She has bronchitis last year apparently and needed antibiotics which she loved talking about. She was depressed because she was dumped by D2. Still looked a fing state covered in an inch of make upI can’t even deal with her.
1. The stupid creepy wink needs to stop
2. The disgusting whispering of first sip of the day needs to stop
3. The acting like the instant coffee is this amazing drink needs to stop
4. The cats don’t understand vet so stop pretending like they are your kids
5. Full on par e dress to the “Living room” trying to outdo Charlie’s nipples and arse
6. Trying to be funny asking what everyone is wearing to the living room
7. So her appetite is fine it’s fine!
8. She’s eating her food in bed a lot.. she’s becoming like beko more and more by the day.
9. The way she holds her cup fing riles me
10. She was depressed last year? Wasn’t she sick?! Now she’s saying she was depressed? Didn’t stop her making a video with her s lounge cardy hanging off her shoulder being smug.. She has said before she’s never suffered with depression. t can’t keep up with her own lies.
She will have some grandma style dress on this year making videos posing and smug smiling again with some s lipstick making her mouth look even wonkier.