Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 8, 2024
I really think it’s time she went back to the pharmacy and packed in the TikTok, well, pack it in as a ‘job’.
It’s mundane s, it’s boring and repetative.

Do something fulfilling and good for her.
TikTok was a temporary thing, it was never going to be permanent.
She got her kitchen, she got her bathroom, she got her decorating.

Now it’s time to go back to the pharmacy and find herself again.

She’s become so horrible, so evil, so patronising, so careless.
She ‘seemed’ okay’ish back then.
Apr 15, 2024
Wonder if she’s upset because her video of Ela got reported so many times and Tiktok hit her with some kind of violation or warning. That or she’s upset that she’s not being invited to events like Teresa is who has less followers. Or maybe she got feedback from a brand saying her work is s and she has to redo an advert. We can only speculate, but oh I’m enjoying the fact that she’s down in the dumps! 😂
All of the above I hope

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Wonder if she’s upset because her video of Ela got reported so many times and Tiktok hit her with some kind of violation or warning. That or she’s upset that she’s not being invited to events like Teresa is who has less followers. Or maybe she got feedback from a brand saying her work is s and she has to redo an advert. We can only speculate, but oh I’m enjoying the fact that she’s down in the dumps! 😂
At a guess everything you have listed 😂😂😂 and here and tattle 😂😂😂
Mar 2, 2024
I know people change appearance in 2 years, but this seems more like she’s aged 10 years. Yes you’d think having more money and more holidays would make her look more relaxed but that just proves money doesn’t bring you happiness- at all in her case
Stress, alcohol and drugs will age you faster than anything. I’m sure 2 (or perhaps all 3) contributed to Sevda aging so much.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I really think it’s time she went back to the pharmacy and packed in the TikTok, well, pack it in as a ‘job’.
It’s mundane s, it’s boring and repetative.

Do something fulfilling and good for her.
TikTok was a temporary thing, it was never going to be permanent.
She got her kitchen, she got her bathroom, she got her decorating.

Now it’s time to go back to the pharmacy and find herself again.

She’s become so horrible, so evil, so patronising, so careless.
She ‘seemed’ okay’ish back then.
Tbh I think that’s why she went to the pharmacy the other day but was turned down, people will of seen her slate the NHS etc all the lies expose her child and other peoples, how she patronises people, she never got the job in the first place her mother got her it, her people skills is zero, would I employ her NO her SM has proven what she is like she is a risk
Mar 2, 2024
I lived in the USA and bought a lot of coleslaw from many different stores to try and also had it at lots of people’s BBQ’s over the years there and it was just awful. Same when we now spend 2-3 weeks over there in USA and have it at friends BBQ’s. Even my American family LOVE British coleslaw and when they visit us here in the UK, they ask us to get some in 😄

But hey! I’m always open to finding a coleslaw I like over there! 😄
I wonder if it’s because Salad Cream is used in the UK version whereas Mayo is used in the States? I’ve never had British coleslaw, but now you make me want to try it!
Mar 3, 2024
Sorry that beef looks disgusting and I know some have said UK coleslaw is better than US coleslaw, but I think you just haven’t had good coleslaw. That looks like it has way too much mayo, good coleslaw shouldn’t be that wet in my opinion, but I know everyone has their preferences.
I'm in the US and I really like homemade slaw with vinegar and sour cream.
1st picture - Granny Sevda

2nd picture - Big Ass Sevda

3rd picture - Slimming-filter-warped Sevda
Look at how tight the pattern is with the filter and how loose the pattern without the filter. I had to actually re-watch the video to see if that was her or Lisa. 😱


May 6, 2024
I really think it’s time she went back to the pharmacy and packed in the TikTok, well, pack it in as a ‘job’.
It’s mundane s, it’s boring and repetative.

Do something fulfilling and good for her.
TikTok was a temporary thing, it was never going to be permanent.
She got her kitchen, she got her bathroom, she got her decorating.

Now it’s time to go back to the pharmacy and find herself again.

She’s become so horrible, so evil, so patronising, so careless.
She ‘seemed’ okay’ish back then.
Summed up perfectly 👏🏻👏🏻
Mar 2, 2024
The fact that she made it a point to mention that she visited the pharmacy in a video is weird. She easily could’ve just kept quiet about it. Maybe she is preemptively trying to ward off any comments from people who saw her in there and started speculating if she was back to working at pharmacy. I’d say that backfired because we’re still thinking that.
She probably asked if there’s any easier job going for her Useless Husband!


Mar 3, 2024
Exactly, cannot believe she responded to that, could have been a paedo. Thick b!
She responded because she cares about how others perceive her. She wants to prove she loves Ela because the twolls have picked up on her neglecful tendencies. The irony here is that she just has proved that she is truly a se parent.


Mar 3, 2024
I think she’s manipulating her followers and faking this whole “tired and aching” bit in order to increase the engagement on her posts. And also to continue her fake Endo “diagnosis” (which wasn’t a real diagnosis as she can’t be bothered to do any follow ups and get the scans done in the UK).
Oh 100%! She realised we all knew she was chatting absolute se about ya girls got endo and so now has to spin a narrative to support it. I’ve always said that she might be intellectually stupid but she’s very cunning and underhand. A master manipulator; a narcissist
Mar 3, 2024
She responded because she cares about how others perceive her. She wants to prove she loves Ela because the twolls have picked up on her neglecful tendencies. The irony here is that she just has proved that she is truly a se parent.
Why did she make different package gravy for the kids, when is all derived from cow.