Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
I never body shame anyone, I can’t talk 😂
But it’s the fkn lies, she lies about her size, but we call all see she’s stacking on the weight, even the filters aren’t filtering like they used to.
I know what u mean! I'm overweight and wudnt get offended cuz I know I'm a fatty 🤪 The issue with her is denying she's a fatty. Brings it on herself 🤷‍♀️
Mar 20, 2024
Absolutely And you sound like you are an amazing person I'd like to add!
I'd rather be us any day of the week (especially you being 26 🤣🤣) xxx
HAHAHAH the grass is always greener isn’t it.., I think if someone gave me a chance to have years added onto me but I had family, stability, and people who are around me who are to stay instead of fake friends failed relationships etc that sounds like something I’d take up!
But we’re all where we need to be right now, fate is real 🥳❤️
Mar 17, 2024
Oh what a shame!!! Blocked on my 🔥
Crying 😭😭 Not!! These boots are made for walking.. back to work!!! More pissed off I'm going to miss the Fury fight tbh 🤣 And quick question... When's the 2nd episode of the cocktail club? Christ!! Come on love neck a few back then get in your comments telling everyone how much you love them for verifying you're a tickety tockety t!! ✔️ It would make a refreshing change from being a cocky t!! Ta-ta my lovelies!! 💞💞 Have fun!!! 💞💞💞
Not you TWO you two (and Burnley) can do OFF!


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Mar 8, 2024
I've finally caught up from earlier but although I've been liking, laughing, loving and vomiting from all the posts 🤣I dare not reply as keep losing where I am at!!! 😳😔😫😁
Anyway, @noseyneighbour glad you are sorted and of course, our rural rescue retreat is my goal with you ❤️ you, me and the wee donkeys against the world 😁😘
@Kassi367 @Regina.GG @Regina.G so glad you found your way here and anyone else I've missed 💕
See those 2 slags have been busy deleting and blocking while they've been out! What a fun night eh it must be so good to be them 🤣 are they home now and continuing to drink? Wanker Wendy driving home again ??
Has anyone seen comments on Charlie's posts. It must be so sad to see it written in black and white what she already knows. I really do feel for her 😔😔 I'd love her to meet someone nice and make a life for herself away from those two toxic tarts 😡 I'd even forgive her favouring the sibling but so blatantly obvious she favours H too.
Sorry it's a bit long but who knows where I'll end up once I press reply 🤣🤣🤣😳
Thanks twinnie 😘 ❤️
Walker Wendy and Toxic Tarts are the names of the day 👏 🤣🤣🤣 I need to catch up on TT. Will check Charlie's 😕❤️
They should be ashamed of themselves! 🤬


Mar 16, 2024
s! Absolute panic thinking it had been shut down! I've had real life stuff and lots of worky stuff to be sorting but have been lurking in and out! Only thing verified about smelly t is she is still a smelly t ☑️

Anyway I mentioned ages ago about doing an interview for an upgrade at work. Well I got it. See Shameless that's what REAL hard work and dedication gets you.