Not sure we are looking at the same video then. There's obv another one
This isn't the one I meant. I didn't know about this one. How am I trying to kill someone??'s way back. Aimed at my daughter. I hadn't seen the user on TT before.
I dont know who u had issues with but if they have said..sorry I didn't mean it that way...that wud be it. I've had enough experience with narcs to know a deflective gaslighting reply when I see one and sorry but saying about calming down isn’t helping.
I know I was in the wrong for speaking so openly on the other thread. Like i said...I feel bad enough and know it was wrong. I've prob depended on other ppl on here too much for advice and care etc. I can't change that now other than leave.
Well Lurkey had a better response and support then!
I also checked in on them.
I wouldnt have played stuff down and lectured them tho.
It's the fact that the post in question gave enough info for my daughter to potentially see it. Yes I may have moaned and ranted about stuff over there but why involve my fing kids..