Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
Well good luck to her! I knew last night it was fishy when she was saying about the ambulance I thought she lost her mind! Was shocked to see her spit that se today! fing weirdo
Yes that’s right, I hadn’t a notion what she meant. I too, have always thought there’s something very off about her. The way she writes things it’s so cut throat. Her grammar makes things very hard to understand, and she had the cheek to s liljoe. Very stupid woman. I am so annoyed she has essentially put this lady and her children in danger
May 6, 2024
I’m well aware no one can be trusted thanks for that
I'm sorry, if I caused you say stress,it as blowing out of content,the last thing I wood want is your faimly r any ones faimly,or home,to come to any harm,im sorry again,if this is what you thought...
Has far has I'm concerned, this conversation is closed ..
Just let get back to Mad Mena.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
No more will b said,I will ignore you to,just be carefully,what you want the world to know..
Nobody can be trusted x

No I'm not on your fb,social media,can be a dangerous place, that's what I was trying to state,I ment no harm,to you or your family. You have enough,problems of your own.
If you know I have enough problems of my own then why do what you what you did? I’m not Sabrina you won’t get the reaction she gives so what was the purpose we know social media exposes people and people can’t be trusted but that’s not excuse. If I knew who anyone was on here i wouldn’t share their private life
May 6, 2024
If you know I have enough problems of my own then why do what you what you did? I’m not Sabrina you won’t get the reaction she gives so what was the purpose we know social media exposes people and people can’t be trusted but that’s not excuse. If I knew who anyone was on here i wouldn’t share their private life
I was just trying to state a fact,be careful on social media platforms, once it's on there,its there for life,weather you delete the post or not.
May 6, 2024
North of ireland
No I wouldt,that was never my attention.sorry if it seem that way ..
I was just trying to state,be careful what you post on social media, even if your page is private, you don't know who is reading it...
Sorry but that makes no sense you're telling her to be careful on what she posts but U shared all of her business not her ? .. I get the impression U don't like her so shared all of her info 2 expose who she is .. that not on
May 6, 2024
If you know I have enough problems of my own then why do what you what you did? I’m not Sabrina you won’t get the reaction she gives so what was the purpose we know social media exposes people and people can’t be trusted but that’s not excuse. If I knew who anyone was on here i wouldn’t share their private life
I was just trying to state a fact,be careful on social media platforms, once it's on there,its there for life,weather you delete the post or not.
Andrea Hill from Newtownstewart is trolling her
Do you think this me?I don't live in Newtown


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
I'm sorry, if I caused you say stress,it as blowing out of content,the last thing I wood want is your faimly r any ones faimly,or home,to come to any harm,im sorry again,if this is what you thought...
Has far has I'm concerned, this conversation is closed ..
Just let get back to Mad Mena.
I’ve an inkling on who you are too!

Very opinionated and can spit venom just like mena!

Your own car is pip and you live in a rented house in the country! Three children as well and your daughter is always with you 🤷‍♀️

You’ve said enough so just stop as you’ve said far to much about that lady

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
3 married???Jesus ur looped...I,ll say no more,but I could,has mena might figure u out...I,ll bite my tongue, this time.
That post u put about your daughters,was about 6 months ago,your new year car,may b over a year ago,of course its pips/dla.
You had it up on fb,that were singing at blue grass,?r is lies to
I’m still baffled by this I was not signing at bluegrass this year 😳 I was there but was not singing my post which isn’t public by the way actually said not singing this year go and look seeing you know so much
May 6, 2024
Sorry but that makes no sense you're telling her to be careful on what she posts but U shared all of her business not her ? .. I get the impression U don't like her so shared all of her info 2 expose who she is .. that not on
What ever you want think love.x
Can’t believe Jodis mum has a rant on Facebook. Sticking up for someone that threatened to kill her child. Deserves the children removed from her care. If anyone has the screen shot of her rant and fancies sharing lol
What did she say?I'm not friends with her

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I was just trying to state a fact,be careful on social media platforms, once it's on there,its there for life,weather you delete the post or not.
I am aware of that so u decided today when you woke up that maybe that person didn’t have a particularly stressful weekend or week or whatever so I’ll post their private information to make them aware social media isn’t private