Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 19, 2024
Someone mentioned on TL about the Christine macguinness clip where she says the fear of leaving her kids really affects her and she's crying on it. I seen this yesterday but now someone on TL has mentioned it it makes sense, they said bet Aimee has seen it and i bet she bloody has and that's where this mornings bullshit has come from! Has anyone seen it? Xx
Apr 1, 2024
Jesus Christ just caught up
I feel physically sick and I am raging 😡
Aimee after your signpost to IG I hope you realise that now images of your child will have been saved and manipulated into the most vile images for sick predators to use at their disposal, probably already on the dark web
I have watched many videos on how these sickos work on TT by people genuinely trying to put warnings out there for creators that pimp their kids out for ££££
I have shared such videos on T in the past in the hope she would watch them
The fact you have single mama in the account name will attract them , they search for accounts which have kids on
The comments on the ig post 🤢
Comment after comment
Isn’t she beautiful, she is growing up, she is so pretty, she is blooming 🤢, she is gorgeous etc etc
wtf !!! No she isn’t !!!! She is a young child , no one should be commenting on how beautiful she is ! As she shouldn’t be plastered all over the internet in the first place!!!
Has this full investigation what she launched with the police even have H mentioned?? Or has she logged the complaint as only herself getting harassed? As all this has clearly showed she couldn’t give a fing s about her child’s safety 😡
And the police are just as s for not ordering this poor child be removed from her SM

Like others have said every single member of that child’s family are failing her in the most horrific way imaginable

Rant over ! I am just so disgusted

Jesus Christ just caught up
I feel physically sick and I am raging 😡
Aimee after your signpost to IG I hope you realise that now images of your child will have been saved and manipulated into the most vile images for sick predators to use at their disposal, probably already on the dark web
I have watched many videos on how these sickos work on TT by people genuinely trying to put warnings out there for creators that pimp their kids out for ££££
I have shared such videos on T in the past in the hope she would watch them
The fact you have single mama in the account name will attract them , they search for accounts which have kids on
The comments on the ig post 🤢
Comment after comment
Isn’t she beautiful, she is growing up, she is so pretty, she is blooming 🤢, she is gorgeous etc etc
wtf !!! No she isn’t !!!! She is a young child , no one should be commenting on how beautiful she is ! As she shouldn’t be plastered all over the internet in the first place!!!
Has this full investigation what she launched with the police even have H mentioned?? Or has she logged the complaint as only herself getting harassed? As all this has clearly showed she couldn’t give a fing s about her child’s safety 😡
And the police are just as s for not ordering this poor child be removed from her SM

Like others have said every single member of that child’s family are failing her in the most horrific way imaginable

Rant over ! I am just so disgusted

I bet the complaint only mentioned herself. I doubt there is actually even an investigation to be honest but rather a simple logging of the complaint if she only mentioned herself. The police will probably have told her to either make her social media private or delete it.
If she did mention the child then i would imagine there probably would be some sort of investigation and she would be told to either delete all traces of the child from social media and make it private or completely delete it altogether and presumably to not put her on any future social media. That's what i think anyway but may very well be wrong.


Mar 9, 2024
I bet the complaint only mentioned herself. I doubt there is actually even an investigation to be honest but rather a simple logging of the complaint if she only mentioned herself. The police will probably have told her to either make her social media private or delete it.
If she did mention the child then i would imagine there probably would be some sort of investigation and she would be told to either delete all traces of the child from social media and make it private or completely delete it altogether and presumably to not put her on any future social media. That's what i think anyway but may very well be wrong.
That's what any copper with half a brain cell would say, but the one that came round to see sweaty pits just said she had a "lovely home"😳😳😳😳🤔🤔🤔🤔 do off, NOBODY would say that Aimee, come the do off it, that was a lie of sorts, then again, hang on, nearly every part of your content where you actually SPEAK is a lie so I ain't surprised
Apr 1, 2024
So just to put it all together..

She told people where she was going, what her daughter was wearing, mentioned what shops they were going in (even though it was easily guessed!)

We know where she lives, what car she drives, so can work out how long it would take her to get there. I’m pretty sure in previous videos she has even walked back to the car park in Liverpool so anyone paying any attention will even know where she parks.

Comments then said ‘just seen you in TGIs, John Lewis etc so could have been easily tracked that way too.

All this from a person with crippling anxiety…

As for the MJ bag, I know some others have said it was Aimee’s but it’s not. If you go back to the Disney videos she says it’s harpers but harper was using another bag so she was borrowing it.

Those poses. No way in hell would I take that picture if my daughter even attempted to make those poses, never mind upload them to a public profile.

Bikinis, my daughter is nearly 16 now but she was not allowed a bikini until recently. When she developed the body for them and when she is old enough to be careful. It might not be a popular opinion but I hate all these adult clothes for young girls. Its gross. My daughter was allowed a tankini and shorts. You don’t know who is about and who is ‘using’ their phones yet taking pictures.

It’s our duty to protect our children.

I really hope people now understand and get what @woeisme25 was trying to do!! And it hasn’t worked, she doesn’t care. Well done woe for just proving that more so!

As for signposting people over to insta, does that skank realise they won’t just look at the recent pics, they will also see the school uniform pictures, they will see the topless pics, the sucking on a blanket pics etc…

This really needs reporting now.

I really think @itsmejo is right. We need to report to SS. Report to the school that she is bringing yet more attention and danger to the school. (A quick Google search will tell you holidays and school times! This is putting other pupils there in potential danger!)
Contact the police with the crime no she so kindly gave us.

The NSPCC and anyone else this can be reported to.

If someone is in contact with Andy send him here or TL so he can get these receipts.

Something needs doing now before she posts bikini holiday pics. Because she will!!

She wants and loves the comments "just seen you in x" as she thinks she is some sort of celebrity and such comments flatter her ego.


Mar 8, 2024
She wants and loves the comments "just seen you in x" as she thinks she is some sort of celebrity and such comments flatter her ego.
Hopefully the head master and the safeguarding officer will spend their hols looking through her posts. I have made the suggestion that maybe Aimee isn’t mentally fit to understand the implications of ignoring the many people that are reminding her to protect her child so to maybe pull her mother and father into the school to and speak with all 3 of them and remind them of the seriousness of the situation Aimee is putting Harper and the school in.

I just like the idea of old greggy boy and bendy Wendy being pulled into the heads office and read the riot act as well as Aimee at how s they are at looking after a 9 year old vulnerable child.
Apr 1, 2024
That's what any copper with half a brain cell would say, but the one that came round to see sweaty pits just said she had a "lovely home"😳😳😳😳🤔🤔🤔🤔 do off, NOBODY would say that Aimee, come the do off it, that was a lie of sorts, then again, hang on, nearly every part of your content where you actually SPEAK is a lie so I ain't surprised

Exactly, this never happened. The police officer if they even attended the home never said anything about it being a lovely home. Because it's not a lovely home. It could be i'm sure if she cleaned it up properly. She just lies all of the time and she can't remember the lies and trips herself up. Yet dispite tripping herself up, dispite us either seeing for ourselves or figuring out where we don't see that she is lieing, she continues regardless.


Mar 17, 2024
Someone mentioned on TL about the Christine macguinness clip where she says the fear of leaving her kids really affects her and she's crying on it. I seen this yesterday but now someone on TL has mentioned it it makes sense, they said bet Aimee has seen it and i bet she bloody has and that's where this mornings bullshit has come from! Has anyone seen it? Xx
I agree she just copies what other people say she’s so unoriginal
Apr 1, 2024
Hopefully the head master and the safeguarding officer will spend their hols looking through her posts. I have made the suggestion that maybe Aimee isn’t mentally fit to understand the implications of ignoring the many people that are reminding her to protect her child so to maybe pull her mother and father into the school to and speak with all 3 of them and remind them of the seriousness of the situation Aimee is putting Harper and the school in.

I just like the idea of old greggy boy and bendy Wendy being pulled into the heads office and read the riot act as well as Aimee at how s they are at looking after a 9 year old vulnerable child.

I hope they do as they need to see what is going on. That is a good suggestion you have made as clearly those in that child's life need reminding of their obligations and the risks of putting a child on publicly open social media. Actually i would go further and say social media full stop whether it's open or closed. Really if someone plans on putting their child on social media then my personal view is that they need an account that is completely locked down that would just be for family to see the pics, and then another for friends and all else where those pics are not posted at all. But that's just my personal view.


Mar 9, 2024
2 things 1) D3 is NOT gunna be able to keep his fing HANDS off ya when you got those Monsters Inc "jarmies" on 😜😜😜😜😜 who needs "Vicki's Secrets" when you got Primark flogging sexy stuff like this eh and 2) the chinns are chinning and the waistline is expanding, and her arms are like treetrunks😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂🤣😂 LOVE that she's looking like this JUST before Fanny Vavs fs her over ever more in her videos 🤣🤣😜🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂


Mar 9, 2024
I hope they do as they need to see what is going on. That is a good suggestion you have made as clearly those in that child's life need reminding of their obligations and the risks of putting a child on publicly open social media. Actually i would go further and say social media full stop whether it's open or closed. Really if someone plans on putting their child on social media then my personal view is that they need an account that is completely locked down that would just be for family to see the pics, and then another for friends and all else where those pics are not posted at all. But that's just my personal view.
It's every single SANE and PROTECTIVE persons view, but not this thick as pig s family's view sadly