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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    No thanks Lou I'll pass
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Lou leave us alone! We go into lives like EQs to watch her content not your weirdness. You just come across as mentally unhinged and desperate especially when you're in there on 2 accounts talking to yourself 🤣🤣🤣 you've said numerous times u want the lovelies to leave u alone but every time I...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She partially disabled remember, that's why she can't possibly be ableist 🤣🤣
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Lou spinning her own narrative again 🙄 I have never once been addicted to pain killers! I was on prescription medication (my own prescription from the doctors) and it caused liver damage so I withdrew from it all 6 years ago, pretty easy since i wasn't addicted. Yes I smoke cannabis which is...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I was gonna go live last night but I've got a stinking cold 🙁 soon as I stop hacking up a lung ill come on lol
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I actually asked her in the comments if she recognised any of her own behaviour. It's exactly the same way as Lou acts she's just really s at it and constantly outs herself
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    do me ur like Beetlejuice, say ur name 3 times and u climb out from under ur rock
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I've got her blocked on both accounts as I don't want her in my lives attacking people but she's got plenty of alts. I think Jamesandthegiantpeach needs some credit for me finding that video though. If they hadn't made me paranoid about the snoring dog it would've been long gone and I wouldn't...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Extra treats tonight lol
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I knew snoring Sasha would come in useful one day lol Sorry Lou what word haven't you ever said? This wasn't the first time either.
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She doxxed NC again today. NCs on holiday and hasn't been anywhere near Lou in months. Not since Lou messaged her threatening SH and saying NC would be to blame
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Or off her tits
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I'm fine 🙂 luckily I'm more than comfortable in my own skin and don't see being called trans as an insult, my mother says I look like a lesbian every time she sees me 🤣🤣🤣 mind u she was born in the 40s, around the same time that Lous bigoted opinions come from! Definitely cut from the same...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She just shown her true colours again. She said I'm a man in a woman's body, repeatedly called me he/him and said I need testosterone all in an attempt to insult me. If she thinks those are insults then she's transphobic
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She's the only person she can never see a fault in. She's a narcissist, never her fault, never in the wrong, constant deflection and has a superiority complex
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Love a bit of ass kissing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 just watch u don't catch my bollocks
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Oh yeah i heard that. I didnt take any notice tbf since im perfectly comfortable with the person that i am. Just goes to show how bigoted she really is. Thankyou for the love, very much appreciated ❤️❤️ i love all u nasty twolls too lol
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I heard some of it but i dont mind if u wanna reveal whatever else she said, can guarantee its either bullshit or completely innocent. Love how I asked James in another live why he doxxed me and Lous made it about her 🤣🤣 any way nothing else left to reveal other than I'm a Tory but that's a...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I'm sure she said on insta last year that she was going to do an interview with a 'celebrity'. She only said it once and she was off her tits at the time. 1. Why the do would anyone let themselves be interviewed by someone who can't even wipe the crud out of their mouth? Finish a sentence...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Yep when she was on the way back from court with Ste so 6 months ago