
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Sian1972Sian: Thank you sweet Sian.
You are right there was a little incident yesterday which upset me. (in life, not twitter!)

But on reflection it shouldn't have.
I'm good though, overall. Just a bit sensitive at the moment!



R to @tuck2023: It's definitely going to be in court.

I haven't mentioned any names on here. Just that I now know, and have receipts.

I'm relieved. It makes a lot of sense as to how so much private info was getting onto twitter so fast.



R to @Tulula_T: It's shocking!
I had to do the 'walk of shame' equivalent the other day, checkout version.

Standing there saying: Ok, well I can probably do without this, and this... uh.. is that enough?

Checkout person: You're still $11 short
Me: Ok... um..

It's character building!😂



R to @ThisIsKyleR: To be alive. Unlike those two people who aren't, because you took their lives away from them.



R to @karenp974: Omg that's awful, Karen.

I wish I could help you - in any other moment of my life I would have been sending you a check. It kills me that I can't at the moment.

Do your kids know you're having to do this? I'm really worried about you.



R to @Ashley14783940: That is the most AMAZING news, C and I am so happy for you.

Sending all my love and huge hugs❤️❤️❤️



R to @positivitygal: I don't know. I don't even know who she is. It was just really bad timing and it broke the camel's back for me😭

Thank you for your tweet Angie. I just really need some love and kindness right now. Feel like I'm going to break



R to @positivitygal: Thank you. Just opened twitter to find your tweet.

It saved me.

Thank you so much. Going through a bit of a crisis



R to @someordinaryNik: Agreed. Just usually when somebody comes for me out of the blue I look on their TL and see somebody completely different to me and realize we have very different ways of seeing the world.

This person ticked so many boxes for somebody I liked.