Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Feb 28, 2024
ahhh get ya šŸ˜Š yeah iā€™m diabetic and it does do so much damage on the body and thatā€™s woth healthy lifestyle changes that she would NOT do!! however i do hate the fact that everyone thinks type 2 is always caused by unhealthy life styles like catpiss! i developed type 2 at 18 due to a autoimmune offence was taken by your post šŸ„°

Iā€™m currently in the process of being diagnosed as type 2 I think thatā€™s the one! My blood sugars keep coming back in the diabetic range, they said mine is down to having gestational diabetes in pregnancy so itā€™s caught up with me later on in life! Although my youngest is being tested for auto immune disease because heā€™s ill constantly (I hope thatā€™s the right one correct me if Iā€™m wrong)
Is that something thatā€™s passed on?


Mar 9, 2024
Had to return like the Mac to respond šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

TL and here - by calling out her mum you are adding ammunition. Aimee doesnā€™t mention Harpers teeth, her malnourished look, her clothes etc etc etc YOU ALL DO. You are simply not taking in what Iā€™m saying. By slagging off her mum with all the sheā€™s just chasing dick etc you are adding fuel to the fire. Aimeeā€™s may give off those vibes but she doesnā€™t say oh Iā€™m a s does she? Aimee doesnā€™t give herself nicknames or to her daughter does she?
Aimee doesnā€™t screenshot awful (if amusing) screenshots of herself does she?

Your pages are part of SM history as hers are. I do think thereā€™s a little she doth protest too much and backtracking in responses to my posts so maybe I have had an effect on people after all. Even 1 person to stop and think will do me.

TL - whoever said Iā€™ve been going out for an hour now - Iā€™m at my destination now dear.

Itā€™s called opinions. The world is full of them from these type of sites, social media, media itself, sports, film etc. Reviews of everything. But the funny thing is opinions donā€™t have to be positive. People can only form an opinion of any kind on whatā€™s put out there.

Us viewing her and highlighting that fact sheā€™s a s mum amongst all the other things she is and does wrong is her own doing. Being a creator opens yourself up to opinions, good or bad, and thatā€™s what these creators need to accept.

Do you know how many people have tried to give her constructive criticism or an opinion but are blocked and/or set upon by the ā€˜Hunsā€™. So where do you want people to put their opinions? And donā€™t say keep them to yourself as the world doesnā€™t work like that, as you well know given you are here giving us your negative opinion and being rude etc. So donā€™t be a hypocrite.


Mar 9, 2024
See ya later, bye! As if we are all getting accused of setting a child up to be bullied, pull the other one. 99% of the comments that involve the child on here are how people feel sorry for her and how itā€™s disgusting the way sheā€™s ā€˜parentedā€™. Yes there are odd ones that maybe do go a bit far but they are few and far between, certainly not encouraged. Regarding the potential bullying that poor child is likely to be on the receiving end of, well itā€™s an audacity to try pin that s on anyone but her parents. Complete joke in fact. Letā€™s have a look shall we at the evidence (yes posted by her mother for all the world to see), disgracefully lacking in nutrition diet, no safeguarding regarding photos, school badges, house address etc, a revolving door of strange men in her home (supposed to be her safe space) after her mother has known them DAYS!, no effort in dressing her correctly, cleanly or smartly! No dentistry or care for her teeth, or her hair. The list is endless. Also making YT videos without the mother having a clue. Allegations of drunk driving with her in the car. So many things. And thatā€™s just from the mother, the father doesnā€™t appear to give a s either. Its thanks to these sites that kid started to get swimming lessons and do more activities with friends etc. People on these sites have tried to safeguard that kid more than her own parents. And make her parents put her first and give her the life she deserves, which is much more than having money thrown at her. And no one is reaching or making s up, this has all been posted on her TT. So rather than have a go at us, try having a go at your mate/family member (as you clearly are here on her behalf). As for the rest of your drivel, get that s in the sea. Coming on here with your superiority complex chatting absolute nonsense. The thing is you really think you did something didnā€™t you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘WELL BLOODY SAID šŸ‘ šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
Jun 7, 2023
Lol as if someone has come on here blaming us for Harpers sty future. Give your head a wobble the only reason anyone is even able to comment on Harper is because her MUM has posted her online for the world to see. Rather than come on here acting like youā€™re perfect why donā€™t you go and tell Aimee to safeguard her daughter, delete all the videos and photos that are public with H in and then come back here when she does that. My guess is you wonā€™t be back because Aimee will never do that. Youā€™d also be blocked for suggesting such a thing. Also if you think Harper being called Harper twist is bad, can you imagine how bad itā€™ll be in the hands of the dark web? All these non*es? I donā€™t even want to think about that but itā€™s true. Whatā€™s said on these sites is tame compared to what will actually be online regarding Harper.

God forbid someone snatches Harper from the school gate, is that our fault? No itā€™s not. Iā€™ll tell you whose fault it would be AIMEES. Why? Because sheā€™s continued posting her. Sheā€™s left the photos up of Harper in her school uniform where the badge isnā€™t blurred out. Sheā€™s left so much information online that if it got into the hands of the wrong person, her daughter is in serious danger. Iā€™m not talking a few bad names Iā€™m talking worse.

Think about that and stop pointing blame at the wrong people. If you truly read Tattle youā€™d know we all are genuinely concerned for Harper, so why isnā€™t her mother?


Mar 16, 2024
I will most likely be blocked/ignored/called a ā€˜hunā€™/ all three but here goesā€¦ā€¦

You all profess to be looking out for the welfare of Harper and criticise Aimee for not safeguarding her. You go on about how Harper will face a hard time in senior school given her mothers antics.

The hypocrisy of you all! You comment on Aimee on a daily basis. Her way of parenting, her lifestyle, her attitude etc etc. thatā€™s your prerogative and I do see how people view Aimee the way they do.

What is unforgivable and downright vile of you all is that you are fuelling the fire. The abhorrent slagging off of Aimee. Talking about her pubic area to put it politely, calling her a drag queen, basically calling her a s etc etc etc. More abhorrent is the references to Harpers appearance. You justify yourself by saying Aimee puts her out there so in your eyes itā€™s fair game. This is a 9 year old child. What you and that other site write is in the public domain. You are the ones doing the damage to Harper. Can you not see that? Aimee has taken her off TT, not IG for whatever reason but hardly posts many pics of her.

You lot are keeping Harper in the limelight. It will be your cruel nicknames that other kids will use. Not anything Aimee says.

It will be your fault when kids say oh your mums a s/desperate/alkie etc. it wonā€™t be down to Aimee.

I cannot fathom the vitriolic behaviour of anyone who has not been hurt personally by Aimee. You are not interested in safeguarding H. You are just intent on sending Aimee over the edge.

No I donā€™t know Aimee, no Iā€™m not a hun, but yes I am a person with a heart which breaks a little more every time you write further s for people to store up and to be used against an innocent child.
I couldn't disagree with you more. Aimee is the one who's introduced multiple men to her daughter and had them in the home. Aimee is the one responsible for her daughters appearance. Aimee is responsible for her daughters health and hygiene. Aimee is responsible for what her daughter eats. Aimee is responsible for her daughter getting fresh air and vitamin d. Aimee is responsible for not ironing harpers clothes. Aimee is responsible for not taking harper anywhere on her own. Aimee is responsible for throwing money at her child instead of making memories. Aimee is responsible for teaching harper to be disposable. I could go on.

Aimee is the sole reason that child is and will continue to be bullied.


Mar 9, 2024
Iā€™ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying youā€™re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I donā€™t think youā€™re jealous as thereā€™s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think youā€™re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You donā€™t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.
Thank you thank you very much now off u do back to your inbred brother and attention seeking daughter bye Wendy šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Mar 8, 2024
@Birkhillbike May need your kitchen floor disco again. That person I've just ignored gave me an idea for another song to sing. Meredith brooks - I'm a b.
Went to walk the dog and come back to Aimee creaming her knickers over a sugar laden hot cross bun and a deluded hun on here. Everyone has always felt bad for harper and yes the names are due to Aimeeā€™s parenting. Never seen anyone say anything about Ralph cos Charlie at least looks after him and he always looks presentable and polite and she does things with him. Donā€™t agree with how she speaks in front of him but she does a lot more than her skanky sister.

Well done everyone for sticking together proud of us šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Feb 28, 2024
Went to walk the dog and come back to Aimee creaming her knickers over a sugar laden hot cross bun and a deluded hun on here. Everyone has always felt bad for harper and yes the names are due to Aimeeā€™s parenting. Never seen anyone say anything about Ralph cos Charlie at least looks after him and he always looks presentable and polite and she does things with him. Donā€™t agree with how she speaks in front of him but she does more than her skanky sister.

Well done everyone for sticking together proud of us šŸ™ŒšŸ»
I caught Charlie live last night talking about having an eating disorder and that it was back when Ralphā€™s dad was shagging other birds. Then we heard Ralph talking to her.
Someone commented saying ā€œwhy are you speaking like that in front of himā€ and Charlie got really angry saying ā€œwhat do you mean? He was around when that happenedā€

Moron šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mar 8, 2024
I couldn't disagree with you more. Aimee is the one who's introduced multiple men to her daughter and had them in the home. Aimee is the one responsible for her daughters appearance. Aimee is responsible for her daughters health and hygiene. Aimee is responsible for what her daughter eats. Aimee is responsible for her daughter getting fresh air and vitamin d. Aimee is responsible for not ironing harpers clothes. Aimee is responsible for not taking harper anywhere on her own. Aimee is responsible for throwing money at her child instead of making memories. Aimee is responsible for teaching harper to be disposable. I could go on.

Aimee is the sole reason that child is and will continue to be bullied.
THIS!!! Aimee is failing her child. Harper is her responsibility. I honestly worry for that poor girl when she goes to high school. Itā€™s horrific for kids now who are bullied. When I was younger there was no social media and mobile phones had just come out it was 10p a text message. Nowadays the bullying doesnā€™t stop when you get home from school itā€™s every minute youā€™re awake. Aimee will probably threaten the bullies with her Dads solicitor cos she seems think legal action threats sort everything.


Mar 9, 2024
Right, if anything we advocate that her parenting is shocking, never once has anyone bullied H, we all defended her numerous times against woe when things went too far and have even told woe that! The child is lacking in nourishment Iā€™ve said that numerous times that isnā€™t me attacking Harpers appearance, that is me saying her mother needs to stop being so selfish and serve her decent meals! Rather than one decent meal every 6 months!

You are saying how vile we all are yet say ā€œAimee has imaginary friends called hunsā€ so you are clearly on the verge of joining in with our ā€œhorrible behaviourā€
Nobody forced anyone to read here or TL you all chose to, if you donā€™t like it donā€™t read and sure as hell donā€™t make an account.

I come for Aimeeā€™s lack of parenting. Never have I ever said a single nasty thing about Harper.

So old girl, go back to the care home and Iā€™ll be pressing the ignore button after this so have fun talking to yourself.

I have not said anything about Aimee or my opinion of her. Iā€™m talking about a child. Yes these pages will be the basis of bullying. Aimee doesnā€™t make up the cruel names does she? Thatā€™s what kids focus on to begin with - name calling.
This is my last say on the matter, I HAD to reply after seeing this comment. People call that kid "TWIST" because she looks malnourished, dirty, scruffy and not looked after. JUST like the orphan OLIVER TWIST..DO YOU GET THAT??? AND DO YOU GET WHOS FAULT THAT IS???? AIMEES!!! HER OWN BLOODY MOTHER!! NOT OURS!!! Jesus WEPT and if you think "HARPER TWIST" is a cruel nickname then God help her when she goes to school because the kids there will be calling her MUCH worse and that won't be coz they've been reading HERE FOR fS SAKE!!! Now do OFF šŸ–• YOU ain't WELCOME here


Mar 8, 2024
ahhh get ya šŸ˜Š yeah iā€™m diabetic and it does do so much damage on the body and thatā€™s woth healthy lifestyle changes that she would NOT do!! however i do hate the fact that everyone thinks type 2 is always caused by unhealthy life styles like catpiss! i developed type 2 at 18 due to a autoimmune offence was taken by your post šŸ„°
Yeah all i meant was that as we know diet can be a factor, youā€™d think she would do all she could to minimise the risk. My dad has it due to kidney failure. Itā€™s just every day she stuffs more and more sugary crap down her throat. Itā€™s so irritating when I know what damage it can do. She should know better is all I mean. ā™„ļø


Mar 9, 2024
I couldn't disagree with you more. Aimee is the one who's introduced multiple men to her daughter and had them in the home. Aimee is the one responsible for her daughters appearance. Aimee is responsible for her daughters health and hygiene. Aimee is responsible for what her daughter eats. Aimee is responsible for her daughter getting fresh air and vitamin d. Aimee is responsible for not ironing harpers clothes. Aimee is responsible for not taking harper anywhere on her own. Aimee is responsible for throwing money at her child instead of making memories. Aimee is responsible for teaching harper to be disposable. I could go on.

Aimee is the sole reason that child is and will continue to be bullied.