
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @cjelbueno: So from what I've heard, he arrived at 4.30pm. (not sure which airport, but the choppers were coming from north to south, so I don't think it was LAX)

Then he got into one of two identical Marine Ones (one a decoy) and was escorted by three Ospreys



R to @bennywarren: Well.. she does LIKE our food more than hers.

But I've never seen anything like it when we cook chicken for the kids. The smell drives her insane. She definitely has some kind of inbuilt reaction to it!



R to @ElkieGal: Oh he goes mad even when he sees the raw ones?


I don't eat meat, I just cook it for my kids, so maybe Emma (our dog) hasn't really had the chance to taste much of it.

Should I give her it raw?



R to @bennywarren: Yes. I have worked it out now.

There were two Marine Ones. (Sikorskys? Not sure)
One had the President, the other a decoy.

Then the Ospreys were an escort - the President isn't allowed in an Osprey but I'm not sure why yet.

Still researching!



R to @aintist: SNAP!

Emma's favorite trick is to pester me until I give her a chunk of what I'm eating, then she drops it, reassesses, and eats it in pieces from whatever clean surface it's been dropped on! Floor, sofa, bed...

The clean up is NOT fun!



R to @MLMPrivate: That's a great idea.

I notice when she eats chicken she does puke more than usual... but I think it's because she INHALES it before I've even put the plate down.

I'mma try your idea. What are leg quarters?



R to @cjelbueno: I was so excited too! I'm just south of Melrose near La Cienega so they would have been flying south towards you.

I wonder if he landed at Burbank? I don't know how long the runway is but I'm sure it's not a STOL



R to @mathiasecon: Only when it's fried.

I don't detect the same reaction when we boil it



R to @MLMPrivate: OH so you remove the bones?

I thought I had to, but there's a debate on the internet.

I think my Chihuahua mix rescue is too small for the bones



R to @bennywarren: LOL! I didn't even think of that?

Maybe one of each?

it IS fascinating, isn't it? But only for us nerds I think.



R to @mathiasecon: That's what I was probably going to go with. They domesticated so many thousands of years ago that they've evolved.

But wolves? Would they like the smell? (Am not planning on testing - just a random thought!)



R to @RandomPenguin: It is, but when they were in the wild, they wouldn't have been able to cook them, right?

So you'd THINK they would like the raw smell too

But Emma couldn't give two ss!

She's evolved on us! (Or she's just snooty) 😂



R to @MLMPrivate: OH thank god!

My kid has been watching all these weird TikTok things where they feed them - I dunno - Paleo? But it's all raw and full of bones and beaks and stuff. Eek!



R to @desert09: I don't think so. I'm the only adult in the house.. I mean my kids COULD cook, but they don't.

But she literally goes INSANE barking and dancing on the sofa! I wish I'd filmed it!



R to @MLMPrivate: I fear that is happening to me.
Haven't eaten meat for 40 years.
Slowly but surely since turning 50 I am finding myself allergic to almost everything!



R to @MLMPrivate: Oh hell yes.

But which? Some days it's one thing some days another!