Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
I’m well aware no one can be trusted thanks for that
I'm sorry, if I caused you say stress,it as blowing out of content,the last thing I wood want is your faimly r any ones faimly,or home,to come to any harm,im sorry again,if this is what you thought...
Has far has I'm concerned, this conversation is closed ..
Just let get back to Mad Mena.
May 6, 2024
I’m well aware no one can be trusted thanks for that
I'm sorry, if I caused you say stress,it as blowing out of content,the last thing I wood want is your faimly r any ones faimly,or home,to come to any harm,im sorry again,if this is what you thought...
Has far has I'm concerned, this conversation is closed ..
Just let get back to Mad Mena.
what kind of back handed threat is that? Do you really think anyone is going to pay attention to anything you have to say here now?
Up to them,if they do or don't

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Sorry but that makes no sense you're telling her to be careful on what she posts but U shared all of her business not her ? .. I get the impression U don't like her so shared all of her info 2 expose who she is .. that not on
That’s my point too if she doesn’t like me that’s fine then ignore me no need to find out who i was still don’t know how then go and share my private information on here
May 6, 2024
That’s my point too if she doesn’t like me that’s fine then ignore me no need to find out who i was still don’t know how then go and share my private information on here
Were did the information come from in the 1st place??
Even thou ur page might be/is private, nobody knows who is reading it..
Don't put any thing up on sm,that you want to b kept private
May 6, 2024
That’s my point too if she doesn’t like me that’s fine then ignore me no need to find out who i was still don’t know how then go and share my private information on here
Were did the information come from in the 1st place??
Even thou ur page might be/is private, nobody knows who is reading it..
Don't put any thing up on sm,that you want to b kept private
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
That’s my point too if she doesn’t like me that’s fine then ignore me no need to find out who i was still don’t know how then go and share my private information on here
I’ve went back and found some comments and reported them. I don’t know what else to do but she might get kicked off the site. I had mentioned they give out personal information on someone that had flee’d domestic abuse. In meantime we can just ignore her coz she’s trying to carry on with talking about Sabrina like she didn’t do up your whole day 😡
May 6, 2024
That’s my point too if she doesn’t like me that’s fine then ignore me no need to find out who i was still don’t know how then go and share my private information on here
I’ve went back and found some comments and reported them. I don’t know what else to do but she might get kicked off the site. I had mentioned they give out personal information on someone that had flee’d domestic abuse. In meantime we can just ignore her coz she’s trying to carry on with talking about Sabrina like she didn’t do up your whole day 😡
I never gave out any personal information

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I’ve went back and found some comments and reported them. I don’t know what else to do but she might get kicked off the site. I had mentioned they give out personal information on someone that had flee’d domestic abuse. In meantime we can just ignore her coz she’s trying to carry on with talking about Sabrina like she didn’t do up your whole day 😡
Thankyou I had reported some as well. I plan to ignore her now. I am annoyed but it’ll not ruin my day just confused as to why and when she knew I was unwell last night and at hospital why come in today at me. She could be anyone to be honest I’ve spoken to my daughter just to warn her that someone was posting about us but Thankyou for sticking up for me 😊
May 6, 2024
Thankyou I had reported some as well. I plan to ignore her now. I am annoyed but it’ll not ruin my day just confused as to why and when she knew I was unwell last night and at hospital why come in today at me. She could be anyone to be honest I’ve spoken to my daughter just to warn her that someone was posting about us but Thankyou for sticking up for me 😊
Ah,sure ur never well,last night was no different, ftom any other night for u.
I won't say any more