
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
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R to @StuWatts73: I just imagined that in a Yonkers accent and nearly spit my drink.



R to @ladyandatramp: It's very odd, all that place-naming. How some places work but other's don't.

There are tons of girls over here named "London" but I just can't imagine it happening in the UK!



R to @mellian1: That's why we never meet them! They all get drunk at a way too early age



R to @__Steveo: True! Although there was a bit in the paper yesterday about a bloke named Clywd who was, incidentally from Clywd. (Unless the American reporter had got things mixed up)

But no I don't see any Swanseas or Barry Islands in the playgrounds these days. Sad really



R to @GeoffGSP: As my parents told it, my Mum wanted to call me Jane (after Janet, her name) But my Dad said Jane Evans would be common + insisted on naming me after the obvious "Alice"

My Grandfather considered this gentrification and was so upset that he only ever referred to me as Jane!



R to @Candle_Of_Peace: Omg I been thinking about him!

It was a REALLY strange reply!

What I meant was it's often those who do who accuse others. And since it's often Repubs who are anti-gay, it's worse when they get caught

I felt really bad - I thought I'd upset him. But he creeped me out too.



R to @pallyAramisRios: I reckon canonizing your kid at birth might be asking for trouble.. 😂



R to @AdamParkhomenko: So true. I feel physically embarrassed for him.

Don't ask me why - it's just so cringe. And frankly depressing.



R to @CattleDog22: Me too - I'm blocked and I don't remember even knowing who she was. So no loss;)



R to @CleanHouse2018: It says 107 comments under yours and I can only see one.

It's been happening all day. It's so frustrating.



R to @AdamParkhomenko: Look at how Our Leader is removing replies from people who make genuinely funny comments against him.

I can only see 3 for Adam. Yet it says he has 300+