Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
She’s very timid of that’s the right word in her snack haul. Absolutely not smug at all. She has actually proven how bad of a parent she is. She isn’t able to cope being alone with her daughter who is at an easy age and by all accounts a good kid and id say she is great company and full of chat. She should be soaking up this all up cus this is time she won’t get back. She’s spending her time attention seeking and getting validation off strangers cus she isn’t a good parent. Anyone who is a good parent doesn’t need to be told over and over they are a good parent. They know themselves they are. Aimee I’m beyond mortified for you. You child will see these vidoes about being anxious cus you had to take her on your own. And you’re so desperate you had to go away with the woman who slagged you off badly to her mate. I feel sorry for you being that desperate to force a friendship with one of the most vile people going. Being associated with her is doing you no favours at all


Mar 8, 2024
What an amazing holiday so far!! A video from the bathroom whinging about how overwhelmed she is, and another this morning with a face like a slapped arse.

She’s always miserable when she’s with her daughter alone. You watch, she’ll be acting all happy etc once Steph arrives.

She grinds my bloody gears.
She gets us all in a rage. I don’t even watch her anymore and she still makes me Angy when I read what she’s up to and look at screen grabs on here. She needs to stop getting pissed every day for a start


Mar 8, 2024
I dread to think how she will cope if one of her parents (not the one banged up) gets really ill. She relies on them so much but unfortunately they won’t be around forever and will need to slow down surely at some point. She could do with a social worker to help her and join some cookery classes. Surely her child needs some blood tests and medical to check her health. She looked shocking with those translucent under eyes showing all that darkness 😳
Aimeh needs to get help with her disordered eating and alcohol dependency too 🐷


Mar 7, 2024
I know plenty of functioning alcoholics who do the same to hide it and now vavs got those cold cups she’s got the perfect way to hide it
As I said in a previous (don’t know how many comments back), I used to self medicate with alcohol. I would do this and be sneaky hence why I’ve also said about I think she has a bottle hidden. I wasnt ever truly pissed up with my kids but I was under the influence. Still bad yes I know


Mar 9, 2024
Radio silence YET AGAIN, another day spent having the ss and panicking in the hotel room 🤣🤣🤣🤣 LOVE that for ya Aims, but defo gunna post shortly to say they've had an "amazing day" in the pool 🙄🙄🙄🥱🥱🥱 ok whatever 👌 but we don't believe a fing word of it, in the last 3 videos you've looked like you're gunna either burst into tears or throw up so no Aimee, you're not coping being the sole carer of your ONLY child. Which isn't to be applauded, it's fing disgraceful tbh
Mar 7, 2024
Mar 12, 2024
I have only 4 words to sum up our Aims only one day into her holiday……. ‘Out of her depth’……. Can’t parent, stuck in her room, not able to relax, socially awkward, too much hard work having H to herself as she never does. That snack haul sums it up, she won’t make the most of being there, it will be the same old se priorities, shopping, snacking and drinking. Sad cow. Love the fact she has temporarily lost her smugness. Wendy must have done everything for H and allowed this munter to slob about when they went to Portugal. She has a nerve to label herself as an independent single mum, so far from being this it’s laughable. She has zero life skills or coping strategies, a typical narc who will ruin it for everyone else. Suck on your sour sweets Aims, they will make you more bitter than you already are. 🤔
I feel so sorry for that poor little girl, what a crap holiday she’s going to have stuck with her miserable mother who puts a downer on everything! At least if Wendy is around she makes it more fun for H.


Feb 28, 2024
The thing is if she genuinely cannot cope abroad why bother? Your child is not going to enjoy it whilst watching you on the toilet, looking like D2 left you all over again, instead of going with someone you barley know and have a fake friendship with, why not delay it and pay for Charlie and Ralph? Seeing as you have money to burn, that would have been the nicer and better thing to do!

Rather than sitting there miserable as s whispering to your phone like harper can’t hear whispers!
And she’s tidying the bathroom dictating that you cannot share a sink just because there is two of them! YOU ARE THE PARENT!


Mar 9, 2024
Aimee Arsehole is not enjoying this holiday at all.

When she went away with H and W there was lots of videos of breakfast and then evening all dressed up.

I’d like to think the radio silence is because she bonding with her daughter but that is further from the truth - it because she was called out on showing too much of the hotel and the fact she can’t hide the look of disgust on her face having to parent her own child for the whole week without the support of W and G.

I think Vav won’t get there until late and if had a nightmare time at airport will just want to get M settled into his room so can’t see her wanting to listen to Aimee Arsehole tonight and have a drink.

I can see W flying out at some stage as well.
Mar 7, 2024
She has never had to parent that child and it shows. Their interactions are forced and uncomfortable, like complete strangers. She has no clue what she likes or dislikes as she is so wrapped up in her own selfish bubble. H has always been raised by Gregg the wallet and flash the gash granny. Think it was D2 that complained how much the grandparents were always around looking after H. Until recently 'I'm an independent single mamma' (🙄) hadn't even taken H further than school or the supermarket alone! She couldn't even cope with school runs 'due to anxiety' so Gregg the wallet did them most days. Since he got poorly before Christmas, she seems to have pulled up her big girl pants be doing them. She used to go live, chatting to the huns for hours day in day out and Gregg always came round to keep H company so A was free to chat s and get more and more drunk in the kitchen.
She loves to mention cdiff, and I'm sure that's only because she didn't have to parent at all for 8 weeks and loved it.
She likes the label of being a parent, especially a single parent as it brings her an audience. In reality, her and H are strangers, roommates with little interaction. No wonder the anxiety has flared up, she's on holiday with a stranger - and i dont mean vav and her family. Someone needs to rescue poor H, so she can lead a happy, healthy life, filled with love and attention.
I really hoped aimee would finally grow up and put H first this holiday. It's not hard to smile and show the kid a good time, it's only for a week ffs! Get out that gloomy room and do something other than spending money! She has no problem doing it for 'work' or things that suit her, so why is it so difficult to do it for her child.


Mar 9, 2024
ITS POSTED!! and of course EVERYTHING is "absolutely AMMAZZIING" 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Aimee, stop pretending you've been on the Sprite and Lemon Fanta all day ya pisshead and we ain't fooled by you pushing around a couple of slices of orange and a bit of melon round ya plate, we can see from the fat rolls on ya neck that you love your food so let's stop with the "woe is me, anxiety has taken my appetite away" bullshit eh 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷