Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
so much for taking Harper away by herself she can’t do a thing on her own with that child. She is so full of s! This will be an interesting watch beefy and itchy vag on tour 🤮
Although predictable...infuriating. Can't she just for once..think of her daughter and hv quality time together.
She's unbelievablely self orientated and selfish.
Worst Narc I have ever come across 🙄🤬
Mar 7, 2024
And there it is, Aimee could not possibly put that child first and spend a week herself with her. Steph will never stick aimee the whinge bag for a week. Her constant ailments, being a messy f and drinking all the time won't go down well. Steph won't drink with Max around I don't think and Aimee won't care as we have seen many times before all adults drink around Harper. There's never a responsible adult. Steph keeps a nice clean home and Aimee just can't get off her arse to do anything but clapback and paint her face like coco the clown.
I predict a full on girly scrap by day three, nails and hair flying. I'm not vavs biggest fan but she has enough on her plate looking after max without mood hoover Aimee, her endless ailments and stroppy arse ways. She won't be able to cope with the mess Aimee makes in a hotel room on holiday, it's way worse than a couple of days in London. I'm so ready for this absolute car crash of a holiday
Mar 8, 2024
So the solo holiday with just her and harper went out the window faster than the Ds did 😂 so now she’s going on holiday with Steph, Steph’s kids and harper, she cba with her own child half the time so I doubt she is going to enjoy that very much😂

She’ll probably leave the kids to be Steph’s responsibility whilst she chases 🍆

Edit to say: Steph will probably be chasing it with her now I’ve re thought so the kids will just be dumped on tablets with headphones!
Yep! 🤬
Mar 8, 2024
I predict a full on girly scrap by day three, nails and hair flying. I'm not vavs biggest fan but she has enough on her plate looking after max without mood hoover Aimee, her endless ailments and stroppy arse ways. She won't be able to cope with the mess Aimee makes in a hotel room on holiday, it's way worse than a couple of days in London. I'm so ready for this absolute car crash of a holiday
Can't wait for that! 🙏🥳
Mar 8, 2024
Friendship is definitely fake this is all for content. Both of their views have been down especially BeefyVavs. Wasnt that long ago Vav was slagging Aimee off. Can just see Max and Harper being left with their iPads and headphones now. With Aimee trying to complete with her fake “pal” this is gonna be entertaining for sure extra snackage needed for next week 🍿
Won't it confuse Max and unsettle him?
Mar 8, 2024
She did that with her daddy too and lied through her back teeth as a kid.
which Daddy you decide

I can’t stand to hear her voice, it makes my eyes bleed 🩸
I literally obtain vision of the newest videos & I pause it as I just want to see the comments and her catch her dirty deleting 🤣🤣
Spoilt little bratty liar! I hate her more tonight...dont ask me why! 🤦‍♀️🙄🤣


Mar 10, 2024
She will be just using A. Can u imagine being around her for more than 5 minutes....smelly...dirty...desperate..lazy and 'anxious'
Feel sorry for anybody at the hotel they're in. Can you imagine these two muppets rocking up beside you when you're sunbathing. The wee girly voice and giggles and big Beefy Vav with her unsuppressed rage. Probably be dissing each other to wee Marjorie in the all incusive buffet queue
Hope comfort teddy is put in the shade with factor 50 on or it's fur will get singed😂
Mar 8, 2024
Ah I see ALL the negative comments have been deleted on her last video 👏👏👏 WOW, just WOW, now THATS "HONESTY" for you guys , fing LIAR she is, loads of folk asking about sunbeds and a couple reporting the video coz she's had a tan all through winter so obv quite clearly it AINT the product she's advertising that's the reason for the tan. fing hell
Report Report Go Go! (I can't unfortunately) Fake.. manipulative witch
Mar 10, 2024
Todays video and many others is exactly why myself and probably many others from T get so riled up when someone claims they know her and have dirt and do bugger all about or show no receipts. She’s absolutely vile and she needs that smug look wiped right off her face

I do get that and have sympathy with this. The thing with aimee though is that she is slippery and everything she has done so far she has been able to come back from with her fanbase hence still spouting on tiktok. We all know what she is but she has enough huns to keep her "career" going and that's the problem.
There needs to be something found that she really cannot get out of and cannot come back from. Now whether those stating they have dirt are in a position to deliver the goods and make that happen or not i don't know but i do know that these tiktok twats whether it be aimee or vavron ETC have no shame and it is going to take something really really big to finish them off for good.
I promise you though that her downfall will come but it is going to take time. Hold firm and we will get there in the end. There is only so much people like aimee will be able to get away with before they either slip up to far or are tripped up big time. It's crap i get it but aimee's comuppence is going to come eventually.
Mar 8, 2024
Feel sorry for anybody at the hotel they're in. Can you imagine these two muppets rocking up beside you when you're sunbathing. The wee girly voice and giggles and big Beefy Vav with her unsuppressed rage. Probably be dissing each other to wee Marjorie in the all incusive buffet queue
Hope comfort teddy is put in the shade with factor 50 on or it's fur will get singed😂
Haha 🧸 🥵


Mar 9, 2024
I think they will have there own rooms and I think it will be all laughs and full on besties for the first day or so then they will end up doing there own thing more and more as the week goes on but come together for meals etc. I’m a sen mum to a non verbal child and watching aimee she will not have the patience for any of that. She’s used to going on holiday for a piss up and Wendy picks up harpers role and keeps her entertained so I am looking forward to seeing how this goes tbh borderline excited we both know how full of s both sides are but I truly believe Steph will be shocked at the depth of Aimee’s drinking ways around h