Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
So what Gill is saying it’s wrong to make videos about Steph, and it’s wrong to bring people down on the app.
But fully supports other women being brought down in retaliation?
I heard this from a nurse who worked their at the time she very rarely let his family in and was truly awful to the nurse’s rude while they were doing their best to treat all patients, a lot of the staff were effect by it as he was well respected and was young but it was clearly all about Steph, and she can’t deny the gravestone I hope that haunts her the rest of her life what mother wouldn’t want to go to the resting place where his ashes are it’s just cruel.
Mar 10, 2024
Guys honestly though is there something I’m missing or not seeing for all the wrong doings vavron does on a daily basis past present and probs will continue til her last breathe in the future why are people not seeing this? Why so many people defending her? What is it gonna take really for her to be taken off the app she’s a physical & mental danger to the public! And that’s not my hatred for her it’s blandly there to see I just can’t get over all this and she still comes out smelling like roses
May 24, 2024
The World
Guys honestly though is there something I’m missing or not seeing for all the wrong doings vavron does on a daily basis past present and probs will continue til her last breathe in the future why are people not seeing this? Why so many people defending her? What is it gonna take really for her to be taken off the app she’s a physical & mental danger to the public! And that’s not my hatred for her it’s blandly there to see I just can’t get over all this and she still comes out smelling like roses
Well some are being paid to support by gill gifting them surgery so now they feel they owe her.
Then there is bound by having the same job/management.
That covers most of her supporters.
Mar 27, 2024
Guys honestly though is there something I’m missing or not seeing for all the wrong doings vavron does on a daily basis past present and probs will continue til her last breathe in the future why are people not seeing this? Why so many people defending her? What is it gonna take really for her to be taken off the app she’s a physical & mental danger to the public! And that’s not my hatred for her it’s blandly there to see I just can’t get over all this and she still comes out smelling like roses
I’m the same. I just don’t understand.

I honestly think that - very unfortunately - someone is going to have to come to physical harm before Beefers will be brought to justice.

Jul 7, 2024
Just putting this out there.. if all the so called trolling and so called bullying stopped. Steph wouldn’t have much of a platform!

She knows exactly what she is doing and it’s working!! Her engagement is up from all this and just before a live where people will come on and buy stuff to support her!!

👏👏👏👏👏👏got to give it to you vav! Benefiting from online trolling can’t be for the weak!

I would hate that to be my life and the only way I could make money. I would rather sell pictures of my feet!!


Sep 11, 2024
I couldn't look at TT this weekend, the rage was too much, I was ready to throw the phone across the room at one point. Every second video on my fyp was about our Aberdeen Beefy. All calls of sympathy. Just get a life, she is a no one, she has made her bed (that god awful swingers one) she must now lie in it, and she cannot even do that straight.
S Baiting is deplorable, if anyone's MH was affected that much with SM, switch it off. The Drs would say the exact some thing, even our local S Charity would say the same, remove yourself from the narrative.
IF she was a CELEBRITY imagine the attention the mainstream media would give her for her antics, and there would be no dirty deletes, no blocking comments, the whole world would know. Look at her idol Big B, she is about to get her comeuppence
Im surprised an investigative journalist has not throught about doing a deep dive on our Beefy, and put it all out there. A social experiment on how SM has given these creators free reign to be CNUTS, and seem to have Teflon protection. These management companies should all look at themselves as they are creating these monsters too. I bet there is a Netflix docuseries that would fit the bill. Then again, we don't want Beefy getting any more notoriety.


Aug 23, 2024
Still going on for clout, her buddy has just suicide baited on a post and she is going on about women women again gill how about you come up here and speak to c mum see how she felt being left out of the room where her son was sadly taking his last breaths and was left off a gravestone and forced you have another place to remember him.
Well said !


Aug 23, 2024
Your right Gill we are all coming together. Pretty sure your reading here coz your wee clatty mink of a chum would of directed you over here . After watching this bullshit video the fight is on so glad you have a lot of positivity coz your going to need it . The fight is on . Good luck and can't wait to see the tik tok page that springs up all about the unprofessionalism of that red flag company you work for . By the time we're finished no one will even trust you to pierce their ears . Id keep that 10 grand if I were you .