
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @DoctorUnicorn97: This is absolutely brilliant.

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this in such detail.

I too am frustrated that the prosecution has not covered more ground. (This is now 10 days later!) Even more so now I have heard everything you have said.



R to @DI82589: I also felt they were going over and over the same points when there were so many others to be made.

Also shouting at him kind of made him more relatable. It almost felt like they were doing it on purpose.



R to @chronic_spoon: I hear you babe.. it's awful isn't it?

People never understand!



R to @DI82589: Omg thank you! ❤️

I made this point earlier on and got a bunch of people responding that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Creighton was giving exactly what he needed to come across as more 'human'. Appealing to the empathy of the jurors.



R to @chronic_spoon: They don't.

You can try all the 'methods'. But when everything hurts it's almost impossible!




R to @MLMPrivate: I LONG for a nap like that!

Am going to live yours vicariously if you don't mind! 😂



R to @Sian1972Sian: It's insane, isn't it?

Some of them even continue to name-call from behind their OWN block!

I think the only thing to do is keep collecting the evidence. When the time comes the time comes!



R to @chronic_spoon: I'm so sorry my friend.

Today is a bad day for me too.

I try to feel positive thinking about the few times I HAVE been a little better but it just never really changes..

How long has it been for you?



R to @chronic_spoon: Oh jeez I'm sorry.

I've had fibro for nearly 14 years. It started after I had my first baby.

There was a time when they thought it was ME too. There have been times when the pain was less, and times when I had more energy. But for the last 2 yrs the pain has been constant!



R to @chronic_spoon: You too? I have two kids also! It's really really hard, isn't it?

Mine are 9 and 13 now and I have to say it's MUCH easier than it was when they were very little. I hope that gives you some hope!

Sending you so much love and hoping for a good day tomorrow for both of us!



R to @225Shelby: THIS!

Why did nobody question his stuttering about Paul's phone?

We heard so many times how he was going to 'do something'.

Surely his phone would be the last thing on your mind when you've just seen your beloved son's brain on the floor..😭



R to @LynStuder: EXACTLY my point. 👏👏👏👏

The angrier he gets, the more the jury will start to see Murdaugh as a person. With feelings. And the harder it will be for them to convict.