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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    I’m so sorry Moonlight, I can’t even begin to comprehend how you must be feeling seeing this person fake a cancer diagnosis. Wishing you the very best xx
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    It really depends. The hospital I’m at is under one trust however there are a few others within 20 miles radius that fall under different trusts. Plus UCC within these hospitals could be run by another organisation entirely. Additionally, there are different computer programmes used to log...
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    His mods are blocking left right and centre. This is actually ridiculous, I refuse to listen to his nonsense anymore tonight.
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    If we were ever to identify even the hospital he’s in, I’d happily contact switchboard and share that there’s a confidentiality breach occurring on their premises 👀
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    I reported this to TikTok as it’s a clear breach of patient confidentiality - no violation found. It’s vile he’s not allowing patients the privacy and dignity they deserve because he wants to make a point!!!!
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Exactly! That’s what first started ringing alarm bells because he was promoting it on every live!!!
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Someone asked how he was after starting chemo…question dodged and the commenter was lynched by others in the chat 🙄
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    😭😭😭 That is keyhole
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Yeah I’ve reported him to TT for this violation of their privacy.
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    It just goes to show what a kind-hearted person you are ❤️ Out of curiosity, have you had a refund from the GFM?
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    You’re spot on with this!
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Did he say that in a live? I’ve tried searching for it but there doesn’t seem to any trace of it now.
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    I have met patients that have had them reversed, so it’s not impossible - but I don’t believe him.
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    I was checking for the PICC line!!! Then talking about other intervention etc that would not be required with a PICC 😅
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    This is the sickening thing. I have seen first hand the devastating effects cancer has on patients and their loved ones - I wonder if many of the kind people are donating because they have lived experiences of it. It’s such an uneasy watch because it’s just so unbelievable.
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    For the nurses out there, he looks rather well-perfused in all videos - certainly not fresh out of surgery/ICU etc etc
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Im so glad this issue has been raised! Ive been quietly watching and i do not trust this man abd feel terrible for those who have contributed so generously to his go fund me. I watched with interest as a nurse and some of the meds he had recently been administered did not align with what he was...