease it from the paediatrician. They did not involve dragging him around the floor by his ankles. But obviously EVERY child is different and vavgina knows everything and knows best.
She wouldn’t be arsed to do exercises. That video of her pulling him round is awful. It was just to show everyone she’s a fun parent.. but it backfired. It was awful to watch. I’m so glad she can’t use the poor child for sympathy anymore. Hate the way she says that “my chillldddddd” goes on like she’s in inccrrrrreeeddddible mum when she is just a s parent
Mar 8, 2024
Her jewellery makes me feel sick. The fact she sleeps in all of it is just disgusting. I’d be so irritated sleeping in it. Surprised she doesn’t get annoyed by it with her “adhd” she claims to have. I can’t wear bracelets for too long they send me into sensory overload. Bet all her jewellery is disgusting and dirty
Mar 11, 2024
She didn’t even acknowledge the persons commment. It’s just to keep her weight loss being talked about on her terms. She wants it to be noticed but doesn’t want people to talk about it cus she’s triggered. All for attention
That’s exactly what it is.
She is spending so much time on her burner accounts as well looking at the all the women who have called her out, the jealousy is seething through at the fact they’re thinner than her, in happy relationships and she hates it.
That’s why she is now saying she wants a man & the family life & pretending married men are after her 😂

Let me tell you one thing as well Steph, married men will 100% not go for an evil, manipulative side piece, they go for an insecure, woman who is in their shell someone they know won’t tell their wife. Haven’t you learnt nothing 😉