Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 12, 2024
No way weight drops off your face that quick when you don’t leave your house and sit in your pj’s even with a fake ED. Liar as always 🤥 if she wasn’t doing it, it would have been addressed by now 100% for clap back and content. She’s trying to be clever but failing.
Exactly this. I have zero doubt in my mind what she is up to.


Mar 12, 2024
It’s some girl Monjaro lost her 3 stone in 10 weeks. Same kinda build as beefy too not morbidly obese but bigger. Makes sense doesn’t it. Monjaro Vavron 🤥🦬🥩
She will always be the Aberdeen Angus beefy to me… even if she is skeletal 😂

But jokes aside… if the ED exists, she is putting herself in quite a bit of danger. The jags are dangerous on their own but she’s gonna regret this.

She’s losing collagen by the nanosecond. She might think she can stop when she’s had enough but given her addictive personality when is that gonna be ??


Sep 11, 2024
My child (not to be confused with HER child HER CHILDDDDDDD) often gets tightness in his legs from tiptoe walking. I was told some basic exercises to help ease it from the paediatrician. They did not involve dragging him around the floor by his ankles. But obviously EVERY child is different and vavgina knows everything and knows best.
My daughter has CP and is Autistic, my sitting room when she was HER child's age was full of Physio aids, Balls, big foam triangles, squares, tubes that we would use to stretch out her muscles and do the exercises that the Physio would give us, also the OT would be visiting the house regularly. I have never seen anything like that at Pip mansion or the old house. She had to wear Piedro boots and splints for years, that looked like mini Dr Martens, and even had the botox injections in her legs. No point getting them if you dont put the work in after. Even a woman who has botox knows you have some things you can and cannot do to give you the desired effect. We would have pictures around the house to help her process. We would have a board with the same pictures and we would make up a social story, for what we were doing, to help her process and also identify what she was doing. If she didnt like it she would remove the picture that she didnt like, we could then work on that part. I have videos of her complete meltdowns and believe me they are soul destroying seeing her in distress but we needed them for the professionals to put plans in place. I would NEVER show them to others, especially not complete strangers on the internet. Everything she says about his CP, they way she wont put him in his splints, how she has an Autistic Son - NO Beefy - you have a SON! BTW my daughter is now a young woman who has her issues which she will always have, SO BEEFY, if you gave your son the correct help, gave him some actual attention, you dont know how he will progress, he may become a completely independant young man, then again that does not fit into your woe is me narrative as a SEN mum. Apologies for the verbal diahorrea this morning but she has really irked me this weekend! with her triggers, her fake pics, her bizzy SEN mum, but away again on her jolly's. Again I apologise but I really needed to vent!


Sep 11, 2024
Here’s a few suggestions for you Steph that might go some way to helping the little lad.

1. Stop taking him to your bed, you have previously said that it’s you that wants him there so stop smothering him, let him sleep in his own bed and maybe he will sleep better.

2. Buy him more suitable correct footwear for his condition.

3. Pay a physio for regular exercises and to help improve his legs, as you don’t do enough.

4. Perhaps if you had persisted with his wee splints then that foot wouldn’t not be so turned in, but then like the footwear, this doesn’t suit your aesthetic.

So really if his legs are getting worse, a lot of that is on you as the primary parent love!
He may need more invasive treatment for the turned in foot as a result of your neglect!
100% this is exactly what I was trying to say in my rant this morning.


Apr 25, 2024
For the blocked 🙌🏻
Of course he's going through a growth change, kids grow more so when sleeping. He seems to sleep normal amount of hrs for a child, in bed at 7/8pm awake at 4... thats 8-9 hrs.. how about do his exercises that would have been issued, wearing correctly fitted shoes to support him not for labels.. how about use comfrey balm/oil for his joints. How about put the time into him for his condition? How about not expecting school staff to do all the patent stuff , that's your role as a patent. How about just fing off with your lies & unaccountably. How about stop saying 1 thing but then do another? How about do your research before talking 💩


Mar 10, 2024
He doesn’t have a routine and it’s not always been his routine he has moved house on the last year he as started school in the last month, your never their so yeah it is about your work, you do nothing like physio because if you did you would have shown it when you were exploiting your son, trolls made you buy garden stuff he is never on it, you go to bed at 8pm and then moan your up at 4-5 you get plenty of you time you’re just a selfish boot.
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Apr 26, 2024
He doesn’t have a routine and it’s not always been his routine he has moved house on the last year he as started school in the last month, your never their so yeah it is about your work, you do nothing like physio because if you did you would have shown it when you were exploiting your son, trolls made you buy garden stuff he is never on it, you go to bed at 8pm and then moan your up at 4-5 you get plenty of you time you’re just a selfish boot.
IMG_5359.jpeg IMG_5360.jpeg IMG_5361.jpeg
Always so defensive, not my problem!
Mar 19, 2024
Here’s a few suggestions for you Steph that might go some way to helping the little lad.

1. Stop taking him to your bed, you have previously said that it’s you that wants him there so stop smothering him, let him sleep in his own bed and maybe he will sleep better.

2. Buy him more suitable correct footwear for his condition.

3. Pay a physio for regular exercises and to help improve his legs, as you don’t do enough.

4. Perhaps if you had persisted with his wee splints then that foot wouldn’t not be so turned in, but then like the footwear, this doesn’t suit your aesthetic.

So really if his legs are getting worse, a lot of that is on you as the primary parent love!
He may need more invasive treatment for the turned in foot as a result of your neglect!
This fills me with rage . My grandson is almost 2 and a half and as yet , he can’t walk . He asks to walk but you have to hold both his hands . His wee foot turns out slightly . He’s been at so many hospital appointments and has another today . We are all doing everything we possibly can as a family to encourage him to walk . I cannot understand why she stands there on a phone rather than encourage her son . She can do “ her job “ when he’s at school


Mar 10, 2024
Always so defensive, not my problem!
Absolutely even when people are asking a valid question he sleeps 8-9 hours that is plenty of a child what does she want.the 4am s posts are boring now, and doing nothing for max CP is neglect how her followers can’t see that, I hope the school and hospital flag it up in years to come by that point he will be in a wheelchair still wearing the trendy trainer his s mother made him wear, she really is a awful mother she wasn’t their got lily growing up and now she is going to do max’s life because he is her karma that poor boy doesn’t stand a chance.