Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
So valid EVERYTHING you say 🥰 Thank you for being so open about this subject, relating it also to your own health journey 🥰

I’m also passionate about the way SEVDA covers up her real image, as I have 2 daughters and I’m bringing them up to be happy with their image, to love the way they naturally are, whilst teaching them equally about looking after their bodies nutritionally & exercise….but all in balance! Hygiene too.

Sevda would be NO role model for them and I’m glad they don’t know her or watch her videos. If they were older, and joined TikTok and watched her videos, I’d get a hold of a few snapshots of Sevda at events to show them the REAL Sevda. There are enough people (colleagues and other creators😉) now who have seen her in real life and say she is much more heavier and rounder than she (filters) is on her videos. Plus that fact has got round! Also that her skin is NOT smooth and healthy looking.

She really didn’t think wisely on the fact she would be seen in real life, especially after her weight gaining over these last few years. The reason it’s quite shocking is because her content is known for her eating habits (feral) and what she consumes..lots of puddings, huge portion dinners, lots of takeaways, lots of white bread, lots of processed fatty meats, burgers, hotdogs, chips, big Costco cakes, and cake or trifle or other desserts for breakfast! Plus she likes her alcohol (weekdays as well as weekends), so much so, she’s known for not caring that she exposes herself as drunk on videos, even around her child. She thinks it’s cool, I’m sure! Like a teenager.

My issue is I actually DO NOT care that she eats the way she does and lays around videoing herself in her pyjamas on the sofa quite often (morning with coffee and at night with alcohol). That’s her body, her health, her hair, her skin….

….BUT what I DO care about is the way she portrays THROUGH FILTERING…that she is slim, smooth skin and that she keeps saying how she never stops to sit down! LIES, LIES, LIES.

She causes young girls/women to have shame about their body and turn to eating disorders. They’ll cotton on you cannot eat the way she does and stay slim …without purging the food back up. They won’t cotton on that it’s filters. Then other girls who are overweight and already feel shame, will realise Sevda must be using filters and they will only heap a whole lot more shame onto themselves. They will think filtering their own image to look like a plastic Barbie like Sevda did on this recent holiday to Tunisia….is the way forward to be accepted in society.
Thank you ☺️ I feel if I can express my journey it just might help someone, if they read here, I have no reason to lie about anything on the 25 March day of the op I weighed 20st 5lb and only 5ft I couldn’t walk going upstairs was killing me couldn’t breathe etc etc
I knew a lot was my doing watching people shovel all that food down and stay slim I thought the same, I didn’t leave the house for 1.5 years well couldn’t as couldn’t walk drive etc, racking up more medical conditions
Had to face a lot of demons still do, but with help from family my nurse at my doctors etc I can and am doing that, since the op and changing everything about my life I weigh today as did it this morning as it’s 6mths post op I am 13st 2lb still a bit to go, food still can be a demon to me but I don’t buy processed chocolate crisps anymore I try to cook from scratch, prioritise protein even have protein collagen and skin collagen and take multivitamins everyday (for life)
But what she is doing is everything I agree in what you have said I don’t care what she shovels in her gob or drinks I care about how she shows herself to others
Her management shouldn’t encourage any of this at all in which I find they are as bad as her
I don’t care if she is a large person but again it’s she shows herself as a slim person when we all no she isn’t 💞💞💞

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
This is for Begda: a proper prawn recipe.

Fresh prawns from seafood department (I live in Florida and get them fresh from the sea)
Pasta of your choice
Halved baby heirloom tomatoes
Fresh baby spinach
Fresh garlic
Organic vegetable broth
Fresh basil
Extra virgin olive oil
Fresh mozzarella

You may have to open your little change purse in order to get these good quality ingredients. We all know you're such a foodie.
Wow I shall use this myself as I living in a fishing port and have the fish market when the trawlers dock
Thank you ☺️

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
The bottom left, Sevda/Mine mix looks a bit like Ayni.
Ayni did say once she is the sister lol 😂 so make me wonder which one doormat or hairy pedo went astray 😂😂😂😂😂 plus I might be wrong but I never hear her mention her mother
So doormat could be the mother 😂😂😂😂 or then again hairy could be the father 😂😂😂😂 must stop as the mind is wondering away 😂😂😂😂


May 6, 2024
This is for Begda: a proper prawn recipe.

Fresh prawns from seafood department (I live in Florida and get them fresh from the sea)
Pasta of your choice
Halved baby heirloom tomatoes
Fresh baby spinach
Fresh garlic
Organic vegetable broth
Fresh basil
Extra virgin olive oil
Fresh mozzarella

You may have to open your little change purse in order to get these good quality ingredients. We all know you're such a foodie.


May 6, 2024
What she says and what we all thought could be to different things 😂😂 if she has she only had a snip lol 😂
If she HAS had her hair cut, which I think she looks like they cut it dry! She said in a comment yesterday, that she uses Mine’s ‘mermaid’ curling iron to get that ‘look’ her hair is doing right now (😂🤣).

So, the hair stylist has either washed & cut it…and it’s dried naturally and Sevda has used the ‘mermaid’ curling iron on it at home. Or the hair stylist cut it dry! 🫣😬 Because there is no way it looks like it has been styled by a stylist!

Maybe Doormat did it?!! She does most things for Sevda!
Mar 8, 2024
This t.. I just can’t watch her. Saw some bits of videos on her insta yesterday.. her tongue is so white 🤢🤢🤢🤢 she makes me feel sick. Her hair is fing grim and it’s getting worse by the day. TikTok has done this t no favours at all. Sevda I absolutely cannot stand you. Eat properly and get some fing speech therapy lessons for do sake.
Apr 15, 2024
Ela asking her if she’s (sev) going to stay in the kitchen or join her and her dad in the living room. Ela proper outed her, this means sev spends her evenings in the kitchen and not with her family. 100% she’s sat in the kitchen blocking/deleting. Sev wryly said ‘I’m going to join you’ what a fake b
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