Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
I can picture it now.. begda driving because she is control freak narc and Sedat can’t have a drivers licence in case he tried to escape.. so Beg driving.. Ewa in the front because she apparently suffers car sickness and with the amount of expired old food she is packed being in the backseat.. no room for sedation so he is on the roof 😂 she is such a tight arse and control freak.. next she will show us how she reuses the other side of the used toilet paper and yelling “if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down”… she would pride herself on her only having to flush once a week.. except when she drinks the pond water when she has a dump on twesdays and firssdays IMG_5704.jpeg


Mar 28, 2024
Here she is, sporting a bit of dribbled green juice on her white top and doing one of her weird face contortions whilst she eats. By the way, when watching the video play, you can clearly see the slimming and skin smoothing filters in this video…look at the edges of her hands … you’ll see the shadow outline and its wavering about. Also, because her shirt is naturally a crinkley fabric, the smoothing filter can’t cope so you can see it smoothed out in places and slightly quivering and other places still crinkley. The areas change about as she moves 😄 Woops! Wrong choice of shirt there Sevda… you’ve been caught out!
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Mar 28, 2024
I think Sevda has actually decided to NOT do a granny-style video of showing us what items she is taking from her fridge to take to the caravan/lodge weekend away. She said (threatened) she was planning on doing this today, but it looks like she’s maybe been too rushed on time scales to do it….THANK GOD! Could you even imagine how long and drawn out it could have been! 🥱 🥱 🥱
Mar 2, 2024
Begda seems so done with social media lately. No doubt the drop in income is making it even harder for her to find motivation (she’s lazy as it is). Doesn’t post to Instagram much and her TikToks are so phoned in lately. You can tell she just wants to post for the sake of posting but she doesn’t fully engage and lets Ela take over just to fill the silence.
Mar 10, 2024
She’s got eyes like a Sheep’s Fanny and a mouth like a cats arsehole.
Aye🤣 isnt it funny how when someone grosses and annoys the hell out of you they appear so vile and ugly. About 2 years ago when she seemed nice and normal i thought she was cute. Would have gasped in disbelief to anyone saying shes got a cats bum for a mouth even though she kindof does 🤣 now though.. Sev you brought this onto yourself sorry not sorry
Mar 27, 2024
Aye🤣 isnt it funny how when someone grosses and annoys the hell out of you they appear so vile and ugly. About 2 years ago when she seemed nice and normal i thought she was cute. Would have gasped in disbelief to anyone saying shes got a cats bum for a mouth even though she kindof does 🤣 now though.. Sev you brought this onto yourself sorry not sorry

I’ve never followed her really because watching people eat is just not my thing but in the early days when she was working at the Pharmacy I thought she seemed shy and quite sweet with a nice smile. She seemed like a hardworking busy mum and I thought ‘good on you’ you are holding down a job, you have a house, husband and a child to look after and earning abit of money from TT. Now I absolutely detest the woman. She is not sweet and innocent, she is ugly inside and now out as the influencer lifestyle has taken its toll and she has turned into a monster with her bratty entitled manner. Her sheep’s Fanny’s are fannying more than ever because she is glued to her screen


Mar 2, 2024
I think Sevda has actually decided to NOT do a granny-style video of showing us what items she is taking from her fridge to take to the caravan/lodge weekend away. She said (threatened) she was planning on doing this today, but it looks like she’s maybe been too rushed on time scales to do it….THANK GOD! Could you even imagine how long and drawn out it could have been! 🥱 🥱 🥱
There's a chance that this will still happen! It's exactly the kind of thing she'd record and post when she gets there thinking people might have missed the fact she didn't do it 😂