Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
her latest quirk of forgetting words is really starting to piss me off! it’s not funny and it’s not cute! i’ve started tablets lately for migraines and they are frying my brain, i am genuinely forgetting words, like mid sentence i completely forget s or can’t think of the word! it’s awful at age 39 it’s like i’m getting alzheimer’s and this dick is over there thinking it’s a cute quirk


Mar 8, 2024
TL - I’m not Aimee. Don’t know her, don’t want to know her, don’t even like her!

Read what I’m writing. You are providing more ammunition for bullies

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
I will most likely be blocked/ignored/called a ‘hun’/ all three but here goes……

You all profess to be looking out for the welfare of Harper and criticise Aimee for not safeguarding her. You go on about how Harper will face a hard time in senior school given her mothers antics.

The hypocrisy of you all! You comment on Aimee on a daily basis. Her way of parenting, her lifestyle, her attitude etc etc. that’s your prerogative and I do see how people view Aimee the way they do.

What is unforgivable and downright vile of you all is that you are fuelling the fire. The abhorrent slagging off of Aimee. Talking about her pubic area to put it politely, calling her a drag queen, basically calling her a s etc etc etc. More abhorrent is the references to Harpers appearance. You justify yourself by saying Aimee puts her out there so in your eyes it’s fair game. This is a 9 year old child. What you and that other site write is in the public domain. You are the ones doing the damage to Harper. Can you not see that? Aimee has taken her off TT, not IG for whatever reason but hardly posts many pics of her.

You lot are keeping Harper in the limelight. It will be your cruel nicknames that other kids will use. Not anything Aimee says.

It will be your fault when kids say oh your mums a s/desperate/alkie etc. it won’t be down to Aimee.

I cannot fathom the vitriolic behaviour of anyone who has not been hurt personally by Aimee. You are not interested in safeguarding H. You are just intent on sending Aimee over the edge.

No I don’t know Aimee, no I’m not a hun, but yes I am a person with a heart which breaks a little more every time you write further s for people to store up and to be used against an innocent child.
No one apart from my close family and people involved in my child’s education even knows who my child is
The only blame for whatever happens with H (which I have only ever sympathised over on T )
Is to land sorely on her disgusting excuse of a mother feet
She has exposed and exploited that poor vulnerable child in a way that is beyond my comprehension
I will never understand how a mother would be willing to set her child up for the rough ride she is potentially going to experience in her life
Even after the woe TT account , which was trying to expose the level of vulnerability and lack of safeguarding H is suffering from , she still refused to remove her for her SM
How can anyone do that ???
All vids of H are still on her TT which have all been saved thousands of times,her Facebook has extremely disturbing images of H and she is all over her Insta as well
H will more than likely be all over the dark web by now , it literally makes me sick to my stomach and fills me with anger like you wouldn’t believe
So before you come here accusing everyone of bullying a child and contributing to problems for her , take a hard look at her so called mother
Over on T we have all been the biggest advocates for H’s safety and wellbeing
If it wasn’t for us calling her mother out on basic care needs Aimee wouldn’t do half the stuff she half heartedly does for H as she feels she has to call us out sneakily through her videos
Sorry I can only speak for us T crew but you have got this spectacularly wrong !!!!


Mar 8, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.


Mar 8, 2024
I was open mouthed seeing her make that! Those caramel buns must be sweet af as it is 🤢
Exactly, so in a few years down the line when she is diabetic, over weight, has furred up arteries, out of breath just walking and waiting for knee replacements she will up and down the aisles in HomeB’ins on a mobility scooter (gifted from TT) but she’ll say it’s fine the diabetic nurse follows me and she said it’s nothing to do with the KFC, McDonald’s and donuts that I’ve scoffed for the past 10 years.


Mar 8, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.
beefy vav that you?


Mar 8, 2024
Exactly, so in a few years down the line when she is diabetic, over weight, has furred up arteries, out of breath just walking and waiting for knee replacements she will up and down the aisles in HomeB’ins on a mobility scooter (gifted from TT) but she’ll say it’s fine the diabetic nurse follows me and she said it’s nothing to do with the KFC, McDonald’s and donuts that I’ve scoffed for the past 10 years.
not all diabetics are like that hahaha 🤣


Mar 8, 2024
No one apart from my close family and people involved in my child’s education even knows who my child is
The only blame for whatever happens with H (which I have only ever sympathised over on T )
Is to land sorely on her disgusting excuse of a mother feet
She has exposed and exploited that poor vulnerable child in a way that is beyond my comprehension
I will never understand how a mother would be willing to set her child up for the rough ride she is potentially going to experience in her life
Even after the woe TT account , which was trying to expose the level of vulnerability and lack of safeguarding H is suffering from , she still refused to remove her for her SM
How can anyone do that ???
All vids of H are still on her TT which have all been saved thousands of times,her Facebook has extremely disturbing images of H and she is all over her Insta as well
H will more than likely be all over the dark web by now , it literally makes me sick to my stomach and fills me with anger like you wouldn’t believe
So before you come here accusing everyone of bullying a child and contributing to problems for her , take a hard look at her so called mother
Over on T we have all been the biggest advocates for H’s safety and wellbeing
If it wasn’t for us calling her mother out on basic care needs Aimee wouldn’t do half the stuff she half heartedly does for H as she feels she has to call us out sneakily through her videos
Sorry I can only speak for us T crew but you have got this spectacularly wrong !!!!
You speak for all of us here too I’m sure.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Her toothless huns are saying it’s ok to let a child choose what they eat everyday 🐂💩
Both my boys have autism & youngest has adhd, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia & diagnosed early 2000’s.
My youngest has always had food aversions like spaghetti bolognaise the spaghetti couldn’t touch the bolognaise but he still ate it. He refuses to eat egg, chips & beans for some reason even now he won’t and he’s 25 . I also made sure my boys didn’t have any crap or food that contained E numbers which was hard at first but a true mother/father always puts the health of their kids top of the list.
I also had to be very aware of watching my youngest diet due to him being on adhd meds which suppressed his appetite. It took me over a year to allow him adhd medication and he’s been on them since. He loved school holidays as I told him he doesn’t need to take them if he doesn’t want to.
My eldest coped in mainstream school really well and was reading Harry Potter books at age 6 but my youngest was let down massively. Took me 4 years to get his ehcp (statement back then) which stated the school had to provide a laptop and have word shark and number-shark programs on. I ended up buying it all because at age 9 he couldn’t read or write. His teacher who was a year above me in high school said to me I have 25 other kids to teach before I even think of your son.
Best thing I did was send him to a specialist school & he walked away with all his GCSE.
My eldest is so different with his autism and I was told he will struggle more as an adult which he does. I won’t go into details as already wrote a lot and it breaks my heart that Catpiss just doesn’t give a 💩 about any part of H and it’s anything for an easy life. (Her diet is disgusting for a child & will cause issues for her)
Children need structure, manners, guidance, protection, a clean house & understand the parent/parents rule the house.


Mar 8, 2024
her latest quirk of forgetting words is really starting to piss me off! it’s not funny and it’s not cute! i’ve started tablets lately for migraines and they are frying my brain, i am genuinely forgetting words, like mid sentence i completely forget s or can’t think of the word! it’s awful at age 39 it’s like i’m getting alzheimer’s and this dick is over there thinking it’s a cute quirk
I suffer from severe migraines and my meds do this to me to. It’s awful. My kids will laugh sometimes but normally they try and help me get back on track.


Feb 28, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.

Right, if anything we advocate that her parenting is shocking, never once has anyone bullied H, we all defended her numerous times against woe when things went too far and have even told woe that! The child is lacking in nourishment I’ve said that numerous times that isn’t me attacking Harpers appearance, that is me saying her mother needs to stop being so selfish and serve her decent meals! Rather than one decent meal every 6 months!

You are saying how vile we all are yet say “Aimee has imaginary friends called huns” so you are clearly on the verge of joining in with our “horrible behaviour”
Nobody forced anyone to read here or TL you all chose to, if you don’t like it don’t read and sure as hell don’t make an account.

I come for Aimee’s lack of parenting. Never have I ever said a single nasty thing about Harper.

So old girl, go back to the care home and I’ll be pressing the ignore button after this so have fun talking to yourself.
Mar 9, 2024
So according to the Huns a parent should always allow there child to dictate what they eat cause that’s what a good mum does 🤦‍♀️ really .. no a good parent makes the decisions for the wellbeing of the child we don’t allow them to eat junk all the time because we know it’s bad for them, what a thick bunch of people they are
Jesus Christ is that hun ok, if I let my three decide what they wanted every meal time it would either be some form of pasta, pizza or a maccies. They’re good eaters in general because they eat what they’re given but they are also kids if they had the chance to choose they aren’t going to choose something healthy. It would also cost me a fortune 🤣


Mar 9, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.

See ya later, bye! As if we are all getting accused of setting a child up to be bullied, pull the other one. 99% of the comments that involve the child on here are how people feel sorry for her and how it’s disgusting the way she’s ‘parented’. Yes there are odd ones that maybe do go a bit far but they are few and far between, certainly not encouraged. Regarding the potential bullying that poor child is likely to be on the receiving end of, well it’s an audacity to try pin that s on anyone but her parents. Complete joke in fact. Let’s have a look shall we at the evidence (yes posted by her mother for all the world to see), disgracefully lacking in nutrition diet, no safeguarding regarding photos, school badges, house address etc, a revolving door of strange men in her home (supposed to be her safe space) after her mother has known them DAYS!, no effort in dressing her correctly, cleanly or smartly! No dentistry or care for her teeth, or her hair. The list is endless. Also making YT videos without the mother having a clue. Allegations of drunk driving with her in the car. So many things. And that’s just from the mother, the father doesn’t appear to give a s either. Its thanks to these sites that kid started to get swimming lessons and do more activities with friends etc. People on these sites have tried to safeguard that kid more than her own parents. And make her parents put her first and give her the life she deserves, which is much more than having money thrown at her. And no one is reaching or making s up, this has all been posted on her TT. So rather than have a go at us, try having a go at your mate/family member (as you clearly are here on her behalf). As for the rest of your drivel, get that s in the sea. Coming on here with your superiority complex chatting absolute nonsense. The thing is you really think you did something didn’t you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mar 8, 2024
topiramate (topamax) by any chance?
No I was on that and amitriptaline (or however you spell it) I started Topiramate at 25mg and had to go up over time to 250 mg. Didn’t work. Made me feel like a zombie and did nothing to my migraines. (I get around 25-30 a month) then they made me go on amitriptaline 25mg up to 250mg. Again didn’t work. Had to be weaned off them. Then they decided to make me take both together 25mg - 250mg and to be honest it was the worst 3 years of my life. I knew it wasn’t working. I knew it was only adding to my problem. I don’t claim pip or any benefits but to get the help I needed from my neurologist I had to keep doing as they said. I then went on to a TMS machine (useless) then Botox for 10 years. That does help reduce the migraines and the severity for them. I’m now lucky enough to be on the injections that came out recently and they really help. My advise to you is follow your gut, if they are working then go back, push to be referred or whatever. But all my migraine meds have done that to my speech. I just can’t spit my words out / form sentences together. I think it’s just my head now. Alzheimer’s runs in the family (alongside migraine) so it is something I really worry about.