Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 25, 2024
The only person bouncing is u Sabrina ur absolutely obsessed with us, but I am thicked off about a grown woman wearing a t shirt bragging about self harm when people myself included have had serious issues
She doesn't care its the sabrina show she's burnt all her bridges trying to glamorous self harm that isn't good 😡😡😡

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
The only person bouncing is u Sabrina ur absolutely obsessed with us, but I am thicked off about a grown woman wearing a t shirt bragging about self harm when people myself included have had serious issues
I can relate it’s a genuine struggle for some people and clampits like her make a mockery out of it just like she does with everything. I suppose according to Sabrina she’s the only person in the world who self harms just like she’s the only person to loose a child she’s just an asshole
May 14, 2024
Wow she got 4 parcels everyone, I got 3 today and didn't go to tiktok to show off,then she gives a plastic bag to the cat,does she not know you aren't meant to give plastic bags to babies or animals, the people buying the stuff must have more money than sense. That cat better watch because Jamie is going to come down and slap it for playing with his teddy.
May 6, 2024
She's disgusting , not one brain cell does she have 🙄 imaging boasting about self harm 😫 . Her head wobbles in time with her foot and the manky sliders 😂 . I bet she won't be happy with benjis make over and refuses to pay 🙄 that's her style 😀
The difference between u (Sabrina),we can go out and buy,our kids present, clothes,food,holidays, days away,mc donalds, we can pay for our own,un like you,begging,borrowing money and not paying it back,we work damn hard,so our kids won't do with out.
They will not b brought up on the social, r hand me outs!!
If you had a family to feed,you would have less money to spend on se!!
You say it's "jamies wish list",I right!how do you know what he wants?
We can hold our head up high,can you?
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May 6, 2024
The difference between u (Sabrina),we can go out and buy,our kids present, clothes,food,holidays, days away,mc donalds, we can pay for our own,un like you,begging,borrowing money and not paying it back,we work damn hard,so our kids won't do with out.
They will not b brought up on the social, r hand me outs!!
If you had a family to feed,you would have less money to spend on se!!
We can hold up high,can you??
Exactly this! She thinks we are jealous of people sending her dead son presents. On what fing planet would that make anyone jealous. I can buy for my kids too, me and their dad. We don’t need to beg strangers. And when my kids get things they play with them and enjoy them. They don’t sit in a room untouched before going up on Vinted.


Jun 8, 2023
Is pay to see her face when she sees this 😂😂😂

awww sadly she wont see it since she never looks on here any more :rolleyes:

Uh Huh Yes GIF


Jun 2, 2024
I called it the other nite and on cue there she is selling toys that's been bought or given and even today saying oh were am I gonna put this stuff I've got of idiots via the wishlist the place is wild with toys sitting as ornaments 🤦‍♀️ 2 nites ago on her live when in a rant someone had said in her comments they were going through a rough time and she went with the whole I'd rather be going through what u are than what I have to deal with downcasting someone else's hardship to continue to play the victim 12 years later. And I wanna add I'm glad the dog is getting groomed soon if you look at the mass of fur on his feet and the sound of the very overgrown nails he badly needs it and that's why he is sliding on the floor🤦‍♀️ shelf has slipped up a few times with things that's been said in here from she swore on the picture she most definitely is still reading she even done a video to say this is for the dirt site cos we have to post to keep them happy🤣🤣 she thrives of it 100%. #walk your dog and not your dolls.