Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 12, 2024
Had to get her tits in the video too.
These type of vidoes she makes is like she is saying oh look at me taking my autistic son on holiday aren’t I amazing. When in reality so lane families and single parents do this. It’s always about her
I know the reality is also ‘Rory come get mi’ 😂 getting the spaniels lugs in…
Desperate 🐄
Mar 8, 2024
You know I am so fing raging at this idiot😡. It's all about her and not that wee child. She makes him out to be a burden to be shouldered constantly,and constantly is the key word here. I do know it is hard to be a parent of a child with additional needs but it is always about the impact on her.
Never have I ever saw her putting time and effort into his communication skills and even saying , never have I ever saw, blows my mind. I live miles away from her and I shouldn't be able to know a thing, not one! about her child, never mind seeing him in the bath.
Safeguard and make your child private. Your a attention seeking wrong un 😡
The bath video was a disgusting invasion of his privacy.
She absolutely makes out like he’s just this burden she was lumped with.
He was trying to communicate with her and she just wasn’t arsed. It is all about her and I feel so sorry for him


Mar 7, 2024
You can tell she says to aimless oh you have a lie in, you deserve it pish, il take the kids for breakfast etc and only dies it to then film and make it she's better than everyone.

Imagine being on holiday with a bully but you are too thick and desperate to notice or care.
Spot on! Vav won't do anything too obvious to make Aimee look s cos she doesn't want to look like the b she is, but by taking Harper to brekkie, to the pool, waterpark, walks around the hotel she's fooling everyone into thinking she's a good friend and a caring person, absolute se Staph! We see right through you lol. And what the hell is going on with Aimee? She looks swollen, puffy, sweaty, hair in rats tails stuck to her head and clown make up dripping down her face, it's not a good look Aims do better girl! 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕
Mar 12, 2024
You know I am so fing raging at this idiot😡. It's all about her and not that wee child. She makes him out to be a burden to be shouldered constantly,and constantly is the key word here. I do know it is hard to be a parent of a child with additional needs but it is always about the impact on her.
Never have I ever saw her putting time and effort into his communication skills and even saying , never have I ever saw, blows my mind. I live miles away from her and I shouldn't be able to know a thing, not one! about her child, never mind seeing him in the bath.
Safeguard and make your child private. Your a attention seeking wrong un 😡
Yep I absolutely hear you. She makes my blood boil too. All about her 24/7. That wee boy and all the saves on his videos it’s hard to comprehend. When will these cash mad influencer idiots realise how much at risk the wee toots are to wrong uns. But as longs as they are making a pound and getting noticed they don’t care and I have to say Vav is one of the worst for it 🤬
What’s it gonna take an abduction or harm to come to one of their children for a law to finally come to place to stop them exploiting them really makes me angry 😡


Mar 10, 2024
This dig about people saying M was unsupervised in the jacuzzi, not once have I read that.
It's just been people calling her out for having no boundaries in place for wee M and teaching him the word no. However, don't know about others but never could I imagine being on holiday reading forums talking about me as bedtime or poolside reading, would be mortified. Usually a good novel downloaded on kindle for me.
Another tip Vav, maybe address the allegations about you cos they're not going away, stop pimping your child out, stop being so inconsistent with your stories or product descriptions ad infinitum, really with you, and maybe you can download a kindle book and.... BREATHE... as you're fond of saying.


Mar 12, 2024
The two child exploitation videos taking in the most views. Most she’s had id say… so she’s now pumping out the adverts. Sickening saves too. So expect more and more of it. Poor max 😩

All the tit chemicals you put on your body and face vav is why you’re so red and sensitive 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

There has to be stricter rules on filming minors. Has anyone seen the baby Sam videos where his dad makes him say do you know what makes me happy daddy? It’s just vile vile vile.


Mar 8, 2024
my kids would make a B line for a jacuzzi and they aren’t autistic, why does she think autism is the reason he went in the jacuzzi? 😹😹😹
My kids also would have been in there in a heartbeat if I did t stop them lol.
It’s her asthetic max being autistic it’s pretty tragic that your so desperate for attention you will hold your son back from reaching his potential .


Mar 9, 2024
She’s defo bought views 🤣 views to likes ratio is about 5% if she’s lucky.
I seen a welch creator canny mind her name, her views are away up but it’s something about bots taking over. She was saying that because of this TikTok won’t pay her or the brands as it’s false views, she could lost her account permanently, hopefully it happens to Vag as you can’t get it bk at all


Mar 8, 2024
She mentioned before ‘ I wish I could talk to max’ and perhaps she meant him talk to her. But I honestly don’t think she talks to him like she would a child who can talk if that makes sense.

Just because he can’t talk doesn’t mean his understanding isn’t there. She talks to him as if he is a dog and it’s despicable. If she would just talk to him normally he might learn more!!!

But I’ve a sneaky suspicion she just doesn’t bother her arse cos she’s not got time for him!

She could be using a ton of visuals but again, doesn’t bother her arse.

You’re right though body language is everything and she constantly displays times where she is ignoring and turned away. He will pick up on this immediately.
Your completely correct she is awful with him and it’s so sad that she ignores his needs then she’s shouting in his face,singing at him ,and also slobbering all over him.
There are lots of ways to communicate with him has she tried makaton that would be a no because it doesn’t suit her woe is me attitude and the joy she gets being a sen mum
I’d love to know what she will do when he’s in his teens like my grandson who is autistic and knows right from wrong it’s took work and lots of melt downs but for your kids you do what’s needed.
He’s is going to be stronger than her she has a huge shock coming to her.
Mar 10, 2024
Pimps M out continuously then bam… adverts…. while she’s got the crowds.
She gives me the heave. I hope what I just read about too many bits loses her the account. She makes me sick using her son like that. She knows she’s doing it too. I hope he has a big meltdown as her reward for being an absolute t of a woman.

Something about this video… her face, can see the evil in it.


Mar 10, 2024
Pimps M out continuously then bam… adverts…. while she’s got the crowds.
She gives me the heave. I hope what I just read about too many bits loses her the account. She makes me sick using her son like that. She knows she’s doing it too. I hope he has a big meltdown as her reward for being an absolute t of a woman.

Something about this video… her face, can see the evil in it.
It's the eyes and smirk. She's got those cold, dead behind eyes stare, you can see it when she's talking to other people and her smirk. Classic traits of a narcissist. I've noticed it when she talks to whoever is around her.


Mar 10, 2024
That video where she's slathering on the products, she's blasting people's business out there.
"Theyre not arguing, they're just Glaswegian. Yeah they're just Glaswegian", Wtaf is that supposed to mean???
I'm Glaswegian and believe me Beefy, I don't or people I kmow sound as though we are arguing when we speak. Total muppet. You dear, however do sound aggressive and look it when the mask slips.
Wonder what you're neighbours would think letting your tiktok account hear their conversations.?
Edited to add.. Those poor people who you've recorded? Pretty sure I'm picking up an East Coast accent, no matter anyway regardless, just stop being so generalising and judgey with people and look at yourself.