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  1. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    I've seen the evidence on this fake disability too.
  2. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    🤣🤣🤣 who is mazekeen, ironic you said you caught people out on tattle by telling lies, well that's a lie because we all saw tam do a live after the police had contacted her back and told her your daughter didn't work for the courts or what ever bull you came out with. Did you just try and cover a...
  3. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Actually that's not a bad idea I'm gonna screen shot this and send it to someone who can get mazz a non molestation order 🙃 to add to fiestys other non molestation order. Wasn't your little friend just in court AGAIN for that. Lisa lisa Lisa. I wouldn't keep pushing my buttons or I shall quote...
  4. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Imagine defending a child abuser 😬😱 I am not mazz love and all of this is factual evidence from reports I dont like mazz either. All wrongens, and n0nc3 supporters
  5. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Lol I remember this, the problem with liars is they always get caught out. I love how slug and the f@ welsh controller are always the ones projecting about how they have lives and yet both are addicted to alcohol or drugs and both have absolutely nothing in life but this drama. Already f@...
  6. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    So In light of the new evidence here is more proof that this woman is a liar. We personally believe that she believes her own stories. Remember when she said that she could no longer Foster children because she was attacked by one of those children leading to a back injury so severe she no...
  7. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Sorry are you talking about the misery of the same children you physically and emotionally abused and neglected? Isn't it a bit late for all that. Sorry to disappoint you but it isn't mazz or Sara what ever you think. Let's face it you're panicked because you want people to believe you're the...
  8. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Isn't Lee the one she grassed on amongst other c0ke dealers. 🤔
  9. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Who are you talking to fiesty? Or me
  10. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    This is who shes always been her records are a shocking read, the treatment of the Foster kids was absolutely disgusting. She truly is the definition of narcissist.
  11. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Coming from you 😬 pot kettle don't you think I joined today how long you been going? Yehhhh think you should sit down and be quiet pagen
  12. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Please pish off you pagen I dont deal with fat sheep sh@ggers you know nothing noone does 😉
  13. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    I have a very good life. Thankyou for the concern
  14. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Another lie she purchased it herself. Infact fiesty isn't it true you were told they could NOT FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOU. is this why you move around so you can avoid anyone catching up with your lies. I think so
  15. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    It then goes on to say how miss B facilitated meetings with outside agencies, both of whom visited that child at school, I think you may be confused between your lies and the actual truth in the papers 😘 I can always post it if you so wish 🤞 😉
  16. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Oh no my dear it clearly says the child's name was taken to hospital after being assaulted at her placement. Funny how there's nothing there about yours though 🤔
  17. Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

    Let's all reminisce on what fiesty did to nearly everyone she ever made friends with. TheGaslighting, the abuse of others children, the abuse and neglect of her own children. The abuse of poor maz and the ex wife, just like the no consent... whoopsie I mean no contact coach she is an abuser of...
  18. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    We know this coz most of us were your friends first or did you forget that. How's Lee these days. Oh wait you got him locked up didn't you 😬
  19. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    What happened to the child you assaulted at Christmas 2018 fiesty. I know. Do you remember. We will show everyone in good time😘
  20. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Oooo there you are dear. You hit anymore placement children lately. I mean you did have one present at hospital for it didn't you