Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Feb 4, 2024
To try and stop the nastiness. As I have said I have a heart. I’ll ignore you suggesting I’m a hun
But none of this is nastiness, it’s facts and concern. Having been raised by an alcoholic i see many of the same patterns in Aimee’s life (and no i’m not labelling her an alcoholic i just see many similarities to my childhood). Children deserve stability and a good diet.


Mar 8, 2024
Me too. I take Zolmitriptan for mine.
I have that and sumatriptan. They do work to take them away but for, don’t know about you but they make me drowsy.

I’ve just had to have a jab ‘holiday’ to see how effective they were and my god I’ve suffered. Started back on the 10 days ago and starting to see a massive improvement. But I had a migraine last night and still a bit of a one this morning. Hence when I go quiet as a can’t stand looking at screens.
Mar 12, 2024
I have that and sumatriptan. They do work to take them away but for, don’t know about you but they make me drowsy.

I’ve just had to have a jab ‘holiday’ to see how effective they were and my god I’ve suffered. Started back on the 10 days ago and starting to see a massive improvement. But I had a migraine last night and still a bit of a one this morning. Hence when I go quiet as a can’t stand looking at screen

Yeah they do make me feel drowsy and also nauseous and shaky, but feeling like that for an hour or so beats having a migraine


Feb 28, 2024
Anyone else wondering why she's finishing her words off properly in the Give Me hair video? MultitaskinG, cookinG, she usually speaks so slovenly. On another note she wouldn't know multitasking or cooking if it bit her on her fat arse. Waiting for a knock on the door with a food delivery more like 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽

I’m a mum course I can multitask and put a hair mask on and order on Uber eats at the same time 😂😂😂😂
Mar 12, 2024
I take that too and propanalol but i find zolmitriptan does absolutely nothing for the pain, don’t know if im taking them wrong or if I’ve just been on them for too long 🤷‍♀️
If I catch it soon enough, they work well. If I leave it too long before taking one I really suffer. Normal over the counter pain killers do nothing at all, I may as well chew smarties.


Mar 8, 2024
They would take action is all I mean, by taking meds and having a healthy lifestyle. I image she would just carry on and therefore would need a scooter to get around for her hauls of shopping. Surely she must know already how unhealthy her diet is and the potential consequences, yet continues anyway. We all know how bad over processed food and takeaways are, fine In moderation as a treat, absolutely not as the main part of a daily diet. I can’t see that mind set changing even in the event of disease. That’s all I meant. No offence intended to anyone who has diabetes. I just feel so irritated that she stuffs her face and her child with the most unhealthy food day in day out when it’s fact that it causes untold damage on the body.
ahhh get ya 😊 yeah i’m diabetic and it does do so much damage on the body and that’s woth healthy lifestyle changes that she would NOT do!! however i do hate the fact that everyone thinks type 2 is always caused by unhealthy life styles like catpiss! i developed type 2 at 18 due to a autoimmune offence was taken by your post 🥰


Mar 8, 2024
No. Simply trying to get through to you the damage you may be causing
The only person who is causing damage to Harper is Aimee. She doesn’t parent her daughter she gives her what she wants so Aimee can do what she wants. Did you see the videos poor Harper made on you tube wanting followers to be her friends it was absolutely heart breaking and her own mother didn’t even know she was posting videos within her house and even showing her bedroom. It’s not any of our responsibility to worry about the damage I think we all collectively agree Harper is being failed by everyone in her life.

Won’t be responding to you again after this HUN ignored as will any t else who comes on here spewing the s you have been 👋🏻


Mar 8, 2024
I can totally get where you are coming from , I have just had to start HRT at 45 due to the mess my brain is in , it’s making my life miserable, I struggle to get words out etc
I am sorry you are suffering, like you say it isn’t bloody funny
The stupid cow can just f right off !!
she’s so frustrating isn’t she! hope you feel better soon ❤️

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
The only person who is causing damage to Harper is Aimee. She doesn’t parent her daughter she gives her what she wants so Aimee can do what she wants. Did you see the videos poor Harper made on you tube wanting followers to be her friends it was absolutely heart breaking and her own mother didn’t even know she was posting videos within her house and even showing her bedroom. It’s not any of our responsibility to worry about the damage I think we all collectively agree Harper is being failed by everyone in her life.

Won’t be responding to you again after this HUN ignored as will any t else who comes on here spewing the s you have been 👋🏻
Exactly! And it was someone on T that informed the school about the YT incident, but we are just a bunch of vile b bullies 🙄


Mar 9, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.
If you ARE still here, WHY are you? Piss off 🖕.NOBODY is forced to read here so to say its OUR fault if the kid gets bullied is utter BOLLOCKS. Not wasting more time on you, go back to licking the hole of a disgusting closet alcoholic narcissistic self obsessed cnut.


Mar 8, 2024
Here comes her really ill for two weeks because it’s half term and she will do nothing with her child.
Why couldn’t H go to her dads for a week as I’m sure when she was with D2 in the summer holidays H was palmed off to anyone who would have her so she could go destroy hotel rooms & open her David Bowie bulge 🤮🤣🤣
OMG she does have a bulge like the goblin king on Labryinth 🤣🤮 Dance Cat Piss Dance

My mum would kill me for that she loves David Bowie 🤣



Feb 28, 2024
The only person who is causing damage to Harper is Aimee. She doesn’t parent her daughter she gives her what she wants so Aimee can do what she wants. Did you see the videos poor Harper made on you tube wanting followers to be her friends it was absolutely heart breaking and her own mother didn’t even know she was posting videos within her house and even showing her bedroom. It’s not any of our responsibility to worry about the damage I think we all collectively agree Harper is being failed by everyone in her life.

Won’t be responding to you again after this HUN ignored as will any t else who comes on here spewing the s you have been 👋🏻

Goooooo best friend 🕺🕺🕺🕺😂