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  1. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Yes, I believe that she’s set a filter. I don’t know how but I’ve seen references to it. The actions of a coward who can’t cope with criticism without the resulting insulting clap backs.
  2. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    You honestly hit your keyboard before I could!!!! Spot on, 100%. Maybe we're soul sisters (or brothers). Love it.
  3. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Hello and backatcha. I can tell you now that this forum is a blessing, a place to vent that build up of exasperation leading to the need to let it all out about certain TikTokers who've enraged you but have never had anywhere to do it. This is the place, let it go, say what you've always...
  4. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    It is disgusting and something she does with every meal she serves up. Aimee does the same thing, arranging food on a plate with her fingers even when it's piping hot. It's not necessary when they're in a kitchen where there are implements to do it with. I don't finger my own food let alone...
  5. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Exactly, she's fallen off her bike! (Her menstrual cycle.)
  6. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    i can’t be certain whether or not it was Ela who wasn’t feeling great as the undereducated Sevda doesn’t use punctuation so her reply was very ambiguous. “I was helping Ela not feeling great.” Put a comma in and it changes the meaning as in “I was helping Ela, not feeling great.” or “I was...
  7. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Sasha is autistic, allowances have to be made In her case. She actually copes very well.
  8. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    No, that would be punishing Sedat when he’s got enough s to deal with being married to the controlling narcissist Sevda.
  9. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Sasha is autistic, those with first hand knowledge of the condition will understand why Sasha is the way she is, Sevda obviously hasn‘t got a clue, much as she was ignorant about Endo. There’s a genuine medical reason why Sasha finds food difficult unlike the picky Ela who’s never advanced past...
  10. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Sedat doesn’t like the honey on his food just as he doesn’t like brown bread. Sevda’s sick in the head. 😡
  11. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Hang on a cotton-picking mo….. SEDAT DOESN’T LIKE BROWN BREAD. Ela’s got white toast but none for that poor downtrodden husband. Nothing adds up at all. 😡
  12. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    She's a pathetic exhibitionist and makes herself look a fool. She isn't funny or entertaining, she's as common as muck and possesses no redeeming features whatsover. She has the table manners of a feral animal, eats like a pig with half of the food falling out of her cats' anus of a mouth and...
  13. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    It was looking rather anaemic, the only place it was fit for was pouring down the sink.
  14. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Maybe she actually roasted a whole chicken and covered it with the bacon as most do with a turkey at Christmas. Best bit is the crispy streaky bacon, our family fights over it with most of it snaffled while the bird is being carved. 😊
  15. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    It’s horrendous, like something out of a horror film. No wonder Sedat rarely joins her at the dinner table if he has to witness that nightmare!
  16. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Good to know that she’s removed the awful vid from her account and even better that she obviously knows that her name is now mud at her beloved Toby Carvery. I pray they take away her free pass - FOR LIFE!! Let’s hope that she learns something from this and stops with the alcohol induced...
  17. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    The video was removed very swiftly after the amount of hate and negative comments they received, the largest of them quoting the vile comments that Bev/aka Nannabea posted to anyone who even dared to ask her an innocent question, especially the one where she responded by saying that their life...
  18. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She knows that Sedat doesn't like sweet with savoury so she did a snarky face and smirk into the camera as she poured honey on his avocado and sausage toast. Nasty nasty woman, the same when she knows he doesn't like potatoes but gives them to him anyway when she panders to every whim when it...
  19. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I did see it, she’s such a nasty vindictive b. I hope her breakfast chokes her for that. 😡
  20. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    That’s just not normal! 😟😟🤢