Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Morning all,

Tried to catch up as much as I can and sorry if I repeating what has been said.

I donā€™t like how it has again become a ā€œthemā€ vs ā€œusā€ debate - this isnā€™t needed at all and isnā€™t what both pages stand for.

We all here for the same reason - because we dislike Aimee Arsehole.

Talking about arseholes - we all have one and they are all different - the exact same to our opinions!

We all have one and they all different and doesnā€™t make one more right than the other but we have them and should respect them!

That being said I am disliking the fact that when someone says they disagree with the majority they can be made to feel their views are invalid - that isnā€™t what the group is for.

We are all women and men who have all experienced many different things and wonā€™t all like the same things and that is ok.

Cancer is a bloody vile disease and I have lost many members to it - I can see the subject matter is an emotive one and I am so sorry for anyone and everyone affected by it.

I hope everyone has a lovely day today! This SleepyLion is being a lioness today and another meeting to be a bad ass Mama Lioness in getting my son the support he needs (Sen needs and starting high school in Sept and LA refusing EHC assessment šŸ™„šŸ˜”)

Anyhow love to all - expect you Aimee Arsehole - you are still a C U Next Tuesday!


May 9, 2024
No I know ā¤ļø Iā€™m just a very letā€™s get it all out on the table kind of person and I donā€™t feel I can do that here without arguments which is sad. I do feel the things swept under the carpet that a few of us have mentioned should be aired once and for all and itā€™ll stop all this drama or at least most of it but thatā€™s just my opinion šŸ˜‚ Maybe best done in the normal chat though to not derail from the t that is Aimee!
I've no idea what's been swept under the carpet. I've obviously missed something šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøbut anyways everyone should be able to comment here with their thoughts and opinions without being jumped on. On tattle we don't always agree but we speak about it we apologise when we should and we move on, so I hope that can happen here. It would be a shame for those who like being on here if this thread ended up closed cause the mods are fed up of the drama and it being off topic. I know that's happened on tattle many times not sure what would happen here. Have a good day folks and remember we are all here for the same reason we can't stand that smug boot!


Mar 9, 2024
Good morning you gorgeous lot!! Another day in limbo for me wondering if the plasterer will turn up, or will I just call it a day and hit the prosecco šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

We haven't had a sympathy post for a while. So I'm guessing that. Or a come to Liverpool with me to spend more money for my trip to Barcelona even though I'm just back from holiday and could use all the tat I bought for that!! And my guess is a takeaway yo prove to the big bad trolls she don't care she is a greasy fay little porker


Mar 16, 2024
Itā€™s actually upset me that people think Iā€™m that low to wish it on Aimee when I meant the evil fs who hurt innocent people for no reason but for them to get off on it for their own desires.
I might of worded it wrong but this weekend has been an emotional rollercoaster and Iā€™m hurting like my heart is getting ripped apart.

TL you can all fOFF and stay in your own lane as itā€™s quite clear you all have issues with CC and itā€™s been made aware most of you are nasty two faced twats. Sucking ass over here, then calling people vile names on TL.
Letā€™s face it a lot of people on CC have done way more than YOU HAVE EVER DONE and last week you all admitted nobody reported Aimee for anything as it was made aware in here WANKERS šŸ–•

Iā€™m sorry if I offended anybody HERE on CC ONLY ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
Please believe me I wished it on the evil bastards of society.
Aww we know you didn't mean it on aimee ,you've done amazing work ,a lot more than the other lot , I've reported her several times to ss my main concern all along has been for H and her lack of safeguarding her ,then saying she has a stalker etc ,she's done on tik tok people only watch her for the drama ,take no notice lovely we all knew what you meant xā¤ļø


Mar 9, 2024
Views are down, so I predict some drama today. A troll comment about her large portions/being greedy, a clap back about how comments about her weight don't bother her but may bother others...... she posted that video just for a reaction. Then she will try and sell her grubby tan for sympathy sales šŸ¤”
100%, she keeps saying the tan reveal will be soon so the ad is incoming. Sheā€™ll make a troll comment to herself and do a clapback. Must up the views.

I donā€™t even know why she bothers with ads though, she doesnā€™t need the money, gets barely any views or positive comments, deletes loads of comments and they do down like a lead balloon.


Mar 9, 2024
Good morning you gorgeous lot!! Another day in limbo for me wondering if the plasterer will turn up, or will I just call it a day and hit the prosecco šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

We haven't had a sympathy post for a while. So I'm guessing that. Or a come to Liverpool with me to spend more money for my trip to Barcelona even though I'm just back from holiday and could use all the tat I bought for that!! And my guess is a takeaway yo prove to the big bad trolls she don't care she is a greasy fay little porker
Aww hope the plasterer turns up šŸ¤ž

Even she surely cannot be buying more clobber for Barcelona? Sheā€™s bought more holiday in a year than I have in a decade. And on holiday she wears the same clothes over and over anyway.


Mar 9, 2024
As I thought, daddy getting dragged along so she doesnā€™t have to face the school mumā€™s herself. And paying someone to build the flatpack is what she shouldā€™ve just done to start with, she isnā€™t short of money and her flatpack jokes/damsel in distress se was just boring (as most things with her are).

And she 100% told that kid before filming to come in her room during it to pretend sheā€™s wanting to pinch her beauty products to try continue this illusion sheā€™s into her beauty and stuff. So transparent.


Mar 16, 2024
Good morning witches!
I see I missed another disagreement... glad all is settled now.
Can I just say SHE šŸ’Æ READS HERE. get a wash skanky knickers. I'm glad to see she's taken my advice on board and is now doing her makeup in front of the window instead of keeping that hovel of a workroom dark and dingy. It's still not aesthetic tho. Everything about the video looks dirty. I'd love to go round with a tin of white paint and Brighten the whole house up. Especially those god awful doors. She can buy all the furniture she wants but it'll still look dark and gloomy in there. Also the whole man coming round to fix things is embarrassing. She's got the money to buy decent furniture from independent businesses that would come properly made.... then again you can't pay by credit with them can ya.