
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


He's going to get off.

Creighton is so mean. He's making Alec seem more and more human.




R to @lumaria: You're missing my point.

I think he did it.

But I'm losing hope in a conviction based on the approach taken by the SP.



R to @hedgeswoman: Exactly thank you! ❤️

I think he did it.

I just think that a jury is human and a jury can be easily manipulated and when the assumed killer starts to come across as sympathetic then maybe the SP is not doing his best job.



R to @lisamarieLML: I AM serious.

Creighton is making a huge mistake by using this approach.



R to @WhoDat_Mindi09: Of course he is evil but so you want him to go free?

Because that's what will happen if Creighton Walters messes this up. Which is what he appears to be doing .
Watch this space.



R to @BrianSikoff: Oh yes he's guilty.

I just think he's running rings around the SP. And ultimately the decision is in the hands of 12 humans.



R to @RaelynnSteffen1: All the above.

I started this knowing he was guilty. And I still think he is. But if he's started to chip away at my humanity...

... then there must be jurors for whom he has done the same.

Maybe this is why he wanted to take the stand



R to @lisamarieLML: Of COURSE his approach changes the case! The entire case is decided by 12 humans in a room together, and the way they feel towards the accused.

Have you any idea how psychology works?

He is making him appear human and that is NOT a good thing, sweetheart.🙄



R to @hedgeswoman: The people laughing at my comment don't appear to have the slightest idea of how a trial works.

Apparently the Creighton SHOULD be mean because AM is a nasty killer.

Sure! Why bother with all those years at law school, all the experience?




R to @hedgeswoman: I'm now going over the witnesses I missed!

(I mean, amongst doing much more important things!)

(Also it is RAINING here in LA! 😂)



R to @admiralmpj: That's what I've been trying to work out. It was from a CBS report on how bad the LA roads were.

I mean they are, but this is probably the worst bit!



R to @dearsarah: Congratulations Evgeniya.

Your incredibly emotionally challenging hard work paid off.

I know I speak for many when I say I am in awe of what you have achieved. ❤️



R to @leah87xxx: The timing for you is MUCH better!

let me what you think about the cross-examination.