Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
I feel sorry for L, I have 4 teens and they do so much week in, week out, they are very fortunate not really materialistically, although they do have everything but not because it’s needed to be given to show they’re loved etc it’s because it’s been earned. 4 with very different personalities but we do things to cater them all not just favoured for one of them, it’s a hard one but can be done.

That wee lassie is shoved to the side and you can guarantee that whenever L has an opinion of something she’s told but your being selfish your brother has autism or she’s made to feel bad as it’s not something M would want to do.

I’m pretty sure since you have M strapped to a buggy when it’s convenient for you that you could pop M in his buggy and maybe take L a wee wonder round the shops, there is plenty for girls L age to wander about for I know for a fact as it’s our second home over there Vag, no jealousy here, I’d rather stick blunt needles in my eyes than have ‘your lifestyle’ 😭
If I didn’t know better, If this mornings video was the first I seen, I’d think she only had 1 child, a son.


Mar 9, 2024
She actually just pushes L to the side and it’s so sad. Oh L is happy if M is happy. She is making on that he’s her first bloody child. I really hope L tells her to piss off soon and go and stay with her dad.
Said no teenager ever 😭🤣 it’s quite sad and the fact she’s broadcasting it to her huns like why aren’t they questioning it? Wait till M is bigger, I hope he does start talking as much as he can, what’s Vag gonna do if there is something she wants/needs to do and M refuses point blank or lashes out? What’s going to happen then to her trips away or ‘work’ things as her mad maw and nana aren’t going to be here to help her forever and I don’t see L giving her life up
Mar 10, 2024
Said no teenager ever 😭🤣 it’s quite sad and the fact she’s broadcasting it to her huns like why aren’t they questioning it? Wait till M is bigger, I hope he does start talking as much as he can, what’s Vag gonna do if there is something she wants/needs to do and M refuses point blank or lashes out? What’s going to happen then to her trips away or ‘work’ things as her mad maw and nana aren’t going to be here to help her forever and I don’t see L giving her life up
I can see L boosting soon as she can. M and his disabilities are not L’s responsibility. Maybe if Vav acknowledged her existence L would have more compassion for her mums position but I don’t blame her for not. Hence the state of her bedroom, her demands for material things, at any expense. She gets nothing from Vav so has zero respect for her and thinks nothing of the expectations she puts on Vav to financially provide as she doesn’t provide physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. L uses her mum as a transaction as much as Vav uses Aimee.


Mar 9, 2024
I can see L boosting soon as she can. M and his disabilities are not L’s responsibility. Maybe if Vav acknowledged her existence L would have more compassion for her mums position but I don’t blame her for not. Hence the state of her bedroom, her demands for material things, at any expense. She gets nothing from Vav so has zero respect for her and thinks nothing of the expectations she puts on Vav to financially provide as she doesn’t provide physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. L uses her mum as a transaction as much as Vav uses Aimee.
I hope she does so she has some kind of life. It will be mad Pam and minky nana part 2 😭
She’s setting that wee lassie up to fail, she will expect everyone to lay down to her and that’s not how the world works, or she will treat a man the way her mother has, as we know men can be horrible and it will take just one of them to flip, same for Vag tbh. Then it will be the victim mentality that will just feed the beast in Vag.
Mar 10, 2024
I hope she does so she has some kind of life. It will be mad Pam and minky nana part 2 😭
She’s setting that wee lassie up to fail, she will expect everyone to lay down to her and that’s not how the world works, or she will treat a man the way her mother has, as we know men can be horrible and it will take just one of them to flip, same for Vag tbh. Then it will be the victim mentality that will just feed the beast in Vag.
Vav loves to be a victim. Predominantly a victim in her own sstorm.
Since she likes labels so much she should see if she can get a pip enhancement for BPD, sociopathic narcissist.
I’m reading a book about narcissistic casanovas at the minute.
Can see her in the female version.


Apr 5, 2024
Well , all I can say is what an utterly boring fk ( yawn ) she is and her holiday has looked ! Apart from that wee boy getting something from it , her with an ED has filmed nothing but stuffing that big sausage mouth of her's ( you know , the one that let's bile come out it off stage ) that her followers don't see . Hope all her luggage goes missing on the return journey ! 🤣


Mar 10, 2024
She really doesn't give a f*ck about L does she?! I'd post a screenshot of the comment on her morning video but I can't attach it here at all, someone commented on her video saying she should head in to a town as its got load of little boutiques for shopping and she responded with "if I wasn't with my kids I'd love that but max wouldn't enjoy it". I'm sure M in his buggy with his iPad for a bit whilst she looks about with L, would have been a great opportunity for them to do something nice together.
I actually feel really sorry for L. I know it's been spoken about before that L is a bully at school, and it's obviously wrong she's hurting other kids, but end of the day, her behaviour is a form of communication and it shows something is wrong. And 99% of the time, it's what's happening at home. I really hope she manages to break the toxic cycle that's clearly fallen down the generations. Vav really isn't fit to be a parent.
Mar 11, 2024
She really doesn't give a f*ck about L does she?! I'd post a screenshot of the comment on her morning video but I can't attach it here at all, someone commented on her video saying she should head in to a town as its got load of little boutiques for shopping and she responded with "if I wasn't with my kids I'd love that but max wouldn't enjoy it". I'm sure M in his buggy with his iPad for a bit whilst she looks about with L, would have been a great opportunity for them to do something nice together.
I actually feel really sorry for L. I know it's been spoken about before that L is a bully at school, and it's obviously wrong she's hurting other kids, but end of the day, her behaviour is a form of communication and it shows something is wrong. And 99% of the time, it's what's happening at home. I really hope she manages to break the toxic cycle that's clearly fallen down the generations. Vav really isn't fit to be a parent.
100%!! She’s attention seeking by showing behavioural issues, because it’s the only she knows will get her mums attention. Well, for 5 minutes probably
Mar 7, 2024
Steph and Aimee friendship is just so fake looking Steph forcing to be all nice when in reality she is struggling she wouldn’t be friends with Aimee in a million years. How sad that both their children are so used to them having their faces in both their phones morning noon and night never live in the moment and just eat breakfast and chat theses are my favourite times of the day catching up with what everyone else has been up to both just glued to their phones what a way to live.
It's been a complete farce of a holiday ! They've been on their phones 24/7 , forcing conversation with each other and beefy flaps is trying to outdo Aimless which is easily done as she's so gullible and doesn't know her way round the hotel! It's like Dumb and Dumber on vacation ! I hope you two idiots are reading this and see how your holiday is a laughing stock all over social media !
Mar 10, 2024
The M content is now falling in views. She’s overdoing the woe is me with my ‘autistic son’, my life is hard narrative.
That jacuzzi story makes me laugh the more I watch it. For love nor money can she get the story to sound dramatic cause it’s so boring 🤣 ‘awk’ and the waving of her hand as if it was too hectic to even convey but it’s cause irs boring as do 😂😂😂😂
Mar 7, 2024
She really doesn't give a f*ck about L does she?! I'd post a screenshot of the comment on her morning video but I can't attach it here at all, someone commented on her video saying she should head in to a town as its got load of little boutiques for shopping and she responded with "if I wasn't with my kids I'd love that but max wouldn't enjoy it". I'm sure M in his buggy with his iPad for a bit whilst she looks about with L, would have been a great opportunity for them to do something nice together.
I actually feel really sorry for L. I know it's been spoken about before that L is a bully at school, and it's obviously wrong she's hurting other kids, but end of the day, her behaviour is a form of communication and it shows something is wrong. And 99% of the time, it's what's happening at home. I really hope she manages to break the toxic cycle that's clearly fallen down the generations. Vav really isn't fit to be a parent.
Lily is a bully at school and needy flaps can't be arsed with her ! There's no love lost between the two of them and it's obvious Max is her favourite as he's her cash cow and that's how she affords her 'lifestyle ' whilst aren't we sour faced Lils is behind the camera and like the 3rd wheel , I've no sympathy for any of those idiots
Mar 7, 2024
Steph is either speaking into her phone, having herself recorded by lily, reading what we write about her or stuffing her face. So she’s only got time for tit parenting.
Of course she's reading up on here and tattle ! Has anyone else noticed that their lives revolve round food ? Every day they're showing what food they buy and eat and their jaws never have a break ! It's constant . No wonder they both use slimming filters ! It's just food food food !
Mar 27, 2024
The first video of Max in the water was lovely as he looked so happy. He obviously enjoys the water and the joy in his little face was so cute but………. I have now had enough of the Max content. One video is more than enough. BOTH of her children are on holiday so give them BOTH the privacy so they can just enjoy it. I’m not sure why she keeps pushing the ‘autism’ aspect of Max because if I was a parent of an autistic child and I followed her for that content, she is showing and telling me nothing that would help me. She doesn’t show any positives, she doesn’t really engage with him or sit quietly and try and communicate with sign language (even I can do a little makaton as I used to take a relative who has special needs to a drama group every week and I picked up a few signs. I can sign the song ‘somewhere out there’ 😀) Steph doesn’t talk about potty training or anything really. She needs to focus on the QVC selling of se or the SEN. I don’t think trawling Max out in between cockups and disasters for sympathy is working