Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 28, 2024
Good morning my fellow ffaces, just had a catch up, we had an early night too 😆😉 so just making sure is everyone ok this morning, anyone needing their eyeballs bleached? 🥴
No way was she sat in her swimming costume? 😭 such a tragic lassie!
So for someone who was doing the school run then having an ice bath, surely she would have seen the state of the water? Just goes to show she’s defo reads here and just drops s like that in to save face! 😂
Was she saying someone pissed in it? Surely with her super dooper cctv system she would know 🤷🏻‍♀️
She doesn't want to address it this morning. I WONDER why!! 🙄🙄🤣🤣


Mar 8, 2024
Not discussing it won’t make it go away. Hell nah…. Do you not learn that by not addressing stuff it gets worse. You’re such a narc.
So she said last night she’s “Hardcore” because she does Ice baths. Well not really because hard core girl would have got in that whatever was in it. It’s not as bad as wild swimming in lakes and rivers. So actually you’re not Hardcore are you?
Just a trampy thieving b


Mar 9, 2024
Why she’s lyyyiiinnngggg she had to put the phone down and focus on M?! She was posting se I’m insta 😂😭 the lies just roll right aff her tongue 🤦🏻‍♀️
Enough time to put a full face on, if M had been the way she claims she’d be greeting snot and all…..
if he didn’t want to leave her why is she fing off again?!??
So much on, so much to do but sits on a live for 3/4hrs the lassie has lost it
Mar 28, 2024
Korey had told her he was "vibing out as it was late". She then asked him to play the song she had sent him from her car the other day. Clearly he had no idea what she was on about and said give me 2 minutes and I will be back as I can't see my chat and left her there on her own until she got the hint. He reappeared an hour or so later chatting to a younger girl. I'd say Vag is livid. Good enuff for her, stupid woman child!!


Mar 8, 2024
Why she’s lyyyiiinnngggg she had to put the phone down and focus on M?! She was posting se I’m insta 😂😭 the lies just roll right aff her tongue 🤦🏻‍♀️
Enough time to put a full face on, if M had been the way she claims she’d be greeting snot and all…..
if he didn’t want to leave her why is she fing off again?!??
So much on, so much to do but sits on a live for 3/4hrs the lassie has lost it
Honestly you’d think she was an international travelling human rights lawyer the way she goes on. How do you think people like that manage? Or paediatric heart surgeons who travel around to do pro bono work in developing countries?

I Don’t understand why her followers don’t look into her history, she’s disgusting and dishonest to the evil core
Mar 10, 2024
I showed my husband her pictures and he said “oh she’s a big girl” absolutely nothing wrong with it except she lies and pretends she does a hi intensity work out every day and says she’s 4 dress sizes smaller than she is.
Nothing wrong from big to small. Distorting peoples perception and gaslighting them while you lie about your size, that’s wrong 🙃
Mar 28, 2024
s! I wonder if he will book a flight to see her???? Wahhahahahaahhahahaahhahahgaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahqha
Over before it began 😆
Well if she books a flight to go see him, she will be stood outside Brown Thomas in the p##sing rain while he does his busking. 🤣🤣🤣
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Well it ain’t a black and white but do me is all me me me pitty party
No darling you sat up all night waiting for Korey to get back to you and he didn't. Ain't that the truth? 🤣
Mar 8, 2024
So she has cctv? If anyone jumps over my gates and onto my land (yes Vav you lying s I have a gated property with land which I co own with my husband) I get a notification on my phone so I can immediately look and see who it is.
Is yours a dummy camera you’ve put up?
On the house you live in that is owned by someone else?
Tell me again why I’m jealous of you?
She must have. She’s such a liar. Don’t know whose worse this one or Aimee for lies 😂😂
Mar 11, 2024
Hahahahaahahhaah love Emz 😭😂💀
Love her 🙌🏼😂
Seriously though … any real woman or man if wanting to “ sabotage “ would not get their hole out on the middle of a busy road to piss in it.

Any real person wanting to sabotage would know that the best way would be to slice it all the way down, so she would have to pay money to buy a new one 😏 common sense vav