
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @TonyEva92385840: It's a woman.

The trolls we have found to be paid to harass me by a person that shall not be named, are all women. I have their real names.

We can subpoena the convos between the person and the trolls.

All in good time.
I am getting so may DMs from 'inside'!



R to @TonyEva92385840: I know you do. You worked every free evening and Saturday you got during school and then you begged our folks to let you get a job and not go to Uni.

You've always been so happy working.
This is such a tragedy for you.
But we'll get through it. ❤️❤️❤️



R to @Havenlore: I have it ALL the time. In mine, I have deliberately decided not to do any study. People keep telling me to study but I keep telling them I'll be fine. It's terrifying.



R to @Havenlore: I'm so sorry! I have had that one once and it is terrifying. The funny thing is I LOVED HS although not so much university.

Sounds like there was something sleazy going on at your HS since you're obviously a delightful person and - maybe you're surprising something?



R to @AliceEvansGruff: It's actually the way I have aimed to live my live since I can't remember when.

I belive that if you try your best to be authentic and honest, then sure you will forget a few dates or stumble occasionally. But you will never lie. I do not lie.



R to @FmRebecca: I just added you a new follower!

I don't look at my follower count because it goes up and down too much but I've noticed something VERY weird - I can't see responses.

Even when it says "everyone can read" and it says 304 people replied I see about 6.



R to @FranPotter14: I'm certain too. And it's not always the same ones which is frustrating!

Sometimes honestly I feel that if only I didn't HAVE to eat I would feel at least 50% better!

(And dead, obviously)



R to @Anna94727162: That's anxiety too. But I wonder where from?

Has it ever happened to you?

Do you live in a rural area?



R to @MLMPrivate: Okay. Wow. That is different.

I have had a few different food tests and I knew that Red Wine and Red Bell Peppers both made me feel HORRIBLE. Achey, tired, itchy, depressed - you name it.

But they brought up garlic + low-and-behold, I cut it out and it made a huge difference!



R to @Anna94727162: Oh yes the naked one is AWFUL.

You poor thing I can't imagine what it must be like for you when for a second you CAN'T find your car in real life! 🥺

There is. Westfield here in LA and the joke is that nobody can EVER find their car in the parking. It's the reason I avoid it!



R to @Chaaile: Mon amour!

C'est sur la liste!

Pour le moment je fais tout - les deux enfants, la maison, les avocats, les therapists d'enfant qui me sont enforces, et en plus, Elsie se reveille a 6am main Ella n'arrive pas a dormir jusqu'a 1h de mat! 😂

Mais suis suis forte! Un jour!



R to @oldskoolprize: What in God's name is this dribble?

Are you a person?

So I don't belong her but he does?

I don't believe you got past 8th grade. Anyway I am NOT about to hang around to find out because I have FAR more pressing issues to see to.

PS: I am a Socialist.



R to @JanetBoyer: Where the hell do you live?

I am in Los Angeles.

And mine are KIDS, not adults. So they grow out of aol their clothes and shoes CONSTANTLY.

I cook ALL of their meals (apart from 2 treats a week and it STILL costs more than I can afford with no child support.

You are awful