
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @IrishLaddy7700: Thankyou.

I found out the trolls were being paid to screenshot my tweets and send them back to Evil HQ.

They are also being paid to harass me.

I have ZERO money and my kids are suffering and so are my friends since they have to help me out.

I'm launching another GFM. F'em.



R to @rubyeyelashes: Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes random hits just take me down.

You are wonderful.



R to @mariana057: I love you too! I feel we are kindred spirits (except you are 1,000 times funnier than me!

Stay in touch!

Where do you live? You can DM me if you don't want 59 million people to know! (Prob somewhat less since Elon!)



R to @Cycling_Matt75: My grandmother said the same. She would be HORRIFIED by what has happened since she died in 2005.

Thank God she never saw this.

PS: She did love Ioan though!



R to @rubyeyelashes: Thanks for the belief! Sometimes I feel I am lost in a jungle of hate.



R to @cindycrum: Apparently Ebay treats sellers better than Postmark does.

I only know this because back in the day I was desperate to buy a Helmut Lang item from a seller and they asked politely if I would buy the same item on Ebay because less fees + less hassle.

But that MAY have changed!



R to @RandomPenguin: Brits all know how to cook. We didn't grow up with take-out.

Also I've been comparing pries an they are SO HIGH in the markets now that ordering in is much or a muchness.

I appreciate your charitable input though!



R to @rubyeyelashes: Thank you my beautiful chocolate sending angel.

I know you are.

When this gets fixed, the ones that stuck around will be my friends forever.



She also hits out at single mothers but hey... we're living in a Brave New World now, right? Sigh



R to @JanetBoyer: so you chose to swing a hit at ME, who is not only still bereaved by the sudden loss of her husband but panicking too by the tens of thousands of bills arriving at me house.

Why would you do that?

What did I ever do to you?

I just don't understand..



R to @JanetBoyer: But you assume I don't cook!

Where the hell do you get that from?

Seriously? I'd like to know.



R to @JanetBoyer: I'm very very sorry you lost your husband. I too, know grief.

But it wasn't a suggestion It was an assumption.

"How bout you learn to cook"?

I grew up poor + helped my Mum. It's massively offensive to imply that I need money but have not considered cooking. It was insulting.



R to @MissTrixieAJ: Isn't it?

Just been talking to a woman who has heard my desperate calls for money but assumed I 'didn't cook"???

Maybe she didn't know I was British (Ordering in is NOT a British thing)

But to assume? No. You can't get away with that. It's called sting on those in need.



R to @JanetBoyer: Ok. I accept that.

You weren't to know that I am British and that pretty much ALL Brits cook from scratch.

Still, read over your first post. It was slightly aggressive and it came from nowhere.

I'm willing to forgive you - I don't think you meant harm/



R to @Derbie7: Omg Debi - mine with the kids is astronomical!

And this is JUST grocery shopping! I've never seen anything like it! So depressing..



R to @LaceyLoou: With a lot of sweat and a lot of kind people helping and a private detective.



R to @maidinscotland8: I hear you. But mostly until now,women have kept quiet out of embarrassment of losing their dignity.

I do not intend to stay quiet.
I intend to get what I am owed and then resurrect my career.

Being 'the first' or 'the only' means NOTHING, my friend. It's about who speaks out