No matter if they say Cammy told Steph to set up the charity and put her bank, so she was looked after when he passed. No matter of Cammy handed out the money like they claimed, no matter who did what. The funds went directly to Stephanie’s bank account, and in their plea for donations they have advised the donations to that link, some will be given to FOA. So it doesn’t matter if they handed in buckets to FAO or money from other forms of raising money. There has to have been money from this collection given to FAO as it’s fraud otherwise. Donations given may have purely been given for FOA and not towards anything else. Some may have just been given for whatever reason and not FAO. There should have been someone clarifying what was going where, and as Steph was the beneficiary of the collection, and it was distributed to her account, it’s her duty to be transparent.
Unfortunately Cammy didn’t recover, so all proceeds should have went to FAO. None at all for Steph to keep.
Taken from the bio of Indigogo: Cameron Smith (Cammy) has been diagnosed with Leukemia and we are looking to raise as much money as possible to aid his recovery and his chosen charity Friends of Anchor Charity.