Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
No I was on that and amitriptaline (or however you spell it) I started Topiramate at 25mg and had to go up over time to 250 mg. Didn’t work. Made me feel like a zombie and did nothing to my migraines. (I get around 25-30 a month) then they made me go on amitriptaline 25mg up to 250mg. Again didn’t work. Had to be weaned off them. Then they decided to make me take both together 25mg - 250mg and to be honest it was the worst 3 years of my life. I knew it wasn’t working. I knew it was only adding to my problem. I don’t claim pip or any benefits but to get the help I needed from my neurologist I had to keep doing as they said. I then went on to a TMS machine (useless) then Botox for 10 years. That does help reduce the migraines and the severity for them. I’m now lucky enough to be on the injections that came out recently and they really help. My advise to you is follow your gut, if they are working then go back, push to be referred or whatever. But all my migraine meds have done that to my speech. I just can’t spit my words out / form sentences together. I think it’s just my head now. Alzheimer’s runs in the family (alongside migraine) so it is something I really worry about.
i’ve been on anytripaline for a few year but they recently upped them to 75mg and added the topiarmate and over a few month went up to 200mg, i’m now in my way back down as i can’t cope feeling like this! i get botox anyway as who wants frown lines haha! i’ve recently only started with migraine due to a brain injury (won’t say what as if someone reading this knows me will instantly know who i am lol)…
Mar 9, 2024
She doesn’t any more?????
She’s all over IG and Facebook, she says she wants to safeguard her child but continues to show her on other open platforms, that’s not safeguarding her. I don’t agree with going after a child at all, I agree with you to a certain extent but people here are only stating facts on how she doesn’t safeguard H. If she’s bullied it won’t be because of what’s written here it’ll be because of the videos that her mum puts up for the whole world to see.


Feb 4, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.
do you feel better now?

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.

her latest quirk of forgetting words is really starting to piss me off! it’s not funny and it’s not cute! i’ve started tablets lately for migraines and they are frying my brain, i am genuinely forgetting words, like mid sentence i completely forget s or can’t think of the word! it’s awful at age 39 it’s like i’m getting alzheimer’s and this dick is over there thinking it’s a cute quirk
I can totally get where you are coming from , I have just had to start HRT at 45 due to the mess my brain is in , it’s making my life miserable, I struggle to get words out etc
I am sorry you are suffering, like you say it isn’t bloody funny
The stupid cow can just f right off !!


Mar 8, 2024
Had to return like the Mac to respond 😊😊

TL and here - by calling out her mum you are adding ammunition. Aimee doesn’t mention Harpers teeth, her malnourished look, her clothes etc etc etc YOU ALL DO. You are simply not taking in what I’m saying. By slagging off her mum with all the she’s just chasing dick etc you are adding fuel to the fire. Aimee’s may give off those vibes but she doesn’t say oh I’m a s does she? Aimee doesn’t give herself nicknames or to her daughter does she?
Aimee doesn’t screenshot awful (if amusing) screenshots of herself does she?

Your pages are part of SM history as hers are. I do think there’s a little she doth protest too much and backtracking in responses to my posts so maybe I have had an effect on people after all. Even 1 person to stop and think will do me.

TL - whoever said I’ve been going out for an hour now - I’m at my destination now dear.


Mar 8, 2024
i’ve been on anytripaline for a few year but they recently upped them to 75mg and added the topiarmate and over a few month went up to 200mg, i’m now in my way back down as i can’t cope feeling like this! i get botox anyway as who wants frown lines haha! i’ve recently only started with migraine due to a brain injury (won’t say what as if someone reading this knows me will instantly know who i am lol)…
Bless you. I hope you will feel better soon. The antibody jabs really work if that’s something that might suit you / help.
Mar 12, 2024
No one apart from my close family and people involved in my child’s education even knows who my child is
The only blame for whatever happens with H (which I have only ever sympathised over on T )
Is to land sorely on her disgusting excuse of a mother feet
She has exposed and exploited that poor vulnerable child in a way that is beyond my comprehension
I will never understand how a mother would be willing to set her child up for the rough ride she is potentially going to experience in her life
Even after the woe TT account , which was trying to expose the level of vulnerability and lack of safeguarding H is suffering from , she still refused to remove her for her SM
How can anyone do that ???
All vids of H are still on her TT which have all been saved thousands of times,her Facebook has extremely disturbing images of H and she is all over her Insta as well
H will more than likely be all over the dark web by now , it literally makes me sick to my stomach and fills me with anger like you wouldn’t believe
So before you come here accusing everyone of bullying a child and contributing to problems for her , take a hard look at her so called mother
Over on T we have all been the biggest advocates for H’s safety and wellbeing
If it wasn’t for us calling her mother out on basic care needs Aimee wouldn’t do half the stuff she half heartedly does for H as she feels she has to call us out sneakily through her videos
Sorry I can only speak for us T crew but you have got this spectacularly wrong !!!!
This 🙌🙌🙌


Mar 8, 2024
i’m not sure what you mean?
They would take action is all I mean, by taking meds and having a healthy lifestyle. I image she would just carry on and therefore would need a scooter to get around for her hauls of shopping. Surely she must know already how unhealthy her diet is and the potential consequences, yet continues anyway. We all know how bad over processed food and takeaways are, fine In moderation as a treat, absolutely not as the main part of a daily diet. I can’t see that mind set changing even in the event of disease. That’s all I meant. No offence intended to anyone who has diabetes. I just feel so irritated that she stuffs her face and her child with the most unhealthy food day in day out when it’s fact that it causes untold damage on the body.


Feb 4, 2024
Had to return like the Mac to respond 😊😊

TL and here - by calling out her mum you are adding ammunition. Aimee doesn’t mention Harpers teeth, her malnourished look, her clothes etc etc etc YOU ALL DO. You are simply not taking in what I’m saying. By slagging off her mum with all the she’s just chasing dick etc you are adding fuel to the fire. Aimee’s may give off those vibes but she doesn’t say oh I’m a s does she? Aimee doesn’t give herself nicknames or to her daughter does she?
Aimee doesn’t screenshot awful (if amusing) screenshots of herself does she?

Your pages are part of SM history as hers are. I do think there’s a little she doth protest too much and backtracking in responses to my posts so maybe I have had an effect on people after all. Even 1 person to stop and think will do me.

TL - whoever said I’ve been going out for an hour now - I’m at my destination now dear.
Mentioning how malnourished she looks is only out of pure shock and concern for her. Aimee does screenshot many comments made about her. What’s in this for you? What do you get out of being a Doberhun?


Feb 28, 2024
They would take action is all I mean, by taking meds and having a healthy lifestyle. I image she would just carry on and therefore would need a scooter to get around for her hauls of shopping. Surely she must know already how unhealthy her diet is and the potential consequences, yet continues anyway. We all know how bad over processed food and takeaways are, fine In moderation as a treat, absolutely not as the main part of a daily diet. I can’t see that mind set changing even in the event of disease. That’s all I meant. No offence intended to anyone who has diabetes. I just feel so irritated that she stuffs her face and her child with the most unhealthy food day in day out when it’s fact that it causes untold damage on the body.

I understand what you mean, she’s the type to be diagnosed then take no action such as, change in diet etc. she would just continue as normal.


Mar 8, 2024
Mentioning how malnourished she looks is only out of pure shock and concern for her. Aimee does screenshot many comments made about her. What’s in this for you? What do you get out of being a Doberhun?
To try and stop the nastiness. As I have said I have a heart. I’ll ignore you suggesting I’m a hun