Well what a day I’ve had! Got a flat on the way to work so I was late! Dropped my laptop on my foot and I think I’ve broken my little toe
shut the car door but I trapped my coat and nearly pulled my arm out of its socket. Someone stole me lunch out of the fridge at work - and had the cheek to leave the box in the sink! Had to park in a dodgy area and someone broke my wiper - and then I got home to 2 blokes trying to get the drive gate open cos their airplane- yep airplane had got stuck on our roof and they were very grumpy when I said no way was I letting them climb up my house! They are currently sat by the road waiting for mr puffy to come home cos I think that’s a him problem! Oh and he’s in deep se cos he forgot to turn the slow cooker on so a full chilli has gone in the bin! Only upside is I am not wearing Pjs that I first put on 3 days ago and my Fanny don’t stink! I need a bottle of plonk, a bath, and a shed load of husband pandering!
feeling very sorry for myself