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  1. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Haha, one way of doing a bit of fishing. 😂 Whoever did this, well played.
  2. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    OMG! That mouth and its contortions on the EWM tonight is off the scale, unbelievably nauseating and, judging by the colour of her tongue, she needs to see a dentist to teach her oral hygiene or a doctor as it could be candida. A white tongue indicates bacteria . Yukkk yukkk and thrice times...
  3. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I’ve watched the video on TT and Instagram but can’t see any evidence of Sevda being nasty to her niece. She could have easily been indicating “help yourself“ if Lara was asking if she could try something. As much as I despise the greedy uncivilised woman, without hearing the conversation...
  4. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    My sister-in-law, my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law. Does your sister-in-law not have a forename or perhaps you don’t know what it is? God, she confirms what we already know, that Sevda is fick as mince and it shows every time she opens her cavernous mouth.
  5. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Because she regularly tells everyone that she’s Turkish, that’s why. Everyone knows she’s English just like her dad but calling herself Turkish makes her feel “special and exotic”. Such a t. 😂😂
  6. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    That’s how I feel with the lot of them, Sevda, her dad, Mine and now Kuki. They’re all feral with no concept of how to use their cutlery correctly when they actually use them and aren’t eating with their fingers. I watched in disbelief seeing Sev eating a typical roast dinner and picking stuff...
  7. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I agree with every word of it. I sincerely hope that the parents and teachers from Ela's school see these videos with the irrefutable proof that Sevda is guilty of neglect not only for Ela's safebeing but also her lack of education due to her mother's selfish desire to take holidays (sometimes...
  8. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    He does have the features of someone with Down's and his speech wasn't very clear so there's a good chance that he does. I had to have a chuckle when she got that large leg of lamb out of the freezer, invited the family but they were all too busy so she was landed with it to feed just three...
  9. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Dreadful parenting to make an 8 year old child wait until gone 10.30pm for an evening meal, the woman has no consideration for her daughter’s wellbeing. Honestly, I do believe that social services will be knocking on her door for neglect before too long. She only cares about herself, pigging out...
  10. Bowmanswife

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    At the very least, she does actually chew what she puts into her mouth unlike her TT buddy Sevda. Just saying, like. 😘
  11. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    My sister-in-law this, my sister-in-law that, my sister-in-law, how many more times you stupid cow! We know who your sister-in-law is, just say her name for God's sake! Kuki or Murvetege, take your choice but call her by name, she deserves to be acknowedged as such especially as she goes out...
  12. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Eating cake using a knife and fork! I kid you not, I’ve never seen anything so ludicrous in all my life. 😂😂😂😂
  13. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Me too. She's a horror of a child, unattractive, precocious and unbelievably rude at times. She's been so pandered to that she now rules the roost at meal times where Sevda's concerned. Ela doesn't like her honey roast carrots done with olive oil. How she can even tell what oil's been used...
  14. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Horrible little gremlin, no need for that clapback, how the hell would she know what their nan could afford? Nasty and unnecessary.
  15. Bowmanswife

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    More likely that she's incapable of writing anything other than in monosyllables. She's not very bright to be honest.
  16. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Thank you Sweetpea, this one really made me laugh and as the saying goes, "laughter is the best medicine". I got so angry with the horrid ugly creature this morning that it dulled my morning but you've really cheered me up.
  17. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The woman is an unfit parent to that child, to take her out of school yet again is unforgivable when she’s already so backward in her development. It wouldn’t surprise me if she had a knock on the door from Social Services as it’s nothing short of neglect. 😡
  18. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    After watching Ela’s packed lunch and the doughnut videos I’m even more convinced that the woman is special needs. No concept of what a healthy diet is, inability to pronounce even the simplest of words and cannot string together a coherent sentence. It’s possibly the reason why she relies on...
  19. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I can’t believe that she wore that horrid frock at all and especially not to go out for an evening meal. Most people get changed into something decent when they go to a restaurant but not skanky Sevda. She’s got to be what’s politely called special needs as her table manners are non-existent...
  20. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    How can anyone ever notice her lashes when her eyes are like an horizontal vagina? Maybe missing a few short and curlies? 😂 As for her hair, it’s so straight and lifeless she looks like the inmate of the local lunatic asylum and, believe me, I’ve seen a few who look just like our Sev. No...