
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @natcatvins: Thank you SO much.
Got a bit down today.

Kind words make SUCH a difference. ❤️❤️❤️



R to @bennyjohnson: He's entitled to speak freely. Which he is doing.

The constitution doesn't say that a privately held company is obligated to give a platform for everybody running for President.

Also - death penalty to drug dealers? FFS. Where would he get his own from?



R to @VABVOX: Been thinking about you every single day.

My heart is crushed for you.
I'm not an expert, but I hear that bill collectors shouldn't be given the time of day at a time like this.

I all the registering the death etc is SO painful and complicated. I hope you have s/o with you.



R to @miichellebelle_: Currently not receiving anything at all. Waiting for everything to be worked out.




R to @Asipofpiss: No we don't. You're a sinner to be on this thread saying this about such a wonderful person. Go away.



R to @casperthegh0st: I'm not allowed to say why I'm not.

I'm hopeful that things will go my way.🤞

But the legal eagles in this country - the expensive ones, can do a lot to deny people what they're owed. Scariest time for me.



R to @Latetot68365872: I'm sorry? LEAVE my kids and go to work? Who looks after them overnight?

My job involves traveling to different cities and countries. How do I do that as a single Mom? Whose Dad isn't there?

Give me a fing break for God's sake.



R to @Ell62528288: It doesn't work like that.

1) Any child who misses more than 10 days at a public school in LAUSD get crossed off the roster.
2) The actors who take their kids with them are earning HUGE salaries. Enough to pay for nannies + extra hotel rooms and tutors.



R to @Ell62528288: I hope so.

So sick of the trolls saying "Get a job!"
The in the same sentence they say "those poor kids"

So which is it? I leave my kids home alone over several nights to go on some movie or I stay here and be with them when they need me and ask the courts to be fair?



R to @Ashley14783940: To be fair Clive, Sian was advocating it on thin crust pizza... just being the umpire here!




I swear I think they say that because as soon as I leave my kids alone in the house they'll call the cops again.



R to @Ell62528288: You're sweet. But it's not a few nights. It's 12 minumum (as per our union) for one episode. We get $7,300, which is reduced to somewhere between $2k + $3k after commissions + taxes.

I spend that on flying them back and forth.

And Gloria is not well... cross fingers!



R to @MLMPrivate: Oh stop - it's the best!

The only place does it perfectly here (and affordable) is Kosher and it's a FRIDAY NIGHT!




R to @VABVOX: I totally agree.
I lived through it with my dad. (37 yrs with my Mom, then a sudden heart attack and a life without her)
Now I'm living similar myself - 21 yrs with my soul mate who left suddenly + never spoke to me again

You will survive. You are tough. It hurts so bad though