
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @AliceEvansGruff: There is no 'way' to navigate it. It never goes away. It just becomes more normal..

One of my closest friends lost her 19 yo daughter last week in an accident.

Life is cruel and wretched. I'm so glad you had so many years with your wonderful wife. ❤️❤️❤️💔💔💔

PS:Always here



R to @Ell62528288: I think that's true.
And once your standard of living is up then you have bills of a certain level to pay that "a random job" will not cover.

So when the saddos from Twattle keep bleating "get a job" it makes me laugh.

Plus - THEY're job is TWATTLE - who pays for that?



R to @elonmusk: I don't think people would give a s what he said anyway.

It's not going to resurrect the platform in the way you think it is



R to @AliceEvansGruff: I hope you've slept a bit. I saw you were up around 3am EST.

You have a lot of love on here. Perhaps more than anyone I've ever seen. It's huge. It says such a lot about you as a person.

We're all here for you. ❤️



R to @GeraldoRivera: Not to be trite, but I think we have gone WAY beyond Nixon comparisons at this point, Mr Rivera.



R to @WisconsinJim2: Thank you.

I have done and they are getting into it.

It's quite scary.



R to @Charlene2426: I will call my conventions agent on Monday and tell her I want to get out there.

I did one, a few years ago in Moscow. It was great to meet all the fans. I need to get her making some calls for me!




R to @MLMPrivate: Me too but only when they're ripe.

If they're green/light yellow I don't mind them at all. As soon as they ripen I could barf!😂



R to @FuzzyFelt2: Me too very rough this morning!

It was REALY cold during the night and now it's 70F. These extreme changes do a complete number on me - pain and fatigue-wise.




R to @ArmyRetiree56: Omg these memes just changed my mind COMPLETELY.

I wish somebody had shown me these four pieces of crap earlier. I would never have voted for Biden!