Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
The quiet one does Noel Wilkinson Davis ring a bell?????????? 1 2 he’s coming for you 3 4 better lock your door lovely man must see how he’s keeping how is his kids doing four kids how can he be a bad man if you have four kids with him how is number 24 smell of damp dirty lady dirty kids dirty house keep up on here Noel be told where you live
What house does your ma live in sabby? 17? Maybe I should sent the police to her door to tell her what a piece of s her daughter is!


Oct 7, 2024
country Tyrone
Can I ask, that last sentence, "Thank god she’s not allowed near the schools ...."
Could you elaborate on that please?
Is she genuinely not allowed?
Can’t say too much on that matter as it’s not my business to tell. But Sabrina knows exactly why she isn’t allowed near schools. I’m sure she can enlighten people if she chooses.
Oct 7, 2024
Now this 1 blows my mind she had a doll 2 remind her of Jamie same weight an all that where is he Sabby?? Tut tut tut .. and don't come of with the s U had 2 let it go cos it was 2 hard for ya bull s

Jamie was nothing but a commodity from day 1. Sold his photos to anyone who would pay.
Poor wee soul is still exploited daily for attention. She swore up and down on him and broke the promise every time.
No respect for him