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  1. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Turns out there’s a character count so ur gonna have to deal with multiple parts for it to fit. Legit stopped replying cos I lost it at seeing other said stuff about me else where - which is valid when are dismissing my health conditions/trauma I’ve been through. (Even the traumatic stuff in...
  2. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Oh trust me I’m not oblivious to it 💀 I’m aware I have a lot of flaws and faults. I do understand what you’re saying and where you’re coming from but in my position the internet is a crutch. It’s a coping mechanism because I’m unable to live in reality. Chronically ill, chronically online as I...
  3. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Listeeeeen 😭 chaotic is an understatement. That’s perfect! I started the fallout tv series last night and it’s in my top 3 games. Everyone on twitter is posting about playing it so at least I’ll be really happy with that spike of popularity. Thank you for the suggestion, I do appreciate it ☺️
  4. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Old friends from the app, and not all of them but some of them. Certain of it tbh. I understand that completely and genuinely if I say something that doesn’t sit right with you then absolutely call me out on it! I do it enough to others 🤷🏼‍♀️ but the best I can do is tell you why I feel that...
  5. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    There’s some I still kinda speak to/mutuals with you know and say hello and stuff The group sort of dissected in the end (started from the Harley days pls don’t judge me on that💀) I honestly can’t remember how many were in there at the start but it was a lot please don’t quote me on the number...
  6. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I do genuinely don’t mean for this to come across blunt or sty so apologies if it does man. At first I genuinely did genuinely thought you had been apart of the group that had been trolling me before all this on here. Seeing how you were was able to help me see who was regular etc so now I...
  7. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I’m doing the best to cope how I can and none of this helps in any way whatsoever. This is negative and I’m still here trying to fight my corner.
  8. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I don’t always make good choices. I try to generally just get along with whoever if I can. I naturally lean in being optimistic about being friends with people if they’re even a tiny bit nice to me
  9. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    If I’m actually watching things and aware of what’s going on then it’s much easier for me to process. Like I said as far as I genuinely knew that situation was cleared up and I thought that was the end of it. I don’t agree with everything she says, flat out found the baby thing really...
  10. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    After the s I’ve heard Angie say and do, wishing death on people that were in my group and having my own personal run ins with her I genuinely do not have anything in my heart for the women. I wish I could but I’d be lying anonymous. Anyone else, totally. I do feel for them, especially when...
  11. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I heard AW say on a live with tam that he was apart of faking it all and that she didn’t do it and it had all been planned out? Like all of it and tam was sobbing because he finally admitted it so now I’m genuinely just lost tbh on that. I know she has been, and I don’t agree with it I’ve made...
  12. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    You are literally unhinged because I uploaded two separate lots of evidence and was sat there in a state trying to go through paper work to upload more until I was being bombarded and having people to tell me to stop and log off for my own sake. Now I’m here trying to defend myself and you for...
  13. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Shes one of few who checked up on me so wanted to see what was going on when she went live. Thought she was going on about the mod thing at first I knew about the first part there right because of being around watching but I thought the bribe thing was cleared as not being true? Am I wrong in...
  14. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Look from here out I’m just gonna ignore certain commenters for being absolutely abysmal people If you’re trying to have a genuine conversation and have questions then that’s cool but please remember I’m here on my own dealing with this. The only reason I care this much is because I have to...
  15. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Tough love? do all the way off and maybe don’t police and bully disabled people trying to push them over the edge over a small petty fall out and then try get a group of strangers involved that only know so much.
  16. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    No it’s ok I am also very impatient so I get it, just bare with me that’s all I ask 😭😭😂😂
  17. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Oh do off man you are literally so fing cruel I cba.
  18. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I’m replying as much as I can at the stuff but pls I’m here on my own i am trying 😭
  19. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Yup sorry! Was going onto you next Yeah there was something ridiculous like 28 people in the discord originally. Don’t quote me on the exact but there was a lot and it’s kind of in 3 separate groups now tbf
  20. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Me being honest and saying the wild s that some people do on that app and the amount of bullying that goes on isn’t a bad thing? You would have to be made of stone and I’m not. I’m a very sensitive person. Me helping people, helped me. I hadn’t cried/Sh’d in 4 days 🤷🏼‍♀️ and in my current...