Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
So it’s finally been seen. So the doctor is going to staple the wound back up while it’s infected and stick another bandage on it. Thought it was secondary closure meaning to be left open and covered with a light bandage. Are they not cleaning it out? See if we believed everything she said that hospital and that nurse could be sued for malpractice and mistreatment. She really needs to be careful what she says and about who
Jun 3, 2024
So it’s finally been seen. So the doctor is going to staple the wound back up while it’s infected and stick another bandage on it. Thought it was secondary closure meaning to be left open and covered with a light bandage. Are they not cleaning it out? See if we believed everything she said that hospital and that nurse could be sued for malpractice and mistreatment. She really needs to be careful what she says and about who
I would say they have replaced the dressing cleaned it and no staples unless she has sat last night and made the wounds bigger which I wouldn’t put past her..
May 6, 2024
I take it her " minions" have forked out for her taxi 🙄 fing clampit should be made to walk home . Would love to be the taxi driver making conversation with her 😂. Oh how old is your baby 😂 she's ever so quiet 🤣🤣
I hope she blocks them and doesn’t pay them back. That’ll fing teach them 😡 god she makes me so fing angry, imagine getting to that age in life and having to go on the beg to strangers because you’ve no money for a fing taxi!! She’s a fing t.
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Just seen one of her videos starts off I'm not gonna show my arm as it makes her sick then purposely directs the camera to catch abit of her arm in the video🤣🤣
Is that the one where she said she got 7 staples? Coz you can see it’s no where as bad as that photo. And maybe she realised they couldn’t staple over an infected wound.
May 14, 2024
I hope she blocks them and doesn’t pay them back. That’ll fing teach them 😡 god she makes me so fing angry, imagine getting to that age in life and having to go on the beg to strangers because you’ve no money for a fing taxi!! She’s a fing t.
Totally agree , that's fing savage so it is . I'm in the mood to get my paints out and make a banner for her homecoming 🤣🤣🤣