Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
As I said in a previous (don’t know how many comments back), I used to self medicate with alcohol. I would do this and be sneaky hence why I’ve also said about I think she has a bottle hidden. I wasnt ever truly pissed up with my kids but I was under the influence. Still bad yes I know
We all make mistakes, I’m sure you didn’t film it all and post for the whole world to see. That’s the difference. I don’t like her glamorisation of it and doing it while she’s telling everyone she suffers with anxiety. She drinks with medication which she shouldn’t be doing. For gods sake take your meds, lay off the Kylie and stop eating bucket loads of greasy unhealthy food.
(her, not you 😂)


Mar 11, 2024
All i can say is ive seen her show many hotel rooms i havent paid attention to whose paid for them. I actually think brendan lets the side down even having steph on his books but he must see something i dont know lol but its Aimees holiday to? She was invited by Steph but paid for it herself and is there before her. If you think steph has that much control over aimee then that's awful if it's true. I don't like aimee but personally if me and my friend are on holiday together I share what I want. It sounds so toxic if that's how it is.
Aimee is very dependent on others to make her decisions for her I think it’s if it’s all goes tits up she has someone to blame and that’s it’s not all her fault so she allows others to tell her what to do and Steph likes bossing people about like what to wear etc etc for example steph told aimee to buy this dress for an event it was a few hundred pounds so she did it and said Vav told her to get it
As for the hotel it’s kinda spoiling it for Steph as she’ll want to see through her own eyes not Aimee’s posts


Mar 9, 2024
Tell me your sat in spain scrolling through here and t and not living your best life tell your tone and your face it’s amazing aimee shock first mention drinks cocktails and food no mention of h. Even the real celebs who keep the kids out the limelight post pics on hold with the back of the kids etc. she could of got some amazing content yesterday and today memories of her and h forever and she would rather wallow in self pitty with her hidden bottle of vod the fing Trollop iv said it once il say it again she doesn’t fing deserve that kid. Even when she is forcing the interaction you can hear in h voice how nervous she is as it’s not natural to her it’s not normal behaviour and she fing pisses me off the herpes ridden smelly t


Mar 8, 2024
The peoples champion! What a woman to look upto. That will be the hangover giving you the shakes love
This is SO embarrassing and ridiculous. She’s just annoyed she has to watch the child because mummy isn’t there to do the childminding. She’s been eating junk food and guzzling booze then eating sweets for breakfast. For gods sake 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mar 8, 2024
She has never had to parent that child and it shows. Their interactions are forced and uncomfortable, like complete strangers. She has no clue what she likes or dislikes as she is so wrapped up in her own selfish bubble. H has always been raised by Gregg the wallet and flash the gash granny. Think it was D2 that complained how much the grandparents were always around looking after H. Until recently 'I'm an independent single mamma' (🙄) hadn't even taken H further than school or the supermarket alone! She couldn't even cope with school runs 'due to anxiety' so Gregg the wallet did them most days. Since he got poorly before Christmas, she seems to have pulled up her big girl pants be doing them. She used to go live, chatting to the huns for hours day in day out and Gregg always came round to keep H company so A was free to chat s and get more and more drunk in the kitchen.
She loves to mention cdiff, and I'm sure that's only because she didn't have to parent at all for 8 weeks and loved it.
She likes the label of being a parent, especially a single parent as it brings her an audience. In reality, her and H are strangers, roommates with little interaction. No wonder the anxiety has flared up, she's on holiday with a stranger - and i dont mean vav and her family. Someone needs to rescue poor H, so she can lead a happy, healthy life, filled with love and attention.
I really hoped aimee would finally grow up and put H first this holiday. It's not hard to smile and show the kid a good time, it's only for a week ffs! Get out that gloomy room and do something other than spending money! She has no problem doing it for 'work' or things that suit her, so why is it so difficult to do it for her child.
She’s so lazy and usually has help on tap. She’s having to do it now and if she thinks she can palm H off on her fake best friend she’s going to have even more fake anxiety (rage) 🙄
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
And there she is pretending she isn't lacing her drinks with alcohol and excusing her not eating much. She will be on the 2 course breakfasts tomorrow when she can excuse herself from the table after and tbh as much as I think aimee thinks she can fob Harper off on steph she will have enough to do with max and he's her priority. Also saying they have been playing games. Her hairs bone dry. The amount of hair she has wouldn't be bone dry up in a bun like that.


Mar 9, 2024
Vav has commented that she has landed - cue Aimee Arsehole dragging H from her new friends and the pool to go back to the room so that Aimee Arsehole can start the resemble of Aunt Sally before greeting Vav and her kids.

Then there will be a photo of them all saying “holidays start here” or something to that effect with cocktails and pretending they mocktails with Aimee Arsehole grinning like the Cheshire Cat because she has another adult to talk to.


Mar 23, 2024
Look how miserable she still is! she literally can’t stand been away with harper on her own or is she having withdrawals from the constant drinking as no one to look after harper! Because it’s not anxiety because she still feeding her chins 🤢 this lass is seriously not normal ! I would say this could be her showing the real Aimee because she’s a functioning alcoho and hates been a responsible adult and that she is having to do at present! She’s gross


Mar 8, 2024
Well done to everyone who reported her to whatever authorities also, I hope they do take the information seriously - we can all see how much Harper is being failed - so hopefully they will to, and either get Aimee help she needs or parenting classes or Harper goes to live with Greg
She just needs a social worker, they don’t snatch kids away they can help her plan, cook and put her in touch with lots of organisations that can support her and help her. Someone in the family could intervene but they just don’t. Take away most nights is not right. It’s not nourishing food for a child. She’s an absolute disgrace. All she has to do is accept she’s failing her and ask for help. She’d rather just make a post about it and call it bullying


Mar 23, 2024
Vav has commented that she has landed - cue Aimee Arsehole dragging H from her new friends and the pool to go back to the room so that Aimee Arsehole can start the resemble of Aunt Sally before greeting Vav and her kids.

Then there will be a photo of them all saying “holidays start here” or something to that effect with cocktails and pretending they mocktails with Aimee Arsehole grinning like the Cheshire Cat because she has another adult to talk to.
Like a switch has been flicked I say! So happy she is not with harper alone because she can’t stand it
Mar 9, 2024
I got blocked from her account last yr when I was trying to tell her what she needed to do to help herself from a medical pov. With no hate at all just help but she doesn't want help and she doesn't want to know because I don't think she suffers as badly as she says x
She likes to wallow, she gets more pity views than normal views. You're right, she doesn't want help. Over and over people offer her suggestions, next day, same questions or confusions and nothing works. She revels in it