Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Yeah but whenever she drives to London she stays over, so she gets pissed up. She's gotta drive home from Blackpool so THEREFORE 🧐 she can't have a drink THATS why she never goes and Gash Flash Granny's the same. She's a raging alki as well as her filthy t of a daughter so SHE never drives there either. SELFISH DESPERATE PAIR OF TWATS
Are u ok.. swallowed the soap.. that was quite 'clean' for you! 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 8, 2024
Just caught up, and watched dickheads latest DUD.. why the motherfuck It’s starting to get right on my tits. I’m far too hungover for that s tonight.
It's deliberate imo. She's trying to be funny like that other girl she copies who says "ello"
Copies everyone as has no brains or ideas of her own. She is def not quirky..funny.. or clean!!
Mar 8, 2024
It still looks a mess either way! Way too tight and how she thinks that it looks great is beyond me. She shops enough to buy herself the BIGGER size - as she obviously needs it!
Why the do does she pair crop tops with joggers all the time? Not a good look. If she is trying to copy C's style she is def not but personally it's a no from me...especially as an adult mum! Sorry if offends anyone...just not my taste 🤢
Mar 8, 2024
There is no way Wendy does not drink and drive every time she is round Aimee's! They went out for COCK(they wish)tails yesterday then opened that bottle. I mean it probably does not have the same effect on her (being such an alkie )as it would on me but limit wise has to be over?
Pretty sure they would not of stopped at one bottle either !
Was laughing at the cock bit not the driving after drinking... they need is NOT on and that's why WE hope the police catch u both Aimee..not US!
Mar 8, 2024
Couldn't even watch her today. The dislike I have for her is off the scale. I came across a video earlier she posted about being bullied all her life. It's not that people bully her it's they just don't like her. I would be having a really long look at myself and my actions if I was disliked so much. Does she not find it odd that she is "bullied" in every walk of life? No real friends. Boyfriends end the same way. Sister doesn't really like her. Only has her mum for someone to hang about with. And we are supposed to be jealous? Of what? She is merely existing, not living a life.
This is a really good point..that she sees people as bullying her when it is how she acts make ppl disapprove and dislike her. Like u say..if everyone around her is saying the same....maybe there is an issue..a big one, and she is the problem.
"I'm the problem, it's me" 🎶 🤷‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
She is, I mean if she can’t even put a dishwasher on then imagine the colour of her toilet bowl for example 🤢
I'm constantly wiping surfaces and putting bleach down the sink and toilet. Also use the wipes a lot. Mine is a slimline dw and it's always on or washed up. Never known someone so lazy and having no job! (It isn't a job's freeloading and frauding) 🤬
Mar 8, 2024
I hope everything has had a good Sunday. I decided to be brave and try on some of my holiday clothes since I leave on Friday… did I have to cut myself out of a swimsuit, yes , yes I did 🤣 turns out gaining a bit of weight gave me boobs and an ass (no complaints here). But I really am wondering if this is why Aimless only wears some things once.. because they are too small sized and she has to be cut or torn outta them 🤔🤣