Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Apr 26, 2024
Shes an utter deluded attention seeking where. My husband son died 2 yrs ago, 21,suicide .... none of us including his friends & girlfriend knew why...he hid it all... he just did. My uncle was the same, took himself away and killed himself...suicidal people don't inform others as theyve made their mind up and dont want it to be changed or to continue in life...just do off VaV She's a fing manipulative sick t
Yes, they don't make tiktoks or mention anything that even suggests they are struggling

She has form here, she knows what she is doing and it makes me so mad how she gets away with it!
Mar 19, 2024
Yes yey yes!!!! Couldn't have put it better. Its just soooo frustrating. Think I needed to read that! I know it shouldn't bother us like it does, but it's just the sheer injustice of it all and everything she has done. But you are so right x
Totally . I was raging earlier with all these twats defending her , Then I remember how I changed my view on her . Gill Baird should know better but watch this space , when Vav gets what she wants , she will chew her up and spit her out


Sep 21, 2024
Totally . I was raging earlier with all these twats defending her , Then I remember how I changed my view on her . Gill Baird should know better but watch this space , when Vav gets what she wants , she will chew her up and spit her out
Yeah definitely, It's natural and il never apologise for feeling rage at all the things she's done to people. I cant watch that Gill, not watched one of her videos because I swear to god I'd fume ha. X


Aug 23, 2024
Yeah as the mother of a child with additional needs, I don't refer to myself as a SEN mum offline or on really. Maybe the odd time when offering someone a wee bit support or understanding like "hey fellow sen mum" here but very rarely. It's not my whole personality.
Good on you . Yes Steph tried to make her whole personality being a SEN mum but the sheer irony is that a lot of the mums in the SEN community hate her for various reasons. You just have to watch 1 of her videos when she was with a group of SEN mums and all you hear her telling them is how she can edit her videos etc giving them tips on how to film content . ( If I remember right I think it was the video where they'd just got off a bus ?) Anyway it was obvious she wasn't really interested in the SEN community it was just so she could film stuff I bet she made zero positive contributions to that group. Then she was dropped . Shortly after offering out NUDES of herself and other mums to Lewis Capaldi. Yes newcomers to this sight this actually happened!! What a fing embarrassing woman she is . Wow just wow 🤣 and she really thinks anyone is ever going to take her seriously when they get to know these type of facts about her . 🤣. Sucks to be you Steph .