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  1. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The SIL has self diagnosed herself with everything, including autism. Yes, her 2 daughters have had formal assessments and a diagnosis but herself, Sedat and their other sister have not. She also claims her mother is autistic too. She likes to stick labels on everything.
  2. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    That child has absolutely no routine. I know it’s school hols but she posted them having dinner at 8pm and it’s a decent drive back to Stevenage. They won’t be home until at least 11pm. The child should be asleep, in her own bed.
  3. F

    mjbyrnex - Mel

    When is she going to stop? Surely at some point you’d be saying I can’t be arsed dealing with this drama anymore.
  4. F

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    How is her hair so grey, so quickly? She died it a few weeks ago in Turkey with her Turkish hair dye because she’s Turkish don’t ya know?!