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  1. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Guys, why is nobody talking about the missing Easter egg from the top of the fridge? Baby Reindeer! Baby Reindeer! 😱
  2. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Me at work. "I LOVE this" " What is it?" Jeeeeeeeez 🙈
  3. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    There's something even odder about putting pics on Insta of your 9 year old pouting like they're on Only Fans 🤮
  4. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    That's the usual passive aggressive response when someone calls her out on her Narc behaviour
  5. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Like she'd understand that was cheese 🤣
  6. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Double dose of Prozac
  7. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Shoot me now but that's the least fake I've "sin" her in ages 🤣
  8. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Because that video generated over 27k likes and a lot more money for her than if she just cooks herself an omlette! Anyone else think she orders the food and doesn't actually eat it???
  9. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Built in wardrobes wouldn't be tax deductible. Decorating and repairs are. She only spends money on stuff she can claim. Like the DUDs. You can't claim for hauls unless you're shown using the ingredients you buy.
  10. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Well there is a restraining order in place isn't there?
  11. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Just my type 🤣😂🤣
  12. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Now she's stopped filtering herself to do, I'm really stumped as to how she managed to pull D2?
  13. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    It only appears when you're attention seeking and engagement on your Tik Toks is low
  14. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    The one telling thing about the intelligence levels of the huns is when one actually asked whether she also has false nails on her toes as well 🤣
  15. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Hope there's a section on that form that asks if she's recently had an accident/prang with another vehicle on the motorway that she never bothered to report to anyone. I hope that video was sent to DVLA as well.
  16. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Hamper is RUDE and Shamey is scared of her. Can't wait til she's 13 🤣
  17. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Think of all the freebies that will have been delivered while she was away. Don't forget we'll have all that useless crap to look forward to accompanied by GCSE Drama commentary. Stunning, amazing, stop it, omg, thank you so much (cue fake tears) and .... Action!
  18. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Spoiler alert....the waiter follows them both
  19. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Duty Free Bingo.... Lays Perfume Cuddly Toy for H Prosecco for Greg the Wallet Present for the "cat sitter" Any type of M&Ms or Milka products you buy for half the price in Tesco
  20. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    And Shamey outing poor Ralph for liking cuddly toys. That's either her being thick or spiteful.