Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 11, 2024
Her saying L is fine, whatever makes M happy she has no idea how L feels. Because no child is ok so long as the other one is ok. Kids are selfish, all they care about is themselves. Even in a healthy way. L is ok with it because she’s been told to be, made to feel guilty for expressing feelings or even having them. Made to feel guilty for her mums situation. I don’t even need to know the ins and outs. I know by that statement alone, and years in therapy, Ls feelings and needs are not considered.
When I went through a hard time I expressed to my my therapist that at times I don’t feel like my daughter takes on board what I’m going through, she expects lifts, favours etc. and I was firmly put in my place and told it’s not her job to carry my burden. I felt rotten for even thinking she should be more aware and understanding. I don’t want her to have to heal from anything I go through so my goal is to protect her innocence and be a mother no matter what. We have a fantastic relationship and she is my friend but she’s my daughter first.
L went from number 1 child to sidelined and relied on. That’s hard for any child to adjust to even without a brother who needs extra attention
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 exactly! I’m the same with my teen, I’ll be her friend - but always mum first!


Mar 8, 2024
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 exactly! I’m the same with my teen, I’ll be her friend - but always mum first!
Exactly when mine were still at home I was parent first then friend now they are grown the dynamic has changed.
I could never treat one of mine she treats L.
My eldest German son is autistic albeit not like M he’s verbal and can do some things for himself now he’s older but that’s took a lot of work for his mam and all the family
Cannot understand how she’s not helping max to reach his full potential it’s all well and good keeping him reliant on her but what happens when she’s no longer here?
Will she expect l to look after him and not have a life of her own ?


Mar 12, 2024
She isn’t trying with him at all, have never heard her try to potty train him, she thinks he can’t listen to her because he doesn’t speak 🤦🏻‍♀️ she isn’t using other methods of communication with him. There are no visuals up in her house or any of her bathrooms, now now next and then boards.

As a mum of autistic children these are up all over my house, bathroom, living room walls, bedroom walls…they were also non verbal when potty trained.

She lets him do what he wants with zero boundaries under the guise of a label. A label which suits her own selfish desires.
Mar 10, 2024
Exactly when mine were still at home I was parent first then friend now they are grown the dynamic has changed.
I could never treat one of mine she treats L.
My eldest German son is autistic albeit not like M he’s verbal and can do some things for himself now he’s older but that’s took a lot of work for his mam and all the family
Cannot understand how she’s not helping max to reach his full potential it’s all well and good keeping him reliant on her but what happens when she’s no longer here?
Will she expect l to look after him and not have a life of her own ?
Incredibly selfish if she thinks L is here to look after him. Thats not her responsibility and should never be played out like that. DEVELOPE HIM! He can flourish under the right guidance.
She’s so surprised by every small thing he does as if she’s surprised by his personality. He’s a boy, and a child. He is his own little person, of course he has more to him than autism.
She’s really pushing M and his autism just now because of the whole Shein thing. She can’t ever say she doesn’t show her kids, she couldn’t before but still had the audacity.
I hope things change for ‘influencers’ where they can’t expose their children and they aren’t allowed to discuss any medical conditions. What happened to those being confidential?


Mar 12, 2024
Been saying that from day one. I was in Aberdeen and folk are saying she isn't there and has been moving between nanas, pams, dad's and mum's. Which is concerning for a 15 year old.

The labelling of M he's autistic and jumped in the jacuzzi no vav he's a young boy who wants to play and explore the world around him. Autism doesn't come into that incident. Why label him all the time. I don't go round saying my son is adhd and he does that because he's adhd. Jeezo it's no who he is it's part of him.
She is there. If u watch the video of them having breakfast, you can see L reflection on stephs sunglasses. Dont think she would cope without her tbh. L is her personal skivvy!


Mar 7, 2024
She’s making a point that she took harper for breakfast. Another dig to Aimee because she reads here 🤣🤣🤣 imagine being away with someone who low key bullies you 🤣🤣🤣
Exactly! I saw her IG post yesterday doing a shoutout to Harper and there's 2 reasons she did it, first cos she feels sorry for the kid and I get that completely and second cos it makes her look good! She doesn't give a se about anyone but herself, she wouldn't do anything for anyone unless there was something in it for her, but I will say regardless of Harper being used for clout I'm pleased the poor kid is getting some fuss and attention even if it isn't from her t and disgrace of a mother! Poor Harper needs to make the most of the great time she's having cos it will all stop once they get home and Aimee's wallowing in pretend depression and anxiety :mad: :mad: :mad::mad:


Mar 10, 2024
She isn’t trying with him at all, have never heard her try to potty train him, she thinks he can’t listen to her because he doesn’t speak 🤦🏻‍♀️ she isn’t using other methods of communication with him. There are no visuals up in her house or any of her bathrooms, now now next and then boards.

As a mum of autistic children these are up all over my house, bathroom, living room walls, bedroom walls…they were also non verbal when potty trained.

She lets him do what he wants with zero boundaries under the guise of a label. A label which suits her own selfish desires.
She spends more time in front of her phone than she does with him. There's no wonder he doesn’t talk there’s little interaction.
Mar 11, 2024
Also do you think they're going to the water park today??? They never said 🤣🫠
How fake! If it wasn’t an act - you wouldn’t need to keep repeating yourself for validation.

Ow beefy - I’ll send your blue peter badge to your rented gaff for taking your kids to a water park on holiday.
Well done - this is only something I could dream of doing 😂🙄🫠


Mar 9, 2024
Helloooooo peeps I’m bk 🙋🏻‍♀️ omg what’s been happening?
I’ve read through quickly and had a wee gander at their posts….
Big vag has defo paid for likes 😭🤣 so tragic!!

One thing I can’t believe is I missed them the other night at jacks, it’s one of our local haunts near our home from home 😏☀️ but one thing I realised, Vag said they wouldn’t be going out again for dinner as M was really over stimulated blah blah blah, the Marina is relatively quiet the now, I heard Aimee say that she wouldn’t be doing vlogs in the restaurants for dinner as they are mobbed, now I don’t have an autistic child maybe you lovelies who do can shed some light…. Would a super busy restaurant not be more over stimulating than the quietish Marina?
And the whole anxiety with the two of them 🤦🏻‍♀️ especially aimless, I travel on my own with 4 I have diagnosed anxiety, if it was really that bad all the time why put yourself through it, why not prepare for it if she knows this is how she is and omg why bliddy film it?

And mad Pam with her drunken foolery 😭🤣

And Vag no jealousy here doll face we have our own pool 😜

That whole escapade this morning, telling Aimee they will stay at the shallow bit 😅 Emm I’m pretty sure the girls and Aimee and go exploring about it as you are Ms mum you stay in the shallow end, dropping it to harper first too before Aimee that was sly I’m my opinion
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Mar 11, 2024
Helloooooo peeps I’m bk 🙋🏻‍♀️ omg what’s been happening?
I’ve read through quickly and had a wee gander at their posts….
Big vag has defo paid for likes 😭🤣 so tragic!!

One thing I can’t believe is I missed them the other night at jacks, it’s one of our local haunts near our home from home 😏☀️ but one thing I realised, Vag said they wouldn’t be going out again for dinner as M was really over stimulated blah blah blah, the Marina is relatively quiet the now, I heard Aimee say that she wouldn’t be doing vlogs in the restaurants for dinner as they are mobbed, now I don’t have an autistic child maybe you lovelies who do can shed some light…. Would a super busy restaurant not be more over stimulating than the quietish Marina?
And the whole anxiety with the two of them 🤦🏻‍♀️ especially aimless, I travel on my own with 4 I have diagnosed anxiety, if it was really that bad all the time why put yourself through it, why not prepare for it if she knows this is how she is and omg why bliddy film it?

And mad Pam with her drunken foolery 😭🤣

And Vag no jealousy here doll face we have our own pool 😜

That whole escapade this morning, telling Aimee they will stay at the shallow bit 😅 Emm I’m pretty sure the girls and Aimee and go exploring about it as you are Ms mum you stay in the shallow end, dropping it to harper first too before Aimee that was sly I’m my opinion
Absolutely! My little one has autism and when we go on holiday me and his dad often go to dinner at different times so we can bring a plate back to the room for him, we explain to the hotel & they usually are fab about it!
Last year, we were lucky they reserved a table in a quiet corner each evening for us as long as we got there for opening - which we did! Made it so much easier and much easier sensory wise.


Mar 9, 2024
Absolutely! My little one has autism and when we go on holiday me and his dad often go to dinner at different times so we can bring a plate back to the room for him, we explain to the hotel & they usually are fab about it!
Last year, we were lucky they reserved a table in a quiet corner each evening for us as long as we got there for opening - which we did! Made it so much easier and much easier sensory wise.
That’s brilliant ❤️
Just cause Vag said about not going to the marina again as too overstimulating but I know for a fact it’s quiet and Jacks tbh is well spaced out and it’s quiet the now but with aimless saying the hotel restaurant was mobbed I though would it not be better going bk to the marina as it is quiet.

Is that maybe why after being at the busy hotel restaurant he as she claimed ran in a jacuzzi, for one kids aren’t allowed in them and it probs didn’t happen the way she said it did and tbh it’s normal behaviour for any child to think aw bugger it I’m jumping in there, she’s too quick to say it’s because she’s autistic and loves the water