Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Oh my god how much of a laugh would that be !! I’ve not told him yet but but I’ve changed it and booked to go with my girls for a week instead - we go the day before he comes back and my sister is having the littles overnight and bringing the 3 of them to mine when he gets home. He can look after them for a week while we sun it up ! And I’m not saying a word about it to him either - it will be a nice surprise 😳
Recycling - gunna dump the lot in his bloody car Sunday night - he won’t forget that job again in a rush.
I’m a Gemini and I love and nurture my inner wicked 🤣x
Are they really your plans.. lol. Wud love to be a fly on the wall when he gets back!
I'm a ♊️ too! ❤️


Mar 9, 2024
How many takeaways is that in the space of two weeks? She can act as smug and carefree as she wants but she’s a disgusting mother (I don’t even feel she deserves that title) as that child’s diet is utterly diabolical. I mean shovel whatever se you want into your own mouth but do fing better for your daughter. Odious t she is.

Time 2 Chat

May 18, 2024
United Kingdom
She is definitely gunna be doing a Spanish cleaning company promo - that’s why she’s placed them on her radiator and moved the bin!
If she does I wonder if she'll say some products of the products are worth the money which implies some aren't.

And that she likes some better than others.


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May 22, 2024
How many takeaways is that in the space of two weeks? She can act as smug and carefree as she wants but she’s a disgusting mother (I don’t even feel she deserves that title) as that child’s diet is utterly diabolical. I mean shovel whatever se you want into your own mouth but do fing better for your daughter. Odious t she is.
Takeaway tracker on tl, sure it’s 6 this month (that she’s posted)
Mar 8, 2024
There’s NO WAY you can clean your home in yesterday’s heat and look the exact same in the afternoon as you did that morning!
Her idea of cleaning isn’t our way!
After cleaning I’m looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards! She ain’t cleaned! She’s got no concept whatsoever of cleaning her home … I’m still waiting for her to wipe that fridge down! Nothing moves 🤷🏽‍♀️ all the clutter is in the exact place for a YEAR!!!!
In my opinion… she’s one LAZY COMMON BEGGAR as all she does is BEG for freebies.
How can anyone be proud of themselves for that?
And I dread to think what she looked like WITHOUT THE FILTER wearing that car crash outfit!! Christ on a bike Aimee 🤪🙃🫨🤣🙄
You’re a classic common lazy beggar!!
Me after cleaning Is not a good look! Like a sweaty tomato face with soaking wet hair. I know some of it is down to menopause but I get right stuck in and can't stop myself! Cleaning is like therapy for me...I enjoy it. Shouting fing t in my head as I throw Henry around! (As in the vacuum before anyone thinks it's an animal or a child!)🤣
Mar 8, 2024
I also don’t deep clean in my clothes, I usually do my blitzing first thing in the morning (6-7am) whilst it’s cool and I’m in my pjs then I’ll shower & go about the day.

She’s probably just mopped the floor in the living room and that’s it
Same...apart from the time lol. It's comfortable and cool that way! I have to have a bath after...cudnt not!
Nothing like fresh bedding too! ❤️